Shape Grammar: Positive and Negative

Design 2110: Design Fundamentals

Assignment 3: Shape Grammar: Positive and Negative


This assignment is an extension of Assignment 2. You will explore “shape grammar” elements using shape construction techniques. Your goal is to explore “new” or surprising composition and visual contrasts found in expanding shapes through a process called “Notan”. You will contrast and activate a single basic shape by creating new positive and negative shapes (and space) found within this simple form.

We will use Illustrator to create digital exercises and experiments related to the assignment. You have the option to use Illustrator on your Ipad or laptop. Note there are differences, and we will explore the similarities and differences between the two applications with you.

Size requirement: 14” x 14” square digital artboard   

Exercise 1: Illustrator familiarity and testing 

This exercise is designed to get you to play with basic file construction and basic elements of composition related to our project: Basic shapes, building more complex shapes from simple shapes, Fill/Stroke blocking, editing etc.  

Introduction to Notan 

You will be designing compositions through study of both the positive and negative shapes: Principles will be activated relationships between the implied shapes and your positive shapes. In other words, look at both the shapes you make and the shape of the space around them.   

Option 1: Formal Composition- create a Notan composition using only our basic shapes explored in Assignment 2.  

Step 1- Create a 14”x14” artboard.  

You will be designing your composition through study of both the positive and negative shapes: Principles will be activated relationships between the implied shapes and your positive shapes. In other words, look at both the shapes you make and the shape of the space around them.  

Step 2- Draw a central shape (Square, Circle, or equilateral Triangle) that fits well within your artboard (example: a 4” square will provide approximately 5” of space around your square- if the composition is symmetrical): Fill your shape- black.  

Step 3- Experiment with cutting shapes into your central shape and expanding the internal shapes outward. If you cut from the edge, you will achieve a “mirror” effect. If you cut a shape from the center space of your central form, you will explore positioning the shape paying close attention to the negative shapes create and the activation of the white space in the art board. Test intentional use of our principles of composition like balance (symmetry/asymmetry, rhythm, contrast, movement, harmony).  

Step 4- Get feedback- make changes based on feedback and finalize your designs.  

Option 2: Shape construction- building more complex imagery from our three basic shapes and the Notan (pos/neg) technique.  

Step 1- Create 14”x14” art board. 

Step 2- Select a theme to explore such as BUGS, PLANTS, or BIRDS. You will practice constructing shapes related to your theme using only squares, triangles, or circles.

Step 3- Create thematic shapes. Consider using illustrator digital process to find the shapes (iterate!).  

 Step 4- Test how your new thematic shapes work in the Notan process. Explore positioning your shapes paying close attention to the negative shapes create and the activation of the white space in the art board. Test intentional use of our principles of composition like balance (symmetry/asymmetry, rhythm, contrast, movement, harmony).  

Step 5- Get feedback- make changes based on feedback and finalize your designs.  


To support our class demos, use Adobe Help tutorials found here:  

Other helpful tutorials focused on the Ipad: 

Pen tool on iPad- 

Layers on the iPad- 

Illustrator App Overview guide- and 

Shape builder on iPad- and  

Final Deliverables

  1. Digital Submission: A single PDF of final composition
    Format- Please include your name, term, assignment, option 1 or option 2. Upload to Carmen. 
  2. A link to your A3 Process Post in the Carmen comments submission box. 
    1. See posts here for more information on creating blog posts. 
    2. Your process post will contain: 
      1. Statement 
      2. Ideation (notes, exercises, research on techniques)  
      3. Production (drafts, organization tests) 
      4. Reflection 

Learning Objectives

Through this project, students will: 

  • Illustrate complex ideas using essential elements such as shape activated by compositional principles.
  • Experiment with combining essential shapes to create more complex forms using digital/vector drawing techniques. 
  • Practice rapid iteration techniques exploring effect of compositional selection and manipulation as part of the design process. 
  • Actively define and employ key vocabulary terms related to course content in visual, written, and verbal communications. 
  • Examine ideas and techniques through stages of work in self and class critiques and discussions. 


There are 100 points available in this assignment. It is weighted as 15% of your final grade

Assignment requirements met and instructions followed: 10 points

Process: 30 points

  • Quality and substance of documented process including exercises, readings, and composition iterations

Participation: 10 points

  • Participation in discussion and critique; Attendance and preparedness to work; Meeting checkpoints and deadlines

Final Outcome
Content and Craft: 15 points

  • Intentional execution/craft; continuity of theme or visual sensation

Design: 35 points

  • Formal composition: use of elements & principles with emphasis on shape, positive and negative shape, harmony, and contrast.


9/20 – Intro A3

9/22- A3 Development

9/27- A3 Development

9/29- A3 Due

10/3- A2 & A3 Process Posts submitted

Featured Image: Celine Nadon