The Lost Thing


The Lost Thing Film followed a boy and his adventures with his new friend he found wandering the park.  Throughout this film we picked up several themes that we thought represented the meaning of the film.  Some of these themes involved the following:


-Everything Happens for a Reason

-A lesson can be learned from anything

-Different is not always bad

-Have an open mind and open heart

-We all discover our unique path to success

-You must find where you belong

“Being lost doesn’t mean there isn’t a final destination in mind. We are all a little lost, until we are found.”

“I think this curved, indirect path the boy and Lost Thing took is the journey most college students travel as well.  We are all in search for a place we belong.”

“For at least in my experience it involves a few mistakes, a few risks, and a few rejections to succeed.”

“Have an open mind and an open heart. The narrator had a very open heart to the lost thing. He allows it into his life, and gains an experience out of it.”

“Different is not always bad. Society often teaches us that different is wrong; different is weird.”


Click on the link to view our essays!

Marissa Fedele

Rachael Sweetman

Elianna Miller

Jackie Marchi

Isabella Benintendi

Cristin Sutliff