The most useful thing I learned was how to reduce my digital distractions. This is a huge issue for me as I am someone who gets distracted easily whether that be by friends, family, curiosity, social media, technology. etc. Reading through the module and PowerPoint slides on Digital Distractions, I found helpful ways to reduce the interruptions I have with technology since it is my biggest distraction. I began turning off notifications on my phone, which believe it or not, I never even thought of doing. For one of my busiest days this week, I actually put my phone to airplane mode which allowed me to finish my schoolwork without stopping once!! Although my friends and family will think I’m flying a lot, I feel that in the future, along with setting aside time to check my email throughout the day, this is something that I will continue to implement. I also downloaded the app, Freedom, a website blocker assisting people in their productivity.
So for all you students seeking to improve your productivity, I highly suggest putting your phone on airplane mode. If that is too big of a step for you, and you need to walk before you run, then start with turning off all notifications. Seeing that bright light with an Instagram or Twitter notification is tempting, trust me I’ve been there and did not survive the temptation. Turning off your notifications for a small part of your day won’t kill you. As Kelly Clarkson sings, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, this is bound to hold true.