3. Sorting

Sorting is the third step in the diamond commodity chain. Rough diamonds are sorted into thousands of different value categories. These categories are dependent on the diamond’s size, shape, color, and quality. Diamond experts are capable of determining the value of each unique diamond as they carry out the sorting process.

The lowest quality diamonds are used for industrial purposes such as drilling. The highest quality diamonds are given a Kimberley Process certificate to prove they are from a conflict free zone, then they are distributed to the gem market for the next steps in the commodity chain.

One thought on “3. Sorting

  1. I also knew one excellent diamond appraiser and sorter in Kyiv, his name was Yakov Zimerman and he was a Jewish jeweler of the old school. This pro could accurately determine the authenticity of a stone, its purity, value and best use. He told me so much information about diamonds like no encyclopedia. We met at a jewelry exhibition in Kyiv at a wonderful exhibition stand of the company Zolotoy Vek, which was designed and built by the famous developer of exhibition stands CARSHE. There were so many wonderful pieces of jewelry on this stand that I fell in love with diamonds and jewelry in general for life.

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