SHARP – August edition

With a few weeks left in the program, it was crunch time for the scholars to finalize crafting effective and error-free PowerPoint presentations of our summer research! After months of work, including reading articles and interview transcripts, writing analytic memos, relaying progress and discussing findings in meetings, and more, the scholars will present a condensed overview of our projects at the Summer HIV/AIDS Research Program (SHARP)’s annual Symposium.

I record my daily observations to give readers a sense of what feelings were building up inside of me and the process of preparing for this major event.

8/1 – I spent more time revising my PowerPoints. I was to give one in front of healthcare providers and community members at Asian Health Services in Oakland on Wednesday the 7th, and then a different presentation (but the same material) at the SHARP Symposium in San Francisco on Friday the 9th.

When I met up with the other intern (not SHARP-affiliated) on the research project, we reviewed our slides. What quotes would be best for describing participant experiences with providers, and what recommendations would we suggest to providers? It was challenging to pick out the quotes that best suited the themes; there were so many good quotes to choose from. We assisted each other with narrowing down the choices. Furthermore, I really enjoyed working with this colleague because we got to bounce ideas off of each other and get to know each other better. It made being in a new city across the country less lonely.

It was nice to meet with my colleague at UC Berkeley’s Student Union! There’s tons of seating and windows that allow in a lot of sunlight. Source:

I had the most fun getting to make the PowerPoint aesthetically pleasing and complete with animations.

8/2 – SHARP had a seminar on Jail Health and HIV testing. This session encouraged me to think about resources offered in jail facilities and what opportunities existed for inmates to grow as individuals and reintegrate into society. People still have worth and potential to change their lives around, with the proper tools to do so. In my eyes, all detention centers should have basic healthcare such as toothbrushes, clean water, nutritious food, comfy beds, and preventive care.


8/3 – A much needed sojourn was my day trip to Japan Town in San Francisco. There was actually a festival  that weekend so there were dozens of vendors under tents in a line down a street. People displayed art, apparel, skin care, handknit hats, windchimes, and more for sale. Children could play games and win prizes. Outside a mall were parked vintage cars for visitors to gaze inside and admire the details. By the Peace Pagoda was a stage for performers.

Walking through this Japan Town provided me with a warmth in my soul and a sense of familiarity. I gained a great deal of understanding of and appreciation for the culture during my study abroad in May, and then this small community in San Francisco still felt authentic to me in its own way. There are two Japan Center Malls: West and East. Both had a wide selection of restaurants and stores, including beauty shops (skincare, lip care, makeup), stationary, backpacks and anime merchandise, and a crepe stand.

Also worth noting is the Kinokuniya Book Store, with manga, books, and merchandise. Overall, I had a lovely and laidback experience of walking around and seeing what this community and mall had in store. I am also glad to support local business owners. I do wish that I bought art from locals!

8/4 – On Sundays, BART has limited hours and lines to get to San Francisco and I wanted to stay in the East Bay anyway. I spent a few hours admiring the murals in the Chinatown in Oakland. There is much history here and I felt welcome in the area. One of my future posts will be about Chinatowns in America and include their histories as well as my personal experiences in those spaces.

8/5 – Our final seminar was on the Origins of Black Poverty. This was one of my favorite sessions because the speaker was so compelling. She captured everyone’s attention and we engaged in discussion about the heavy history of people of African descent in the Americas and how poverty is generational. We still see repercussions of slavery and racism is alive and well, except that it is more covert and concealed. The session’s contents are what we all should be confronted with, in our school curricula and in our media. If people are not well-educated about history and a wide range of narratives, we continue to remain ignorant.

After that meeting, I conversed with a colleague via Zoom to go over our work. Then I emailed a principal investigator/SHARP leadership member my symposium slides for him to critique it some more. He said that it was more streamlined than my very first draft.

8/6 – I met up with my colleague to practice a run-through of our presentation for Asian Health Services! When we timed it, our presentation came to 40 minutes long, with each of us taking about 20 minutes to go over our respective sections. I was feeling anxiety about if I was rambling or not explaining enough, or if it would be boring to people. Nevertheless, my colleague reassured me that the presentation would go well.

For some peace of mind, I went over to Golden Gate Park. I checked this destination off of my bucket list. Starting from one end of the park, I viewed an enormous Dutch windmill and strolled along the path to look at grazing bison in their enclosure and sputtering sailboats in a pond. Also noteworthy were the Japanese Garden and the Conservatory of Flowers. I appreciated the Golden Gate Park immensely.

8/7 – After practicing my SHARP presentation in the morning at San Francisco Department of Public Health, I hurried straight over to Oakland to meet up with Dr. Tan and her other summer intern at a coffee shop. We spent a little bit getting into a positive and calm mindset. With our mentor, Ian and I got a final polish of the presentation slides. Dr. Tan emailed over a one-page table of recommendations for an Asian Health Services staff member to make copies to handout to people.

