Scavenger Hunt: Plant Family










Solanum lycopersicum


This is a tomato plant from my garden. Its in the Solanaceae family because it has a superior ovary and the fruit consists of two carpels. If you look closely you can see someone in the background.



Solidago canadensis


Canada Goldenrod

I found this Canada Goldenrod on the Alum Creek Trail. I knew it was in the Asteraceae family because of the complex compound flowers, their daisy like appearance also helps. Inside the flower head are a lot of tiny achene fruits which are also typical of Asteraceae.

Scavenger Hunt: Sight ID

Lonicera sp.



Honeysuckle found in the alley by my apartment.

The opposite leaves with paired red fruit made me think it was Honeysuckle. upon further inspection I saw that the pith inside the stems was hollow which is common to honeysuckles.

Vitis Sp.



This is Wilde grape vine that I found along the Scioto Trail at Scioto Audubon Metro Park. I noticed that it was wild grape vine because of the leaf shape and it was a large vine the was growing everywhere. there were also a few purple fruits still present on the plant which confirmed that this was Wild Grape Vine.

Scavenger Hunt: Special Characters

Perennial Pea

Lathyrus latifolius

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I found this perennial pea in the alley outside of my apartment. These produce a dry legume fruit which is a single carpel that encloses several seeds. in my photos the legumes have already split open and dropped their seeds. You can see they split into two and then curled.


White Sweet Clover

Melilotus albus



I found this plant in a field at Scioto Audubon Metro Park. It produces a raceme inflorescent. Raceme inflorescence have many flowers being produced on the same stalk.

Rudbeckia laciniata

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Genus/Species: Rudbeckia laciniata

Common Name: Tall Coneflower

Family: Asteraceae

Location Found: Along a riparian corridor by the Alum Creek in Columbus Ohio on 9/11/14. Found in the understory along the riparian edge in moist soil. Tall cone flower is native to North America.

Rudbeckia hirta

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Genus/Species: Rudbeckia hirta

Common Name: Black Eyed Susan

Family: Asteraceae

Location Found: Along a riparian corridor by the Alum Creek in Columbus Ohio on 9/11/14. Found in the understory along the riparian edge in moist soil. Black-eyed Susan is native to North America.

Identification: Yellow daisy like flower with eight petals. The yellow petals can develop a dark orange almost brown tint towards the center. The center of the flower has a large black head approximately 1 inch in width. The leaves are elongated slightly and hairy. The stem is also hairy.

Helenium autumnale

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Genus/Species: Helenium autumnate

Common Name: Sneeze Weed

Family: Asteraceae

Location Found: Along a riparian corridor by the Alum Creek in Columbus Ohio on 9/11/14. Found in the under story along the riparian edge in moist soil. Sneeze weed is native to North America.