Final Strategic Life Plan




When I started at The Ohio State University I thought I had everything planned out for my future. I planned to graduate Ohio State University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering. I also planned on continuing my education with medical school. My dream job was to be an emergency physician. It did not take long for me to realize I had no clue what I wanted to be in life. The Strategic Life Plan helped me out with this.

Every assignment of the Strategic Life Plan helped me narrow my focus on my schooling and career choice. The Focus assignment informed me that I like to work with things, solve problems, and work in an orderly fashion. The health and wellness plan was also very helpful. This assignment helped to realize what was causing stress in my life-engineering. The class was not what I wanted to be learning and the labs caused me a tremendous amount of stress. The assignment made me open my eyes to the fact that I needed to change my major. I decided to be placed into exploration. The majors exploration assignment then became very useful. Through this assignment, I found what I believe would be the best major and career choice for me is nursing. I also decided that my backup plan is respiratory therapy. The faculty office hours also showed me that the faculty at Ohio State is very useful when you have questions. The upperclassmen interview also showed me that other students go through the same experiences and they can offer insight to your dilemma.

Truthfully, I wasn’t sure if this assignment was working when I was completing each individual task. I now know, reflecting upon it, the Strategic Life Plan really helped me paint a better picture of my future.

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