Cleveland native Kelsey Kinney hits town with Second City Improv

Image of Second City touring cast in bed

Witness the triumphant return of Ohio native Kelsey Kinney with the Happily Ever Laughter tour with Chicago’s Second City on March 21 and 22. In addition to revisiting classic sketches from the 54-year history of Second City, Kelsey and the rest of the cast will engage in improvisation with the audience, during which she will guarantee that they’ll make comedy gold happen right before your eyes.

Decreasing your risk of breast cancer: A talk with surgeon and author Dr. Christine Horner

Dr. Christine Horner helped lead the fight to make insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction after mastectomies. The third edition of her book Waking the Warrior Goddess has just come out and she joins me to discuss steps that women can take to decrease the risk of breast cancer.

Listen to Dr. Christine Horner on Craft

Best selling memoirist Mitch Albom discusses Phone Calls from Heaven

Tuesdays with Morrie is the best selling memoir of all time but author Mitch Albom spans genres with sports writing, fiction, and nonfiction. His latest, The First Phone Call from Heaven, is a novel exploring themes of loss and religion, and Mitch tells me about the book and the people he most likes to mentor.

Craft with Mitch Albom

Cover image from The First Phone Call from Heaven

Daniel H. Pink: We’re all selling something and how to get kids to clean their rooms

Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and a great TED talk, returns with his latest, To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. In this interview, he talks about his thesis that almost everybody is trying to sell themselves at work. And then I take him off topic to talk about how these techniques can be used to get kids to clean their rooms.

Daniel H. Pink on Craft

Definition of a Data Scientist: Someone Who Likes to be Wrong

Ohio State University’s Chief Data Officer James Brenza and Metcalf and Associate’s CEO Maureen Metcalf have a common interest: how does Big Data illustrate leadership choices? Brenza and Metcalf recently published an article looking at the role of Big Data in integral leadership and they tell me about the intersection of these two fields. Listen in to hear how Brenza defines data scientist and why they are ok with being wrong.

Craft with Maureen Metcalf and James Brenza