STEM Outreach

Stem Outreach is an organization that I have been a part of since the start of last year. Their goal is to spread stem related educational activities and projects to elementary through high school students, with the final hope that students take a larger interest in the respected field. I am a part of the design team which consists of creating new stem related projects that can represent a different topic of study. The meetings are fun and engaging when it comes to using new materials and designing new concepts by looking up tutorials, DIY websites, or just creating something yourself. All projects are usually do it yourself and very hands on and the end result for the kids is always a positive reaction (if their project was put together correctly), team members make sure all students end up with working components. Some projects include building speakers, LED’s, and even circuit boards. I never had an opportunity such as this when I was in elementary, middle, and even high school. Introducing topics like these to students at such a young age lets them make connections from school to the real world. Project days or even being taught background information on what project they will be doing is an excellent break from classic Math and English studies. All while they are still learning and can have fun.  Students in the community aren’t always introduced to these topics at a young age and I am glad to see an organization at OSU work to fix this.

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