2D to 3D Translation

Design 2110: Design Fundamentals

Project 4: 2D to 3D Translation


This project is designed to have you explore the relationship between 2D shapes and 3D forms.

Through completion of this project, students will:

  • construct ideas with intentional craft in material exploration
  • observe and interpret 2D composition transitioning into a 3D composition defining connections between 2D shapes and 3D forms (volumes)
  • practice essential orthographic drawing techniques and their application related to perspective drawing
  • continue expressing ideas through learned vocabularies through class discussion, critiques, andcreative exploration


  1. Exercises:
    1. 1a: (hand/material construction version) The Perfect Cube. Build a perfect 3” cube out of white Bristol.
      Exercise 1b: Using the provided 2D template, construct the 3-D prism in Bristol.
    2. Exercise 2: (digital version) Orthographic Drawings. Construct 1:1 scale orthographic drawings of the 3D form (Exercise 1b) provided: Plan, Elevations, Isometric, Perspective. Document processfor your Blog/Process Journal.
  2. Composition:
    1. Construct a 3D polyhedron using a single sheet 14”x17” Bristol.
      You may search and borrow a common polyhedron (reminder to cite your resource) or create your own.
    2. Draw net or nets as a template for your 3D form.
      In your final submission, you will provide template drawing(s) and instructions/notes for assembly of your 3D form/built model. This template and set of instructions should allow another person to recreate your form.
    3. Assemble your 3D form in Bristol or cardstock. Craft with intent, reflecting on intentionally precise measurements and crafting Photograph your form – multiple points of view (minimum of 3).
  3. Furthering your study: choose one of the following
    1. Option 1- Modularity:
      Using your completed form (after you document it!!), repeat form and construction process (you will have a minimum of 3 forms). Join forms together to find a new structure considering how this form exists in space. Describe (write a statement and support with images) through comparison in your process post.

    2. Option 2- Negative space:
      Using your completed form (after you document it), repeat form and construction process. Cut into the form, creating, and constructing negative spaces/shapes within the form- (tunnels, windows, doors etc.) You may adjust the scale in version 2 if helpful. Describe (write a statement andsupport with images) through comparison in your process post.

    3. Option 3- Comparison:
      Using your completed form (after you document it), construct an alternative shape based on your form. If your original 3D form is complex but static, work to create a dynamic version of this shape. Describe (write a statement and support with images) through comparison in your process post.

    4. Option 4- Surfaces and Illusion:
      Using your completed form (after you document it), repeat form and construction process. With yoursecond form, you will explore additions to the planer surfaces. Your original form will remain plain Bristol with no additional surface treatment. Your second form: using your experience in point, line plane drawing applications, any of our drawing techniques, work to create an illusion of 3D  surfaces with shapes, lines, shading and mark making. Describe (write a statement and support withimages) through comparison in your process post. You may create physical drawings on your form- or create them digitally (using a printing process to bring to cardstock for construction.) Black, white, and grey values. You may also create a color version.

      You may combine options.

  4. Finalize:
    Based on feedback in discussions, make changes as needed to template and built form(s). Refine the model to remove any stray glue or marks. Inconspicuously, write your name on the model and on the back of your template drawing. Carefully photograph or scan work to include in your portfolio pages.

Main Materials




Micron pens & pencil

Final Deliverables

All final deliverables are due October 27th at the beginning of class.

  1. Digital or hand-drawn template drawings of your shapes (14”x17” artboard) 3D constructions
  2. Upload a single PDF file to Carmen Format- Please include your name, term, assignment at the beginning of your document. Upload to Carmen.

    1. 3D composition images (3 different views of your 3D composition)
    2. Template drawings with labels and instructions/notes
  3. A link to your A4 Process Post in the Carmen comments submission box.
    1. See posts here for more information on creating blog posts.
    2. Your process post will contain:
      Statement- your project goals
      Ideation- notes, exercises, research on techniques
      Production- drafts, tests, final construction process
      Reflection- Identify discoveries in the process of ideation and production.



Requirements met and instructions followed – 10 points

Process Quality – 10 points
Quality and substance of documented process including exercises, readings, notes (process post)

Process Exploration and composition iterations – 20 points
Test techniques and develop proficiencies in iterations
Development (showing the refinement of iterations)
Iterations show depth and variation of ideas (minimum- 3  variations)

Particpation – 10 points
Participation in discussions and critique; Attendance and preparedness to work; Meeting checkpoints and deadlines.

Final Outcome

2D Design – 20 points
Drafted Drawings: Template drawings, dimensions, and scale to final models
Interpreted shapes and defining form

3D Design/Composition – 30 points
Organization: Built forms and intentional execution/craft: Digital and Hand work
Neatness; clean cuts, joints, and scores; minimal glue marks/gaps
Structural integrity
Accuracy of dimensions
Creative interpretations of options.  of elements & principles

Assignment Calendar

10/4 – A4 Intro; Analog exercise 1; template exploration

10/6 – A4 Progress check in analog form development; template development

10/11 – A4 progress check and Q&A

10/13 – No class, fall break

10/18 – A4: Progress check and Q&A

10/20 – Continue final composition; test instructions

10/25 – A4 process post and final details

10/27 – A4 due at start of class

10/31 – A4 process post due