Portfolio Menu Directions

Establishing this menu at the top of your home page will allow for filtering by Project Type and easy navigation between your Projects, Process Journal posts, and About pages.

Watch a video walk-thru of the process:

Create your menu following these steps:

  1. From your u.osu dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Menus. You should see an area with “Add menu items” and “Menu structure” with some items already listed. Make sure the pages are in order as shown here. To rearrange, click and drag so the show as:
    1. Portfolio
    2. Process Journal
    3. About
  2. At the top right, expand “Screen Options” and make sure that at minimum “Pages,” “Posts,” and “Project Types” are selected
  3. Pages are already added and show under Menu structure. So we just need to add Project Types and Posts. Expand “Project Types” and click “View All.” “Select All” and “Add to Menu”
  4. You should now see these items under Menu structure
  5. By clicking and dragging, reorganize the 3 types to be subitems under Portfolio. Order them as:
    1. Design Fundamentals
    2. Visual Principles
    3. Supplementary Materials
  6. Now, expand the “Posts” section of menu items, click “View All” and add them to the menu structure. Click and drag the items to be subitems under Process Journal

    Important Note: Order the posts in the same due date order as your projects will be organized on the home page. View our list showing Project Order.
  7. Click “Create Menu” to save this menu format
  8. When the screen refreshes, you’ll now see Menu Settings under the Menu structure. Check the box next to “Display Location: Primary Menu” and click Save Menu
  9. If you now visit the home page of your website, you should see the menu you created. Hovering over Portfolio should show you the three Project Types and Process Journal should reveal the list of Posts you added

As you continue through the Foundations program and continue making new Process Journal Posts for each project, you will need to add them to the menu following the same steps above. This is also referenced in the Process Post Tutorial video. You can update the menu regularly or add and update before the final submission.