8/8 – I did another practice run of my symposium presentation in front of the director and my peers. Then I Zoom’ed with my mentor, who helped with the slides. It was truly helpful to prepare a script, slide by slide, and word for word. I made this script in a Word document, with the font size about 14, enough to be able to read while looking down from a podium. I was feeling extreme anxiety this day because literally the next day was such a major event for me and for SHARP. When I was home, I finished writing Thank You cards for some people of the program. I was instructed to practice a few more times at night and to not practice at all the next morning, because apparently you can overdo it.

8/9 – This was the day of the SHARP Symposium!
In the morning, an intern prepared breakfast for a couple of us. At SFDPH, we did more practice runs while in the conference room. My peers looked concerned and that was understandable; we wanted to do well.

The SHARP director and assistant shared some sweet mini cupcakes and a bundt cake with us that morning. Without their knowledge, the interns secretly bought bouquets of flowers for the both of them to celebrate their upcoming transitions to new chapters of their lives.

I was third in line to go up to present. I listened to my first two peers give great oral presentations. While sitting down and waiting my turn, it was difficult to stay calm and focused. When I was introduced, the director also told the audience why I pursued SHARP, which was along the lines of challenging myself and really ensuring diversity, inclusion and equity in public health.

As I proceeded to the podium, I had a shaky start and mumbled “Okay” while bracing a smile. During my practices, my peers said I had a soothing voice. I read from my script and made sure to make eye contact with people in the room. If actually looking in people’s eyes is intimidating, stare at the walls or windows. Stay poised and calm.

Seeing what my slides looked like on the actual screen before the presentation was helpful in determining if text could be seen from the back of the room. I suggest making text as dark as possible (so standard black) and bold as necessary.

When my 10 minutes were over, we opened the room to questions from the audience. There were two inquiries, both of which were from SFDPH staff. One question regarded the transgender population in my sample, and the other question concerned adolescent mental health. I responded the best I could in that moment.

Then I quickly took solitary respite in a back room since the symposium program had a break before they continued with the other three scholars. Watching the rest of my cohort present, I was so proud. My peers are so worthy of praise!

The SHARP director shared her love for SHARP. After two years of leading SHARP to great successes, she had another opportunity. She spoke words of encouragement to our 2019 cohort and her thoughts about the whole experiences. The scholars sprung a surprise on her! We introduced the bouquets and cards to the director and her assistant. It was a wonderful occasion.

After the symposium, SHARP scholars and staff had Happy Hour at the restaurant/bar called Hazel.


8/10 – For a fun excursion in San Francisco, I rounded up two friends, one being an OSU alumna who had moved to the Bay Area very recently, and my neighbor-turned-friend. We went to a Cat Cafe, the Museum of Ice Cream, and Powell mall.

8/11 – With the same friends, we scouted San Francisco Chinatown! We looked around shops, had buffet food, and watched the magic happen at a Fortune Cookie Factory. We passed by a procession of lion dancers and other people in some ceremony. We paid a quick visit to the Historical Society. I did not get to view its exhibits; I just glanced around the gift shop and briefly sat in the video room. Next time, I will spend considerable time at SF Chinatown!


8/12 – I worked on writing a personal statement for SHARP. This short paper would be a reflection of my research internship; it would include insights from informational interviews, key skills gained, and how my experience will further my goals. I also returned my laptop to the office so future SHARPies could use it. I gave away the laptop case I purchased so that it could go with the work laptop.

The ferry was an enjoyable experience! Some people commute to and from San Francisco and the East Bay for work or school.

The group took a ferry ride over to Oakland and we shared a late lunch at a black-owned diner!

8/13 – I worked more on my CV and met with an SFDPH staff member (he was also a SHARP alumnus) for an informational interview! Immediately after, I almost missed the ferry from San Francisco to Alameda, where I would
take a break from reality with my mentor and her intern for some paddle-boarding.

8/14 – I did extensive cleaning at the apartment and then traveled to Oakland to meet my mentor at Octopus Literary Salon, which is now sadly and permanently closed. My mentor and I were on a Skype or Zoom call with fellow Asian Pacific Islander women who were grassroots organizers and activists for various rights. This organization is called NAPAWF. I will be looking further into this powerful community so I can continue to make a change and get my voice heard! I was happy to listen in on how their meeting went as they planned events.

