Blog #3- Effective Clinical Teaching Strategies

This week we are discussing effective teaching strategies. This is one of my favorite modules of the class because it is so relevant to what you all will soon be encountering. This is where it gets exciting! When reviewing the effective clinical teaching strategies this week, recall the learning domains discussed in our webmeeting. Remember what skills are included in those domains, and that the clinical learning environment will touch on all three of those domains.

After reading the course materials for this week, in blog post #3, I’d like you to discuss what effective clinical teaching means to you. To what extent would you agree/disagree that clinical teaching is just supervision? Think about the responsibilities/roles of the clinical instructor we discussed the last few weeks. What clinical teaching strategies can be employed to foster the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning in the clinical setting? Be sure to site specific examples of how you can use these strategies in the clinical setting, both from the course materials and your own experiences as a student or instructor. After reading the articles on student perceptions, would you agree with the articles?

Thank you for bringing your own personal perspectives to the blogs so far. It is refreshing to hear your stories. I have high expectations and anticipation for your posts!


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