
Office: 254 Baker Systems Engineering Building

Email: davanloo.1 (at) osu (dot) edu

Phone: (614) 292-3801

Fax: (614) 292-7852


Note to prospective students: While I read all of the emails I receive from prospective students, I am generally unable to respond to many of them due to the high volume of emails. However, I always look for students with strong mathematical foundations (including students with backgrounds in other majors, e.g., Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, etc.) who are interested in my current research. A short non-cliche email, with a brief description of the student’s interest that could relate to one of my recent papers (2017+), and a list of math-related courses taken would be beneficial for my evaluation. Thank you!


Mailing Address:

The Ohio State University
Department of Integrated Systems Engineering
210 Baker Systems Engineering Building
1971 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210