Class Results II: Green Speed, Firmness & Soil Moisture

classpic0925800Today we measured green speed, surface firmness and soil moisture on a “dry” putting green and a “normal moisture” putting green.  The measurements were similar from the data collected on September 4th class, but we did use the “Firmness Meter” in place of the USGA TruFirm.   The results are listed below.

After looking at the data can you make any conclusions with regard to differences if any in green speed, or which firmness meter do you think is more consistent, or (for those who were taking data) do you think the moisture levels on the dry green are too low based on putting green appearance.



Location 1: Putting green that appeared to have adequate moisture

Group Green Speed Firmness (Field Scout TruFirm) Firmness (Firmness Meter) Soil Moisture (percent)
Zager, Averman, Smith 7 feet 607 0.403 36.4
Folck, Turner, Kifer, Bok 9 feet 4 inches 541 0.356 38.5
Laux, Haynes 8 feet 3 inches 617 0.425 39.5
Sharp, Stroud, Martin 8 feet 8 inches 605 0.371 36.7

Location 2: Dry putting green

Group Green Speed Firmness (Field Scout TruFirm) Firmness (Firmness Meter) Soil Moisture (percent)
Zager, Averman, Smith 8 feet 5 inches 491 0.557 7.6
Folck, Turner, Kifer, Bok 8 feet 5 inches 436 0.579 8.7
Laux, Haynes 8 feet 8 inches 560 0.550 9.9
Sharp, Stroud, Martin 8 feet 8 inches 396 0.629 10

Class References

turfgrassesbookIn several of our classes (and online certificates) we offer mostly free iBooks (some have a nominal charge) that are pertinent to material covered in the class.  Several of the books contain the class material or focus on a specific topic that is pertinent to the class or certificate.  These books were developed largely in an visual interactive format to provide a better learning experience.  In the widget below is a list of the books available.  If the widget does not appear try a different browser.

The iBooks that are suggested (helpful) for specific classes are:

HCS 2270 (Historical Perspective on Golf Course Design and Management):  The iBook by the same class  name contains the vast majority of material covered in the class (If we required a book for this class this would be it).

HCS 3470 (Principles of Turfgrass Selection and Management): The iBook that would be a good reference book for this class is entitled “Turfgrass Management: Turfgrasses“.  The book provides information by various means that is applicable for both lecture and laboratory.

HCS 3475 (Turf Management for Golf Course Managers):  The iBook entitled “Golf Course Management” contains all the material needed for the class and some additional material (If we required a book for this class this would be it.).

HCSZ 4570 (Turfgrass Management and Science):  This course is the advanced turfgrass class that follows HCS 3470 or HCS 3475.  The iBook entitled “Golf Course Management: Advanced” contains all the material needed for the class (If we required a book for this class this would be it.)  In addition the iBooks entitled “Winter Injury” and “Salt Affected Sites” provides more detailed description of specific subjects covered in the course.

Playability: Firmness

gmaxGolf has increasingly moved toward firmer surfaces primarily for putting greens but also fairways.  Increasing firmness makes golf more difficult for the better players.  Firm greens for example tend to be fast, are not as receptive to golf shots (less holding characteristics).  Firmness increases with a decrease in soil moisture.  Related to that, organic matter or thatch can reduce firmness (make greens softer) so managing or removing organic matter is important.  Measuring firmness is demonstrated in the video below




Continue reading Playability: Firmness

Class Results: Green Speed, Firmness & Soil Moisture

class9415Today we measured green speed, surface firmness and soil moisture (at 3 inch depth) on a soil fairway (mowed at 1/2 inch), soil green (0.125 inches), and sand green (0.170 inches)  As background the previous night we received close to 3 inches of rain from the thunderstorm that passed through.  Additionally, the fairway had been mowed today (Friday) but not the greens.  For green speed, a stimpmeter was used except where designated (1 Pelzmeter), and firmness was made with the FieldScout TruFirm except where designated (2 USGA TruFirm).

As you look at the data, feel free to comment below on why you might think that firmness on the sand green was less (softer, higher number) than the soil green.  Or what might account for differences in soil moisture as measured by the groups. Continue reading Class Results: Green Speed, Firmness & Soil Moisture

Playability: Bunkers

mvgc5800When a golfer describes the golf course as “not very playable”, what does that mean?  Playability of a golf course is a vague term that in many ways reflects the wishes of an individual or group of golfers.   As we progress through the classes HCS 2270 “Historical Perspective on Golf Course Design” and HCS 3475 “Turfgrass Management for Golf Course Managers” what comprises playability will be discussed. Continue reading Playability: Bunkers