Faculty & Resident Reviews

Understanding Patients with Reproductive and Surgical Needs Ring: Emily actively sought out opportunities to learn and to be involved in patient care activities. Her presentations were clear and concise and her patient management skills were outstanding. Emily demonstrated an intellectual curiosity, asked appropriate questions, was receptive to feedback and a pleasure to teach. She was proactive and able to anticipate the needs of the team and consistently completed duties with minimal direction. The team enjoyed working with Emily and appreciated all of her efforts. Emily has a bright and wonderful attitude, which her patients and their families truly appreciated. Her level of knowledge and ability to apply to patient care was excellent.

Understanding Patients within Populations Ring: Emily was a highly motivated, actively engaged learner who consistently sought additional responsibilities throughout the ring. Her histories and physical were efficient and complete. Emily developed excellent presentations which showed her complete understanding of her patients’ problems. Her presentations were always well-organized and concise, and showed careful thought to the development of accurate differential diagnoses and treatment options. She showed excellent initiative, asked good questions and proposed independent plans and assessments prior to rounds. Emily demonstrated an excellent fund of knowledge, followed her patients closely, and expressed a clear understanding of patients’ conditions, even for complex patients. She established great rapport with patients and parents and demonstrated a caring attitude and an ability to effectively communicate information with all members of the patient care team. Emily was professional and respectful toward patients, families, staff and colleagues and proved to be an integral team player often functioning above her level of training.

Understanding Patients with Specialized Medical Needs Ring: Emily rotated on the integrated Understanding Patients with Specialized Medical Needs Ring, compromised of internal medicine, psychiatry, and neurology. Throughout the ring, she displayed a very strong knowledge base, excellent clinical care, and a performance above expectation. On internal medicine, Emily rotated on cardiology, pulmonology, and general medicine. She had a great grasp of clinical medicine and was an asset to the team. She responded well to feedback and continually expanded her knowledge base. Her presentation skills were mature. On psychiatry, Emily was diligent and developed excellent rapport with patients. She independently sought opportunities to provide care above and beyond during her time. She helped run a small group experience, as well. On neurology, Emily rotated on the inpatient consult service and in the outpatient clinics. She was reliable and had communication skills above expectation. Her presentations were complete, thoughtful, and organized. Her neurologic exams were thorough and accurate. Overall, Emily excelled throughout the ring.

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