[ “Year in Review” is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student. You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year. For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
Month: August 2015
Global Awareness: Scholars seminar, PSA; undergraduate experiences given me a global perspective.
Original Inquiry: For example, consider your contributions to research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work/scholarly inquiry.
Academic Enrichment: planned curriculum relate to future aspirations, why major/minor, why GE, how it’s preparation
Leadership Development: activities/involvement, development as a leader, relates to personal/career goals, personal/professional, intellectual development, how do you describe your leadership style?
Service Engagement: current involvement, plans to continue engaging with the community, helps understanding of social issue?
.:For GOALS statements:.
First-year students:
- What do each of the G.O.A.L.S. terms mean to you? What do you plan to do to work toward each of the G.O.A.L.S.?
Second-year and third-year students:
- What have you done so far to work toward each of the G.O.A.L.S. and how do you plan to continue to work towards each of the G.O.A.L.S.?
- In which of the G.O.A.L.S. have you really excelled? Have any of the area(s) shaped your future goals?
Fourth-year students:
- What have been your accomplishments in each of the G.O.A.L.S.?
- What have your experiences in each of the G.O.A.L.S. meant to you and how have they shaped you as a learner?
Experiences Exploring Optometry
Shadowing in Avon Lake
Senior Project at Lakeland Eye Care, Cleveland Clinic in Avon
Artifact #1: UN Millennium Goals Project
- Goal 4 – Child Mortality
- link to the presentation:
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N5bOhC305rFpnXuXx8teP5fu3Y_l2wp__enWg2iFBLs/edit?usp=sharing
Annotation #1:
For my first annotation, I have my IA scholars seminar group project. We were assigned one of the eight United Nations Millennium Goals to research and present. The topic of child mortality was one I felt was very significant in the realm of international issues. These deaths are extremely tragic, but preventable. Upon researching statistics of the Sub-Saharan region in Africa, it showed to have the highest rates of child mortality in the world. Diseases such as HIV/AIDS affect children heavily due to their developing immune systems. Current action being taken by the UN is creating programs and initiatives to send supplies/tools with different groups collaborating on education and treatment. The most important aspect of this project that I can take away with, was being able to learn more about what solutions are out there and stay informed about global issues.
About Me
My name is Denyzel Dichosa and I am a first year undergraduate student studying Biology (but planning on switching to Health Sciences) on the pre-optometry track, with a minor in French. I grew up in Avon Lake, OH and attended Avon Lake High School in its small suburb about half an hour from Cleveland. Coming to a large university such as Ohio State was the change I needed to spread out socially and academically as I began my college career. My future plans include finishing my bachelors of science degree here and hopefully continuing on to the College of Optometry graduate school located in the medical campus. I currently take part in the Pre-Optomtery Club and also am a proud, involved member of the Pilipino Student Association (PSA). I love partaking in PSA because I found a family and culture I relate with. And within the group, the friends I’ve made are helping me become a better student and stay motivated to keep going in the right direction academically.
With almost half the first semester over, I can say I’ve certainly surprised myself with how many new experiences I have already had. Activities like, dance, rock climbing, zumba, penny boarding, and thinking philosophically were all things I never expected to try! However, I am so glad I did. It was a fun change from the usual piccolo in marching band, or flute concert band and piano lessons (many musically directed activities) I stuck to in high school. My love for language is still in the process of being fulfilled and I try to practice in any way on a daily basis. French, German, Korean, and Tagalog are the few that I have dabbled in to learn.
As for qualities I possess that make me who I am, I’d put my strengths in my ability to work smart and get things done once I get started. Also I am working constantly on keeping an open minded attitude toward all situations and will do my best to help others however I can.