Module 3- Efficient Communication

One thing that I learned and was useful in this module is avoiding miscommunication while trying to contact someone through the internet. On page 122 of our e-Learning Companion book it talks about how it is easy to pick up on little things in person or face to face but not through the internet. For example if someone is talking in sarcasm it is much easier to pick up in person, through facial expressions and body language. But if someone is using sarcasm over the internet it will cause for a miscommunication because there is no way to see that difference in tone, or body language in text. These situations are easy to get into and thats why I thought the tips to avoid a miscommunication were very useful in our textbook and throughout module 3. I have already put into practice formatting my emails to instructors like a letter, or in a professional way. This worked out well and my instructor was impressed that I constructed questions via email to him in a respectful, and professional manner. One thing I can put into practice from this module in the future is to always end things with a signature and contact info. I can do this most easily at the end of emails to people which will help them get in contact with me. Some advice I would give to students is to really think before sending and email, text, or anything. Go back and double check everything so that it looks the way you want it to and doesn’t have any possible miscommunications that could be in it. It goes a long way to have good, professional dialogue with instructors and people in general, and based of the information in module 3 it can and will only help you in a positive way.

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