Second Year Reflection

This past year was another successful undergraduate experience. I performed well academically, but most importantly my path for the rest of my undergraduate career became a lot clearer. The biggest accomplishment my second year was deciding my major. I had come into college declared as a psychology major, but knew it wasn’t the perfect fit, even though it was interesting to me. I had decided my post-undergraduate plans before my major, I realized I wanted to continue onto physical therapy school. Knowing that, I could major in many different things as long as I completed my physical therapy prerequisites. I decided medical anthropology was the perfect mix between science and the humanities and would aid in my goal to go be a physical therapist. I also made many new friends this year and formed deep connections with new people, something I did not do as well in my first year. I also became more clear in what I want to pursue for extracurriculars; I hope to join buckeyephil harmonic next fall, as well as the anthropology club, and the pre physical therapy club. This summer I hope to get my shadowing hours done for physical therapy school. I also plan to take a few general education requirements over the summer to catch up since I am behind on the 4 year graduating path.


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GOALS After Second Year

  • Global Awareness: For my second year I have continued to pursue my French minor and took classes past the entry level French classes. I had hoped to study abroad this summer 2020, but plans had changed given external circumstances. I had completed STEP for funding towards a study abroad that will help me reach my global awareness goal. I will also continue practicing my French this summer by watching French movies and practicing my speaking.
  • Original Inquiry: I have not done any research this past year, but now knowing my major I would love to do research with a faculty member in medical anthropology. A goal for this summer will be to research opportunities for fall semester.
  • Academic Enrichment: I continued to go lectures outside of my class schedule through scholars. I also attended a planetarium show as well through scholars. I hope to read leisure books outside of what is required from me for my classes this summer to continue my academic enrichment.  I also plan to complete my shadowing hours for physical therapy this summer to be able to apply to graduate school.
  • Leadership Development: This past year I had not been as involved in Mind’s Matter, which I previously held a leadership position in. Now that my interests have changed I hope to join Anthropology club, and pre physical therapy club, and potentially see about leadership positions in those organizations next semester.
  • Service Engagement: I would love to find volunteer opportunities in nursing homes, or in areas of health and wellness. This summer I plan to research volunteer positions in my area of interest. I have not completed much volunteering this past year.


My Ecuador Experience

Over the winter break of my freshman year I had the opportunity to go to Ecuador. Through a first year experience class on ‘Why We Travel’, a group of other students and I spent about 2 weeks In Ecuador. I had been to Canada in high school, but this was my first trip to a country much different than the United States, as well as with people I did not know well. I had gotten to know my peers during class, but on the trip, the change from 55 minutes once a week, to 24/7 for 2 weeks, turned those peers into my friends. Previous to this I had been nervous to try new things on my own, but trip had proven to me that there is a lot of value in jumping into the unknown and being independent, as well as outgoing to meet new people. While there, we spent time in Quito, Belle Vista Cloud Forest, and Baños. This study abroad immersed me in a new culture and language and was very eye opening. Meeting people who grew up very different from me, seeing beautiful nature and landscapes, experiencing such magnificent meals, and noticing day to day life of locals made me come back to my daily routine with a new lens. I found the importance of appreciating every moment, and wanted to take life a little slower than I had before. I am forever grateful for this experience, and for the people I met there and who I traveled with from OSU.


Updated Goals & Career Plan Reflection

Original Goals in italics:

  • Global Awareness: Although I always tried to be aware of others’ cultures and life outside of my own, I found myself surrounded by people very similar to me growing up. Going to OSU, a place with such diversity, I want to meet and explore cultures outside of my own. I also hope to study abroad at least once. I hope to become close to fluent in a foreign language to broaden my cultural understanding. I have definitely reached some of my goals in this category. I was able to travel to Ecuador during the winter break of my freshman year, and was met with a culture and language very different from my own. I also took my foreign language requirement in French, and decided to add a French minor to my undergraduate experience. I hope to advance my French language skills and take classes that explore culture, French culture along with other cultures. I also hope to study abroad somewhere in Europe, most likely France.
  • Original Inquiry: I hope to have some research opportunity with faculty in an area of interest. I would also love to create a personal project on one of my passions to continue expanding on my experiences. I have not made much progress in this category but I hope I pursue these same goals.
  • Academic Enrichment: Being in scholars allows me opportunities to attend author talks, and professeur lectures on their areas of expertise, outside of my traditional classwork. I hope to attend many of those in my undergraduate career. I have attended many professor lectures, especially in the NELC department. I also have done book clubs and other academic focused activities in Humanities Scholars. I hope to continue with these experiences moving forward.
  • Leadership Development: I hope to obtain a leadership role in a club or extra curricular important to me. I had joined a mental health and neuroscience club, Mind’s Matter, and had the leadership position of Event Coordinator.
  • Service Engagement: I would love to volunteer at a hospital or around my community. I have not volunteered at a hospital, but I have done outreach booths for mental health and awareness through my club Mind’s Matter.

My Scholars experience has helped me complete many of my goals. Mostly under academic enrichment, I have watched many NELC lecture series on Near Eastern culture, which has allowed me to be involved academically outside of my traditional schedule. These lectures also provide global awareness, having me  learn about a very deep culture that I did not know much about and is usually misrepresented. Humanities Scholars also has offered many book clubs and movie discussions which allow me to engage in academics with my peers outside of the class room as well. These opportunities to discuss and learn what my peers are doing, as well as having mentors in the program, give me the chance to make the most informed career and academic path decision. This cultural emersion led me to decide that I wanted to move away from psychology and into anthropology my sophomore year. I have realized culture and language interests me, so I found that the medical anthropology was the perfect major combining those passions with my desire to go to Physical Therapy graduate school. Humanities scholars gives me the chance to engage in my passions and explore my interests.