2022/2023 Portfolio Information

General Information

  1. Your Portfolio submission is due Friday, April 21 at 1pm Ohio time. The Application to the Bachelor of Science in Design form is open. 
  2. We have created an Example Foundations Portfolio you can view to see all the settings and pages working together.
  3. Each* project from 2110, 2130, 2310, and 2330 must be included and must have their own Project page. Supplementary Materials will show after Foundations projects. See required Project Order information.
    *Note: 2110’s Designer Bio will not show as a project since it is included as your About page content.
  4. Supplementary Materials:
    You may include up to 6 additional projects in your Portfolio. These can be assignments from other courses, work-for-hire, or personal work. These projects will receive the Supplementary Materials Project Type.
    Additional projects are not required. Format should follow the same structure as Foundations projects, with final images, description and reflections, but there may be more variation based on what type of project you are including (i.e. a “Photography” project could look different than “Logo Design for Local Company.”). They will not have Process Posts.
  5. Project pages will contain final project images, labels, writing about your project, and a link to your Process Journal entry from the project. Review and follow these Portfolio Project Content Requirements.

Important Portfolio Website Details

  1. Your u.osu Portfolio should have been created following these steps.
  2. Create required Project Types (Design Fundamentals, Visual Principles, and Supplementary Materials) to categorize your portfolio projects. This should be done before you create Portfolio Projects. View our Project Types Directions.
  3. Create the required menu for your page. The can be created early and updated regularly, or before final submission. Make sure to organize your menu in the required order stated in the provided link. View our Portfolio Menu Directions.
    Watch the Process Post Tutorial video for an additional refresher on menu creation.
  4. Make sure each Project contains a link to the matching Process Post and that each Process Post is updated to have a link back to the final Project page. View Process Link Directions for the method.
  5. Make sure your Process Posts are organized following our guidelines here: Organizing your Process Posts
  6. You can change status to Draft until you are done creating the content. Once you are ready for it to be viewable on your home page, click the publish button. For more information, view this help page.
  7. Always save any updates you make. Autosave is unreliable and will not always recover all your work if you navigate away from the page.

Creating and Organizing your Process Posts

The process journal is the most effective way to share your work path and final outcomes of your endeavors during the Foundations year. It helps to collect and share the pieces from scrap ideas to hi-fidelity sketches to finalized versions of your assignments. It will be helpful for others reviewing your work to understand the depth of your efforts.

Following are some requirements and tips to create a riveting, readable, and easy-to-follow process journal. You may play with the format and style; however, keeping it simple, consistent, and highly-visual is the key to create a good process journal.

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Project Order

Here are all project due dates to help you date your Portfolio projects and order your Process Journal menu subitems. Your Portfolio project dates must match the list below. This list will be updated as Project deadlines are added throughout the academic year.

Shape Grammar – September 19, 2022

Shape Grammar: Part 2 – September 29, 2022

Structure – October 3, 2022

2D to 3D Translation – October 27, 2022

Observation & Communication – November 4, 2022

Pattern- December 6, 2o22

MashUp – December 7, 2022

Sketchbook- February 3rd, 2023

Layers: February 9th, 2023

Body Augmentation- March 7th, 2023

Dynamic Page- March 10th, 2023

Gifting Design- April 13th, 2023

Checkmate- April 14th, 2023

Supplementary work- April 20th, 2023