Final Blog Post

I feel like we have covered so much in this semester. We began with what defines innovative teaching, moved to lecturing and active learning techniques (and how to blend the two), and then discussed and practiced and demonstrated online teaching. You wrote your own syllabus, reviewed your classmate’s syllabus, and made a final creation all your own. Then we delved deep into assessment and how to effectively assess your learning objectives. We rounded out the semester with a discussion on technology in teaching- and it’s related evidence, academic integrity, and copyright/fair use issues. We’ve covered a lot! Along the way you’ve blogged, had synchronous discussions, created, revised, and completed several assignments. You discovered new ways to present and learned what a Pecha Kucha is. Your excitement about teaching and learning is infectious and I am sure the future of dental hygiene education is in good hands. Future dental hygiene students will be lucky to have you as their teachers. What I take away, as the instructor of this class, is that even as an instructor, students can teach you so much. So thanks for teaching me a thing or two.

Blog Post 7: I’d like to know what was most valuable to you in this course. Were there a few things that you learned that you think you will carry with you as you enter your academic careers? Was there a certain topic you really felt like you connected with? Please write your blog about what you will take with you from this course. Be honest and heartfelt. I’ve really enjoyed this semester, I hope you have too.

Assessment Post 2

While we have focused a lot of attention to teaching and content delivery in this class that is only part of the equation. Developing ways to assess students’ learning is another skill that takes time and dedication to develop. Some faculty take the strategy of a traditional multiple choice quizzes and exams in order to assess student learning. And multiple choice exams have their role, don’t get me wrong, but they are difficult to write. Writing quality multiple choice questions takes time and effort and then takes time for analysis after the exam. To truly do this well it is more work than it sounds. Other forms of assessment allow students to demonstrate something more than just memorization of content. Some assignments allow the teacher to assess the students’ ability to critically think, problem solve, create a solution. These assessments are also challenging to build and require thoughtfulness and analysis. But when you can meaningfully assess a student’s knowledge and skills your teaching comes full circle and you have created a meaningful learning experience for students.

Blog Post 6: As you continue to learn about assessment and create your own assessments what have you found the most challenging? How did you overcome this challenge?