Featured Image Directions

The Featured Image is the image of your project that will show on your Portfolio home page. You must separately designate this image from images uploaded to your Project page.

  1. Choose one of your main final images from your Project page. This should be an image that shows a much of your final work as possible. Don’t use a detail image.
  2. Take a copy of the image into any photo editor. You can use the Photos app on your iPad or any other tool. A copy is important so you don’t loose the original.

    Note: example shown uses Photos on a Mac
  3. Crop the image using a 3:2 aspect ratio. Maintain or show as much of your final work as possible
    Note: example shown uses Photos on a Mac
    • Visit here for help using crop on the iPad. Most software on other systems will have a similar format for selecting a crop ratio.
    • Visit here for a free Adobe crop tool.
  4. Save image.
  5. In your Project page, upload your image to the Featured Image box by selecting “Set Featured Image” and uploading the cropped image file. Click “Set Featured Image” to save.
  6. You should now see the image under the Featured Image box on the Edit Project window
  7. Make sure to Save Draft or Update if you’ve already published the project
  8. After you update and Publish the Project, you will see the Featured Image, Project Title, Project Type, and Excerpt on your home page

    Note: If you don’t see your project on your home page, it’s likely you haven’t published it yet. You can keep the project a draft until you’re ready to have it go live (and by the Portfolio submission date).