Publish Date Directions

Portfolio Projects must have their publish date set to the project’s original due date. This ensures proper order on your portfolio home page.

View our list showing Project Order.

Setting the Publish Date

  1. In the project page, locate to the “Publish” information box. This is either to right of or below the body box, depending on your screen size.
  2. Click “edit” next to Publish: Immediately and set the date to your project due date. Click ok to save date change. You can then “Save Draft” as you continue to edit the project or “Publish” to make it visible on your home page.
  3. For Supplementary Projects, set Publish date to April 21, 2023. You can then “Safe Draft” to continue editing the project or “Schedule.” This will schedule the post to go live to your site on April 21, 2023. You will not see it on your home page until then.
  4. If you publish a project and want to make it a draft again, select “edit” next to Status: Published and change to “Draft”