My mentor and I were joined by the other summer intern for a night of open mic. The topic was love and anyone could come up to say anything, whether it was on the spot or prepared beforehand. People shared poems, reminisced about past lovers, talked about their relationships with their parents, and sung while strumming their guitars. Everyone’s moment was different and so unique to them. It was very impactful and meaningful to be in a room with predominantly Asian Pacific Islander Americans and being open to experiencing something new and being vulnerable.

8/15 – On this bittersweet day, I met with Judy for the last time in person at UCSF. We examined our relationship over the summer and my feelings about SHARP. What aspects went well for me and what could be improved? I presented her a parting gift and returned home to pack and clean. We made plans to stay in touch and touch base during the middle of my semester at school.

8/16 – Last Day of SHARP / SHARP SEND OFF
I distributed my personal thank you letters to people around the office. I always want to leave a good impression on people and remind people of my gratitude. At our pizza party for lunch, we chatted and a staff member presented Jessica with a certificate of appreciation and achievement, and we thanked her once more for her work for SHARP.

This is the SHARP 2019 cohort and Jessica Brown, Director, and Amaka Agodi, Program Assistant. I am so thankful for those two women who serve as inspiration and icons for me!


When checking out of my place, I had to leave belongings behind that I wanted to keep. However, sacrifices had to be made for the better. I felt uneasy about making it to the airport and making both of my flights to get to Cleveland. This was a full day of travel. I touched down in Cleveland around 10:50 PM. I was relieved to be home.

The very next day, I had to travel down to Columbus to move into my new apartment for the 2019-2020 school year.

Although I did not get much of a break before transitioning to another year of college, I would not have it any other way. This summer was such a fun time of exploration, insight, and discovery. I am very impressed by SHARP and how it has changed me and helped me prepare for my future. I am more confident in my ability to speak and to research areas of interest to me. I am also more confident in interacting with people. I look forward to what my friends and I will accomplish next.

All I can say is “Thank You” for a wonderful Summer 2019.

SHARP – July edition

Here is how the height of the summer – the month of JULY  – turned out for me during the Summer HIV/AIDS Research Program through the San Francisco Department of Public Health.


7/1 – Our seminar was on Good Participatory Practice in Community Based Research. I enjoyed hearing about a qualitative method called photo-voice, in which participants document their experiences and reality through photos and/or videos. Community members take an active role in the research. This is a method that is relatively new to me and I want to explore this further in my academics and career. Photo essays are something I have seen in journalism. They tell a story through photos and these can be powerful as well; they certainly catch attention more than a giant block of text. Photos help provide context and enhance understanding. Reading is one thing, but seeing for yourself aids comprehension of a topic even more. Later that day, I worked on writing more analytic memos.

Photo from United for Prevention in Passaic County,

7/2 – I continued my research. In the middle of the day, I spoke with my mentor about our progress and how I would prepare for writing an abstract to submit for a health disparities conference occurring at UCSF in October. 

7/3 – I read articles and wrote memos.

7/4 – This was a national holiday so we had the day off, no pay. I stayed in Berkeley to explore a bit. I watched Toy Story 4 with  a fellow intern. The movie was bittersweet and marked the end of a wonderful series. Then I roamed around the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive with a friend. It’s a great resource with exhibits on Asian Buddhist art, Black and African diaspora art, and other pieces. There was political art and one section was black-and-white photos. Some pieces were very powerful. I appreciate the diverse art from diverse artists represented in this museum. It is very intriguing to see that the facility has red stairwells that contrast with the rest of the building in white and grays.

Carlos Amorales: Ghost Demonstration, 2019; acrylic on wood panel. Photo: JKA Photography.

An art wall that stood out to me was created by Carlos Amorales, an artist who works with diverse media to explore image, sign, and cognition. In the installation I saw, “Amorales revisits [Berkeley’s] unique countercultural history of the late 1960s, specifically demonstrations linked to the civil rights, free speech, and antiwar movements. He then links this history to the present by combining slogans from protests that have occurred on the UC Berkeley campus over the last decade.” Over 20 phrases are positioned around the wall, spaced out on protest signs held by figures in smudgy black outline on a light gray background. Examples: Stop! The Arms Race (1962), White Silence = Violence (2014), Make Racists Afraid Again (2017). The wall looks eerie, like people are pressed against the other side of the wall, urging viewers to look at their messages and act upon them.

7/5 – I worked all day on writing drafts of papers to my mentor. In the evening, I went to the grocery store Safeway with the friend I made in the apartments. She calls me her Berkeley Buddy.

