Since we completed several daily tasks with one hand, we found several problems these people have to face everyday. We were able to group these into four major problems and steam off form there using the mindmap shown below. From this mindmap we could identify the problem areas and solution goals to put that into a problem statement.
Problem Areas and Solution Goals
1) Coordination
Problem Area: Having coordination while getting ready
User Needs: The user needs to be able to perform tasks as effortless as someone with two arms, user needs balance
2) Opening
Problem Area: Opening objects while getting ready
User Needs: The user needs to be able to open objects efficiently while getting ready
Solution Goal: Ability to open, ease of use
3) Using Time
Problem Area: Using your time efficiently while getting ready
User Needs: The user needs to be able to get ready in an efficient manner, and in a timely manner
Solution Goal: Quick, easy, and non-time consuming
4) Using Objects
Problem Area: Using objects effectively and easily
User Needs: The user needs to be able to use objects and products efficiently and quickly while getting ready in the morning
Solution Goal: Ability to use product efficiently and be able to make a difficult task when getting ready in the morning very practical
Problem Statements
1) Coordination
Design a product that allows for improved coordination and gives the user the ability to perform tasks and steadily do tasks that involve balance like getting dressed or shaving your legs.
2) Opening
Design a product that gives the user the ability to open makeup products easily and efficiently.
3) Using Time
Create a product that allows the user to use their time efficiently and effectively in a non-time consuming manner when putting on jewelry or tying their shoes.
4) Using Objects
Design a product that allows the user to use objects easier and being more capable of doing their hair and makeup in the morning.