Module 3, Time Management

Hello everyone, 

I am so glad that this post have found you. Time management is a difficult task to achieve. In which, one must have discipline and organization to do so. In my personal life, I do struggle with procrastination and the lack pf time management. This is why I have been taking this class to learn how to do better. In this week’s modules, I learned about using calendars especially outlook calendars more. I found out to like outlook more than google as it is easier for me to navigate. It also connects to my  OSU email which makes it even easier. 

Breaking things down including assignments is something that I have tried to do before. Unfortunately, it does not always work as I have found a deeper problem. With much personal reflection, I am starting to figure out what is the root of my problem that leads to procrastination. In which, I find it to be burn out. This then leads me to my next point. In my future endeavors, I would really like to take the time to give myself a break. A break without the guilt of resting. This will help  feel energized and allow me to eliminate my procrastination. I would also like to break my assignments and work load down to an hour increments to help me feel less overwhelmed. 

Dear students, my first advice would be to give yourself some grace. It is okay to procrastinate and be exhausted. Acknowledge those feelings and seek help, it is okay. Life is hard! Do the best you can and always remember to take time off. Furthermore, hold yourself accountable for your actions. Take everyday as a new opportunity to learn and better yourself. Also, use campus resources, they are really helpful. When procrastination, remember how better you will feel once you are done with your work. Goodluck!

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