It feels affirming to plan what I want to do on my weekends. I post in the intern group chat what interesting events I’ve seen on Facebook and elsewhere. An intern and I went to La Peña Cultural Center, which has promoted social justice, arts participation and intercultural understanding since 1975. This day was a Birthday Tianguis for Frida Kahlo, artist who “explored questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society.” At this event was food, crafts, arts and vendors in a dense space. People sold their own apparel, and I bought a shirt that said “No one is illegal on stolen land.” I tried an elote for the first time; an elote is corn on the cob, commonly sold on the streets of Mexico. Mine had some mayo brushed on top of it and something like parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, with a couple pinches of chili powder flecks to finish it off. It was very tasty! Overall I felt welcome in this cultural center and was glad to see what the facility looked like. I also got to see people in the community gather together for a good time.

A mural outside of the center shows people reaching for the stars.

I worked on more memos and spent most of Sunday alone.


7/8 – After a nice session on Qualitative Methods with a staff member from the Substance Use Research Unit at Department of Public Health, I did more analytic memos!

7/9 – I looked at scholarly articles on acculturation to gain a sense on that process and if I could apply that to my current research, since participants often came from immigrant households and families. There are unique struggles of immigrating and assimilating and/or acculturating to a new environment and society. I know that for one participant, their mother came from Guam and did her best to assimilate and speak English and put her kids in the best schools she could think of.

7/10 – We had a seminar on Substance Use Part II with one of SHARP’s Principal Investigators. I then joined in on a meeting about one of my mentor’s many projects. This one is about Golden Compass, a program that helps older people living with HIV to take care of themselves as they are now aging.

Each of the compass points corresponds to an area of focus. North: heart and mind. East: bones and strength. West: dental, hearing, vision. South: network and navigation. 

Following that, I spent more time on the abstract. It helps to copy and paste the guidelines into the document I am working on so that I get to constantly refer to these guidelines. This particular abstract had to be all on one page, which includes any figures if I were to add them. I wrote what I could and revised on my own. Then I would send a link to my draft to my mentor so she could see and give edits and comments.

7/11 – This day entailed a few meetings. Fist I met with my mentor and her other intern Ian to discuss the research. After that I had a one-on-one with Judy.

7/12 – The group had a Qualitative Analysis session. This time, we did analysis and looked at an example interview transcript. We coded based on provided codes. I had on hand various highlighters and colored pens. Other scholars numbered codes and placed tiny numbers, similar to subscripts or superscripts, by the text. I prefer to code by highlighting the entire paragraph so I understand what the interviewee is talking about. Coding takes a significant time and requires constant revisions.

This infographic from the Internet offers a visualization of what coding could look like, but this is not always the case.

I worked on schoolwork. I also spent time cleaning the apartment and restocking it with essentials. On Saturday, as per our routine, I went shopping with another intern. On Sunday, I spent most of my time at home working on research or watching TV. I find Stranger Things captivating, as it involves a good mix of humor, horror, and science fiction. The soundtrack is also worthy of praise.


7/15 – Interns submit time sheets for the previous pay period. We had the honor of hearing from about six professionals at a panel about AIDS research and practice. This was our CFAR Panel 1. I heard about careers working with trans black women, with the API population, and more. I asked the panelists about how they performed selfcare. This can be especially challenging for people from marginalized communities and if their work is emotionally intensive and very personal to them. I can say this is the case for me. Furthermore, due to being disadvantaged or oppressed in multiple areas, I find it hard to take a break and care for myself when I have to work harder to reap rewards. After this insightful panel, I was occupied with writing memos.

7/16 – More memos were written on this day.

7/17 – SHARP had a fun outing to the California Academy of Sciences! The group did more social bonding as we explored the aquariums containing fish and other marine species from all over the seas and oceans of the planet. We also experienced earthquake simulations from the 1906 and 1989 San Francisco earthquakes that set records and made remarkable impacts. The Skin exhibit exposed us to differences in skin textures from various animals. Scales, hair, feathers. Skin color and melanin were also discussed in laudable efforts to educate on human diversity.

In the afternoon, my research team held a meeting to discuss our progress.

7/18 – I had an informational interview during an office hours session with Dr. Edda Santiago-Rodriguez at UCSF. I also worked more on my abstract and my memos, all the while gathering more insights and refining them. The SHARPies had a group dinner at a seafood restaurant in Berkeley.

The 2019 cohort took this photo in an alley around the block from the restaurant Bag o’ Crab.

7/19 – During a meeting with Judy at UCSF, we again discussed how we were doing and what I found interesting from the research. We went over my abstract draft. Constant revisions are key!


The apartment complex sent out a link earlier during the week to get free tickets to Alcatraz Island for an art exhibit – free ferry and admission! I quickly signed up for this opportunity. This was the Future IDs at Alcatraz Release Party, intended to reframe the narrative of reentry. Former and current incarcerated individuals designed identification cards for their future, such as a dream career ID.

This was a prompt for people to begin brainstorming and envisioning for themselves.

