Project Types Directions

Establishing Project Types allows you to categorize each Portfolio Project by type of course and allows for easy sorting when a menu is created on your home page.

Watch how to make and assign Project Types:

Making Project Types

  1. From your u.osu dashboard, navigate to Portfolio > Project Types
  2. Type the name of the Project Type and click “Add New Project Type.”

    The three types to create are:

    1. Design Fundamentals
    2. Visual Principles
    3. Supplementary Materials
  3. Once you have created all three types, you will see them in a list on the right of the Project Types screen

Setting Project Types for a Project

In Edit Project

When you create a Project, you will now have the option to apply one of the Types to the Project. In the Edit Project screen, select the appropriate Type from the list shown. You may need to scroll to see “Project Types.”

Using “Quick Edit”

  1. From the All Projects list, click “Quick Edit” under the Project Name:
  2. Set the Project Type and “Update”: