Meet our Team

(from left to right)

Kaylan Kerbler-  A Junior Hospitality Management Major minoring in Entrepreneurship with the goal of opening a coffee shop.

Jaime Donaldson- A Junior Interior Design Major with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Centerburg, Ohio

Leah Sinn- A Junior Marketing Major with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor from Paulding County Ohio

Danielle Kennedy- A Senior who is an Accounting Major and Classics and Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor from Columbus, Ohio

Mitchell Deruy- Senior Strategic Communications Major, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor from Columbus, Ohio


As a team, our goal is to gain empathy for a person who has lost their hand/arm. We are doing this to design and ideate products that will better fit their needs. To accomplish this, we are exploring the daily tasks of getting ready for the day. More specifically, putting in contacts, brushing teeth, getting dressed, clipping fingernails, and doing hair. All of these tasks require two hands to be done up to a person’s own personal standards, but we will be completing these tasks with one hand.