The IDs represent aspects of who these people are, because they are more than just a number or face. They have stories and lived experiences that cannot be assumed or told just by looking at a piece of plastic. Dozens of IDs hung like giant larger-than-human-size posters along the walls of a room (former cellhouse or some sort). These artists and some family members stood by their artworks. At a table was a draft of a booklet explaining the exhibit and its process of coming to fruition. I read this and got to understand more about the project.

People have countless identities. Some are parents too. Incarceration does not only affect the adult, but their children.

Although I could only attend a small portion of the day’s events, there was much going on. For example, parents and children with histories of incarceration shared moments of their experiences. Greetings and groundings with park rangers occurred. Pop-up stations let visitors explore the layered history of Alcatraz to look at the importance of self-determination and identity. I am also interested in the idea of reintegration and the arts. How can arts and justice be brought together and how valuable is arts programming in prisons and jails?

This ID was so creative to me. The woman created her ID like a text message conversation, and she would be a life coach to someone. She’d be a resource for someone and a shoulder to lean on for support. We all need that.

Additionally, over the weekend, I worked to polish my research abstract to keep it under a page and most importantly, cover the essence of what Dr. Tan’s research is about. I sent it to her via email for her to make comments and edits. Then I submitted it before the 5 PM deadline.


7/22 – CFAR panel 2
This one was very interesting and it got personal. Individuals shared how they got involved in HIV work.  Topics brought up in the conversations included substance use, issues with family, acceptance for their identities, and advice for the future generation of leaders in public health and our collective fight for rights and equity. I really appreciated this session.

I worked more on my memos and filled in more of my PowerPoint to eventually present it for practice very soon. I also sent over to the SHARP director my latest CV so that it can be brought up for review at a future seminar.

7/23 – As usual, memos and PowerPoint were my priorities for the day.

7/24 – In our Career Pathways session, the program assistant Amaka explained CVs and resumes and their structure. We went through each scholar’s resume or CV as a group and made suggestions in real-time. She gave us handy resources for style and wording.

In the afternoon, I attended an Asian Community Challenging Racism seminar, with over 50 people in attendance! I am so glad that I went, accompanied by another intern and the SHARP director. On one wall was a timeline of Asian Pacific Islander American history. Visitors could place a specific color sticker along the timeline based on when their families came to the United States. So for example, since my father arrived to America in 1980, I put my dot above the 1980 tick mark. I wish I took a photo of this timeline. There were two clusters of dots; one cluster was from 1960s to 1990s. The other one was most likely around the late 1800s.

We engaged in conversations with one another about how our families got to America, what the pull and push factors were, and other topics that were guided by the session facilitators. I really felt affirmed from this session and was happy to see so many other Asians in the room and who were showing up to share their truths. I will be looking into the handouts and promoting this history in my life.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum developed this timeline of America’s history of excluding Asian immigrants. I encourage everyone to explore more about this history that is often overlooked and hidden.

Later on, I polished my PowerPoint some more.

7/25 – I had meetings with my mentor and her other intern on the API SGM project. Then I focused on my PowerPoints and memos. I was wondering how I would effectively present all the points I wanted to get across to my audience without delving too deep into details.

7/26 – The Works-In-Progress session was incredibly helpful for me in the process of developing my PowerPoint. Overall, I felt overwhelmed with the data and not sure if I was answering my research question well enough. I was nearly done reading transcripts and writing the analytic memos for them. Another concern was finding the appropriate quotes that were pithy and drove my main messages home to the readers’ minds to hopefully resonate with them and plant a seed of information. I also wondered about my presentation layout, and am very thankful that SHARP emailed some example of stellar presentations from previous cohorts.


I spent my time blogging, shopping, and attending a cookout.

I spent Sunday exploring San Francisco with a friend from high school. Meeting up with him was such a chance encounter. He happened to be in the city for a conference. We went to Chrissy’s Field, the Mission District, and eating at Carl’s Jr. We didn’t do a lot but it was pleasant to catch up with him after three years of virtually no contact with each other.

A view of San Francisco from a ferry

7/29 – More Practice Presentations were required to ensure that scholars stayed on track with the upcoming Symposium. Practice is certainly something to not be taken lightly. Last year, people thought that they could ‘wing it’ but this will be evident to the audience and SHARP leadership.
Back at the apartment complex, an intern and I attended a cooking class and the council meeting, which allows residents to stay up to date on the affairs of the complex and enjoy some free food.

7/30 – I went to UCSF to work more on my symposium PowerPoint and review it slide-by-slide with Dr. John Sauceda. It was a very helpful session. After eating free lunch provided by CAPS, I continued to refine the slides. I did this when I got home as well.

