Published Research Dwyer, Rachel E. 2018. “Credit, Debt, and Inequality.” Annual Review of Sociology 44(1). Debt, Mental Health, and Family Transitions Dwyer, Rachel E., Lisa A. Neilson, Michael Nau, and Randy Hodson. 2016. “Mortgage Worries: Young Adults and the US Housing Crisis.” Socio-Economic Review. Hodson, Randy, Rachel E. Dwyer, and Lisa A. Neilson. 2014. “Credit Card Blues: The Middle Class and the Hidden Costs of Easy Credit.” The Sociological Quarterly 55(2):315–40. Dwyer, Rachel E., Laura McCloud, and Randy Hodson. 2011. “Youth Debt, Mastery, and Self-Esteem: Class-Stratified Effects of Indebtedness on Self-Concept.” Social Science Research 40(3):727–41. Nau, Michael, Rachel E. Dwyer, and Randy Hodson. 2015. “Can’t Afford a Baby? Debt and Young Americans.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 42:114–22. Student Loan Debt Dwyer, Rachel E., Laura McCloud, and Randy Hodson. 2012. “Debt and Graduation from American Universities.” Social Forces 90(4):1133–55. Dwyer, Rachel E., Randy Hodson, and Laura McCloud. 2013. “Gender, Debt, and Dropping Out of College.” Gender & Society 27(1):30–55. Debt and other Financial Problems McCloud, Laura and Rachel E. Dwyer. 2011. “THE FRAGILE AMERICAN: Hardship and Financial Troubles in the 21st Century.” Sociological Quarterly 52(1):13–35.