
Hello ESEPSY 1159

Welcome to my blog guys. In today’s post, I will talk about Module 6; Searching and Researching. Effective use of internet search engines is very important. As students, it is very good to know how to search for information for a particular topic you are working on and how to go about it. To begin with, Searching and Researching are two different things. Researching involves the critical look at the information you are searching than just a surface search. Hence, developing a research question is key and it is important to know that, in researching, your research question shouldn’t necessarily have a right or wrong answer but in searching, your question should have a right or wrong answer. Due to the above, it is key to find the main concept of your question so you can answer it. Some of these concepts include; the source credibility and whether the source is reliable. This includes the information about the author, credentials, whether the source is from a reputable publisher, and peer-reviewed. It is also important to check for the quality of the article to identify whether it is current, consistent, free from bias and whether it has citations included for the reference they used. Lastly, it is also important to determine the utility of the article that is whether it is related to your topic and whether it is appropriate to the audience. 

Eastern Illinois University :: Career Services - Employer Research