This was the original brainstormed version of the robot. The generation contained 4 driven wheels powered by VEX motors. The chassis was an aluminum rectangle. This model predates the team’s knowledge as to the thickness of the aluminum that would be worked with. The lift system’s original iteration was theorized. The lift was designed to move straight up and down guided by the two custom built pieces on either side. A support system was designed and created the top and back of the robot. A servo motor was attached to the support system of the robot so as to operate the lift. At this point, all parts created out of aluminum were attached using pin systems that were later discarded for simpler fasteners. The Proteus was placed in between the lift on the front of the robot and the back plate. This generation predates any testing and so is void of any sensors or holes in the chassis for wiring. In this design the back plate was used to press and hold the button, the top of the guides for the lift were used to rotate the satellite, the lift would be used to remove and transport the core while the bottom would be used to toggle the lever by dropping it on top and using the weight of the part.
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