7/31 – Another time sheet was due on this day. Then the group practiced presentations some more. In the evening, we did a bonding activity by attending a baseball game in Oakland.


June felt lukewarm in comparison to July, when things were ablaze (figuratively). July felt more stressful because I was well into my research and reading and writing basically daily, whether it was for my research project or for my own personal endeavors. I learned so much from my research and was developing not one, but TWO presentations of findings and implications that will hopefully spark interventions and actions. This month was filled with discovery, from museum visits, candid conversations, interview transcripts, and other adventures. Many times, I was unsure of where I was going and what the eventual outcomes would be. But as I would come to understand in August, I kept an open mind and communicated concerns. I met up with individuals to discuss with them how I was feeling. Utilizing resources is so important. I also got out of my comfort zone by practicing public speaking, a vital skill that is transferable for any field. Another important reflection is that I make time to have fun. I deserve it.

A high school classmate and friend took this photo of me looking at the Golden Gate Bridge. I imagine that this can symbolize me looking towards the horizon, looking for what’s in store for me next, while still being mindful about where I am right now.

SHARP – June edition

This summer, I am blessed to have earned a spot in the 2019 cohort of the Summer HIV/AIDS Research Program (SHARP) with the San Francisco Department of Public Health! Six students were selected to come on board with SFDPH. Ninety six people applied and there were multiple interview rounds. Having applied for the 2018 cycle and not making it through to even the first round, I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for making it this far and succeeding in my search for an internship that would address my needs and interests holistically.

I applied for SHARP because of its various components.
First and foremost, it helps young and passionate individuals who come from underrepresented communities and “humble beginnings” to pursue public health careers and address health disparities. Scholars receive mentorship from multiple people, including distinguished researchers. Scholars get to work with these mentors on their projects as well as conduct their own individual projects based on their interests and skills. Weekly seminars, networking events, social outings, and field trips were also included to make for a busy but productive and prosperous summer.

In addition, this program takes place in San Francisco, a city that was ground zero for the HIV epidemic in the 1980s/90s in America. There is much history here as well as public health innovations and programs that I would not find anywhere else. Furthermore, I wanted to challenge myself by going to a different city to live and work. This opportunity would serve me well in my career advancement and exploration as well as personal development. With all that SHARP has to offer, I also had much to bring to the table: my passions, skills, character traits, and excitement.


6/1 – I flew into Oakland on June 1st, the day after I returned to the United States from my study abroad. (I saw my family for about 12 hours). The flights went well and I met kind strangers on the plane rides. From Oakland airport, I easily made my way to the BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit. The instructions given to me by my supervisor, the director of SHARP, were straight-forward. When I arrived at the downtown Berkeley station about an hour later, I then lugged my two pieces of luggage, about 40 to 50 pounds worth, while wearing a backpack and purse, to my apartment. It was certainly an endeavor but I found my way to the place I would stay for 11 weeks.

My apartment came furnished with a mattress, bed frame, desk, chair, and dresser. I had to provide my own sheets, pillows, and curtains. I could not find curtains anywhere in the area so I used a bed sheet and temporarily hung jackets and cardigans. (Amazon has great tapestries, which is where I got mine!)

6/2 – On Sunday, I tried to find a library that was open on University of California – Berkeley’s campus so I could do work, but all were closed. I discovered their student union, which was open and had a dozen students working on their laptops. I typed up a reflection essay for a grant I received for my study abroad. Then I purchased sweatshirts at a campus apparel store; the city of Berkeley was cooler than I anticipated. I did not pack as warmly as I should have.

This map of the BART system is posted online, in booklets, and displayed on the trains.

The first week of SHARP is an Orientation/Introduction week. As I was learning to use BART and adjusting to San Francisco’s and Berkeley’s different environments and weather and people, I learned about the SFDPH and what I would be doing over the summer.

6/3 – First Day of SHARP!
I was brimming with excitement and nervousness for what I consider to be my first ever internship. While I have had a myriad of experiences with research, volunteering, and work, this is my first formal internship program. I wore a striped sweater and blue slacks for my first day. Since I expected to acquire some papers for the first day, I carried my backpack.

Two other interns met up with me in the morning so we could commute to work together. We arrived early and got to meander around the blocks surrounding our office building. Then we made it to our location and greeted our program supervisor! We went around introducing ourselves. Most of the day, we went over pages of hiring paperwork and we completed online trainings related to ethical research practices, privacy and safety, and compliancy. Part of internships and jobs require intensive paperwork in the beginning!! Complete these in a timely manner and fill them out accurately. Truly take the time to look it over and understand what the papers involve.

We had to fill out tax forms as part of our employment. As young adults, the process can be confusing. Do not hesitate to ask others for help!

