My First Semester at OSU

My first semester at OSU has been amazing and I can’t imagine going anywhere else for college. I feel at home and like a buckeye. I was worried about finding my way around campus before this semester, but that quickly faded. My biggest fears; however, were finding a group of people who I connect with and performing well academically. Although the pressure to get good grades is an ongoing process, I feel very comfortable and confident in both of these areas now. I have loved all of my classes this semester, and have been doing well in them. I am sure I will face academic challenges in the future, but I feel confident I have the resources and knowledge to handle them. My end goal and degree are still up in the air, but I am not as worried about choosing my major so early in college anymore. Socially, I have to thank Humanities Scholars. It gave me the opportunity to meet wonderful people and find people I connect with. I’m very grateful for everyone I have met, and I look forward to connecting and meeting even more people as I progress through college. The nervousness about making friends was greatly reduced knowing I had this community behind me. I of course want to continue in Humanities Scholars next year, and am looking forward to meeting more people and expanding my perspectives through continuing to participate in the events.

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