
The strengths I received from the StrengthsQuest test, in order, were:

  1. Achiever
  2. Developer
  3. Harmony
  4. Positivity
  5. Arranger

My first strength was Achiever, meaning that I work hard and take great satisfaction from being busy and productive. This strength is definitely advantageous as an engineering major! My second strength, Developer, means that I recognize and cultivate the potential in others. This is helpful in regards to group projects, as I enjoy to help my teammates improve. Harmony was my third strength, which entails that I don’t enjoy conflict and would rather seek areas of agreement. My fourth strength was Positivity and this means that I am enthusiastic about what I do and am happiest in being my true self. My final strength, Arranger, indicates that I like to organize and maximize productivity, which is also very advantageous to have as an engineering student with an intense workload.

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