6/4 – We had a meeting with two SHARP alumni. This was very informative and they told us candidly about their experiences. Some important tips for surviving and thriving in SHARP are to do self care, and schedule that in if needed. Reach out for support from your cohort. We are in this together and we can help each other out.

6/5 – On this day, we received an intro to public health and to SFDPH. We also received a tour of the building. SFDPH has different divisions and centers, so it was a good exposure to see how the department’s individual units operate.

For lunch, scholars and most of the mentors had a meet and greet lunch, which was pizza from The Market.

6/6 – The scholars toured the San Francisco City Clinic, which has served the Bay Area since 1911 by providing affordable sexual health services to all in need. Our tour guide was a practicing physician who encouraged us to ask questions and also asked us questions to test our knowledge and critical thinking. I learned new things from this experience, including increasing my awareness of the types of testing for different STIs.

Some fun facts:
– Those who are diagnosed with HIV get placed into care within five days of diagnosis.
– Chocolate agar helps gonorrhea cells grow and the other bacteria dies so that technicians can determine if someone has gonorrhea or not.
– I heard about the 2-1-1 method for PrEP the first time.
“PrEP 2-1-1 is named for its schedule of dosing: 2 pills are taken 2-24 hours before sex, 1 pill 24 hours after the first dose, and 1 final pill 24 hours later. Clinicians only recommend PrEP 2-1-1 to people having anal sex, since the medication may not reach high enough levels in vaginal or front hole tissue.
Remember: It is important trans men, women and other people with vaginas or front holes to take PrEP every day as prescribed in order for it to offer full protection..” Source:
– People get two tests to confirm that they have HIV. If the first test is positive, a second test is done to confirm.
– I also heard about dark-field microscopes for the first time! Specimens appear bright against a dark background

Next, we walked to Ward 86 at San Francisco General Hospital, where we met up with Dr. Phillip Coffin, a Co-Principal Investigator of SHARP, to discuss HIV and STIs and his experiences as a physician related to the field. This ward was the one of the first to treat patients during the HIV/AIDS epidemic and is renowned worldwide for care and research. As Dr. Coffin spoke, I tapped away at my phone to take notes.

Here are several facts I would like to share:
– HPV (human papilloma virus) causes cancer such as cervical cancer, but rates of this cancer are already plummeting “fabulously,” says Coffin. He thinks pap smears will be unnecessary later on down the road.
– Hepatitis B and C can also cause cancer.
– I heard about Castleman’s Disease for the first time; this rare disorder can affect people of any age but usually people middle-age and up.
– Repeated constipation can lead to colon cancer.
– Cancerous tumors can be solid or liquid. Liquid tumors are blood tumors and can be everywhere, since blood runs throughout the body. Leukemia and lymphoma would fall into that category. There tends to be higher cases of lymphoma in people living with HIV. For liquid tumors, full body therapy is needed. I can imagine it takes such an enormous toll on the body.

Source: AIDS Info,

– HIV first tries to go towards the gut and attack the large amount of immune cells there.
– Acute HIV can mean CD4 cell counts drop significantly, and the diversity of immune cells get wiped out. The human body is then at higher risk for different viruses and it cannot remember what it has been exposed to.
– Two people have been cured of HIV through stem cell transplants that are very invasive and fail most of the time. Some people may have died trying to get transplants. There must be a genetic match. White blood cells get taken out and stem cells get put in.

6/7 – Our morning session entailed an Intro to Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington. Before this meeting, scholars read the first few chapters of the book as well as a scholarly report on the state of Black Americans and their health in America, tying in impacts related to education, morbidities and mortalities, and housing. We spoke about what we found salient or shocking from the readings.

This book may come as a shock to many people, but it is necessary to bring this into conversations to create social change that is deserved by affected communities.

The contents of the book were not entirely new to me, as I had learned a bit about exploitation of Black Americans’ bodies throughout America’s history during my schooling so far. Nevertheless, I was deeply frustrated and troubled at how physicians and other stakeholders in the slave trade exploited Black Americans’ bodies for not only labor, but for medicine. These enslaved peoples had no rights or say in what was to happen to them; they were stripped of their dignity and oftentimes their clothes. It was horrifying to read the book and visualize in my head the unspeakable atrocities committed by folks who believed in white supremacy, eugenics, racism, and more.

Despite white people in America viewing Black Americans as inferior in intelligence and other attributes, and of a different species entirely, these racists were fascinated by Black bodies and wanted to do research on them to help forward medicine. They wrote about their findings in medical journals that were only accessible by white male doctors. Many of their arguments for the experimentation and exploitation were illogical; if Blacks were nothing like whites, how could the research results be applicable or translated?

