Dynamic Pages

Design 2330: Visualizations

Assignment 2: Dynamic Pages



Through this assignment, you will collaborate, working as a team to conceptualize, design, and illustrate a concise narrative. The outcome will be crafted using cardstock or Bristol paper and feature a kinetic paper mechanism and/or concise stop-motion animation to emphasize the formal principle of movement informed by a musical selection. Use these principles to activate a relationship between your two images.


  • practice and expand concept building strategies.
  • experiment through modelling and proto-typing.
  • design and construct an interactive image.
  • demonstrate material sensitivity through thoughtful, intentional, and functional construction.
  • confidently express ideas and learned vocabularies through participation in class discussion, critiques and creative collaborations


1. Get to know your team member.

You each are responsible for creating a panel for your diptych- a design consisting of two related panels (the team of 3 will create a triptych- 3 related parts). Together you will define your concept and may find opportunities to combine techniques and making efforts. 

2. Explore concepts.

Collect music samples to discuss and prototype with your partner. Your music selection will be instrumental in nature, focusing on color, shapes, lines, textures, rhythms and sounds. Analyze your musical selections- find correlations between visual language and music organization principles- we share many of the same ideas, terms, and effects. Build a vocabulary based on your analysis. You will be converting what you hear and feel into what you see and feel.

Focus on single element/s to move: Form/shape, line, color, texture/pattern. As a team, brainstorm several concepts and create mind maps for each. What considerations, tangent ideas, sensations/feelings come to mind?

3. Iterate. Sketch. Model. 

Think about the spectrum between representation to abstraction and develop a harmonious visual vocabulary that gives form to each discrete panel and as a combined whole.

4. Prototype.

Test out possible physical components crafting mechanisms such as levers, pull-tabs, spinners etc. to create formal movement across panels. Keep in mind how your ideas, images and movements are connected through this principle.


Test stop-motion techniques and paper constructions elements to emphasize to create formal movement across panels. Keep in mind how your ideas, images and movements are connected through this principle.

5. Finalize.

Craft your selected dynamic images using both hand and digital tools.


Assignment Requirements:

  • Primary materials: Bristol and colored card stock
  • Secondary materials: Glue, tape, split pins, thread/string
  • Primary technique: Paper construction
  • Secondary technique: Stop-motion animation (length of time between 3-5 seconds per person. Note: find a way to separate via time, first half/second half, frame, left half right half, or visuals, blue shapes/red shapes etc.)
  • Form: Diptych (2 frames)
  • Size: minimum panel size 93.5sq in. (example 8.5” x 11”), maximum- 238 sq. in. (example 14” x 17”)


(These are optional ideas to go beyond essential project requirements.)

  1. Your process includes dynamic testing: exceeding 10 iterations or prototypes.
  2. Your design uses an alternative technique to the exercise(s) explored in class (while still meeting all required objectives).
  3. You apply a color theory scheme to your concept and design outcome. You will select, explore, and apply a specific color theory(s). See optional color theory module in Carmen from last term.
  4. Create a gif- emphasizing paper mechanism movement.
  5. You use a “new to you” technique or teach others in studio how to make something related to this project. Describe in your Process Post.
  6. Your design can transform from 2D to 3D (using 2D, 3D and 4D techniques).
  7. If your design incorporates movable parts or transformation: Create user guide or set of instructions for engagement- illustrated and/or written (think of this like a useful “Instructables” DIY site.)
  8. Add to this list! Make a proposal. (Advancements follow all requirements.)


Due Friday March 10th

  • Uploaded PDF with a minimum of 4 still images representing different stages or perspectives of your composition and its movements along with concept statement
  • Upload video (no more than 20 seconds long
  • Optional: 2-5 seconds (gif) for paper mechanisms showing movement.
  • Provide link to process post in Carmen Assignment Comments.



Criteria Pts
Requirements met and instructions followed:

Quality of documented process including exercises, readings, and composition iterations.

    • Clear documentation of multiple moments in progress, research, iteration
Process 10 pts

Active testing/research, technical practice extracting and compositing details from subject matter through iteration and tool exploration


30 pts

Participation in discussions and critique; Attendance and preparedness to work; Meeting checkpoints and deadlines.

10 pts

Degree of complexity and quality of work:

    • technical proficiency
    • initiative/adaptive learning
    • Function
20 pts

Expression of ideas extending from research

Clear communication and intention/narrative



Design and composition

·         Organization of information with consideration and accessibility/readability of visual information- viewer experience: information editing, hierarchy, and creative and purposefully organized design elements

15 pts
Total Points: 100.0


Relevant Dates:

5 F 2/10 Introduction to A2
A2 Exercise: Kinetics
6 W 2/15 A2 Exercise: Kinetics due

team work

F 2/17 Concepts and Narratives
7 W 2/22 Concept Statement draft due

Building graphics, construction

testing cutting files or cutting by hand

F 2/24 Building graphics, construction

testing cutting files or cutting by hand

8 W 3/1 Building graphics, construction

testing cutting files or cutting by hand

F 3/3 Informal project review
9 W 3/8 Finalizing mechanism and construction or animation
F 3/10 A2 Due
10 W 3/15 No class spring break
F 3/17 No class spring break
11 W 3/22 Process Post due- check-in day.