Abstracted Metamorphosis Post 2

Abstracted Iterations

The first abstracted iterations that I did were for the statue. My original five iterations for the statue were a car, a winter hat, a cactus, a helicopter, and a chair. I was going to use the helicopter for something that more than one person can fit inside of, and was all set with all three of my final abstractions, but when talking to Emily, she said that I could be more creative and realistic with my abstractions, so I ended up exploring the form again. I ended up finding two more abstractions, one being a little robot guy who travels around on one wheel, and the other being a new invention I made, a gas pedal powered skateboard. I’m sure someone else has already invented it and found out the dangers of it, but I figured I could make it my own and show my creativity with it. I ended up using this skateboard as something for one person to use, and this can be used by someone as a mode of transportation

The second abstracted iterations I did were for the squirrel. With this one I made a love seat, a car that really resembled a Volkswagen beetle, a pumpkin, and a rocket ship. I tried really hard forever to think of a fifth one for these and could not do it, so I ended up coming in with four. I knew I couldn’t really use the pumpkin for anything so I was left with limited choices. What I was going to use for this one was the love seat/chair thing as something that could support someone but again, was told by Emily that I could be more creative, so I decided to take the car I had already designed, and make it into my own type of car that accentuates every part of the original squirrel. This was probably my favorite to do in the end but I  can talk about that later.

The third abstracted iterations I did were for my tree. Coming into class I had created a really cool winter hat, a nice chair, a tent, a house, and a campfire. I was going to use the campfire as something that could be used by one person, but when I came up with the gas pedal skateboard, I ended up exploring more abstractions for this one as well. All I could really think of was more ways to make houses, but didn’t need a house because I was already using the car as something that could fit more than one person. I ended up decided to take the chair I had already made and just add a lot of detail and make it look really nice, thus fulfilling the last requirement, something that can support one person.


I am very very proud of my ending reconstructions. My favorite one was the skateboard. I think my shading and texture ended up really nice. The car ended up being okay but my shading could’ve been better. The body of the car ended up looking a little awkward because I didn’t know how to shade it. I also drew an exhaust pipe as a part of the essential components of the car but forgot to put it in the actual drawing, which I’m pretty disappointed about. I also drew the couch and was extremely proud of how it turned out considering I usually get my proportions very wrong. It wasn’t perfect but I still ended up loving it. I printed out all of my ending reconstructions because I did them digitally, and the printer I used to print them was running out of ink and didn’t print with very good quality, so I think I am going to make my portfolio scans digital as well trough vectr. I didn’t think I was going to like this project when we started, but it actually ended up being pretty fun.