I am slowly getting through the book. It evokes much emotion out of me and I hope that others read this book to understand more about America’s history and how the field of medicine has benefited greatly from unwilling bodies. It really makes people think about the narratives we are told in school and what was hidden.

In the afternoon, we toured Gladstone Institute on UCSF’s Mission Bay campus. The afternoon was divided into visits to different labs. We spoke with researchers and interns at the facility.

Science is such a broad field and a degree leads to nebulous pathways.

By the end of the week, I was relieved.
On Saturday, I tidied up the apartment and while helping to water plants and weed the gardens, I made a friend in my apartment complex. It turns out that she is an intern at Gladstone for the summer, so I will see her around! We later went out for a meal, explored the area where we were living, and got bubble tea. That evening, I did laundry.
On Sunday, I attended a BBQ at the house of one of the SHARP mentors! It was a great opportunity to relax in an informal setting and meet working professionals. I also read part of a manual on HIV.

This weekend, the Bay Area underwent a heat wave that warranted a public health alert in advance. SFDPH employees and interns received emails warning us to prepare for the wave.

The CDC provides an infographic for heat protection!


6/10 – Today’s session was Introduction to Research Concepts. It was presented at a calm pace and I felt relaxed. Research is divided into qualitative and quantitative methods; a combination of these two is called mixed methods. I liked that numerous examples were given.

We took a trip to UCSF for a quick tour of the medical center and its cafeteria, and the CAPS floor in Mission Hall.

6/11 – At UCSF Mission Hall, I attended my first Town Hall meeting.

Then I met my mentor for the first time! I was ready with a list of questions to ask her regarding her personal life and her professional trajectory. We went over our Mentor and Mentee Agreement. We discussed goals, expectations, modes of communication, and what we plan to do over the summer – that is, what project(s) we work on and what outcomes to expect by August. I scanned this document and copied it to my mentor and to my program supervisor for their records. My mentor and I scheduled our meetings for the next two weeks.

6/12 – The Substance Use Pt 1 session was informative and eye-opening.

Swapping common phrases that stigmatize people who use substances can make a profound impact on public perceptions and subsequent actions from individual to institutional. Photo from

We got our SFDPH badges! We also took group photos and individual headshots. These photos will be used in a flyer to advertise for SHARP’s symposium in August.

The SHARP cohort is looking sharp! Fun Fact: City Hall was rebuilt after the great earthquake and fire in 1906. It took two years to finish this current building.

Scholars gave mini presentations on ourselves and things we liked or are passionate about for a maximum of 5 minutes. I talked about some of my favorite foods, musical artists, and TV shows. Another scholar discussed his involvement with sex education during college and how that experience has shaped his career aspirations. Another peer described the places she wanted to visit in the future. One of my peers shared her YouTube channel and how her videos center around lifestyle, including her dorm room in college, her outfits, and her spring break. Next, a scholar talked about his personal life and the different identities/roles he has as a brother, student, and more. Finally, a peer discussed his involvement with a summer program that prepares high school students to be community leaders and competitive applicants for college! These presentations were personal and fun.

6/13 – This day was spent doing readings and taking notes.

6/14 – On this day, scholars submitted timesheets to be approved so that we can get our paychecks on time! Our morning session was a presentation by a former SHARPie and current community programs manager of Bridge HIV, which is based in our building of SFDPH.

According to their website, Bridge HIV is “a global leader in HIV prevention research, working with Bay Area and international communities to discover effective HIV prevention strategies.”

Bridge HIV is a grant-funded research unit that seeks to find ways to prevent HIV infection and related diseases both locally and globally. From what I understand, Bridge has different clinical trials as well as different phases of research studies to eventually discover a vaccine or some type of preventive measure like PrEP.

In the evening, after work, I watched a nature documentary called The Serengeti Rules (2018) with another scholar and her mentor. I was thankful to have been invited to this screening, which was special as one of the scientists featured in this documentary was able to attend this event and answer questions from the moderator and audience. I learned new things about keystone species and more about different types of animals like sea otters, urchins, kelp, and wildebeest.

This beautiful film captures different ends of the world and allows us to view some of the most rare and vulnerable species. It sheds light on the interactions between species and the influence of human behavior on entire ecosystems.

WEEKEND: On Saturday, I completed three hours of work shift around the complex. I vacuumed carpeted hallways and weeded a small section of the garden in the back. After that, I went thrifting with a fellow Scholar. This lasted for hours and I have a newfound love for Buffalo Exchange, which offers affordable and trendy clothing! (Tip: Bring a reusable bag with you at all times! My clothes fit into my tote so I didn’t have to purchase a bag). My friend and I then tried Bongo Burger for dinner. It was a productive day since I added to my professional wardrobe. Sunday, on the other hand, does not stick in my memory.


6/17 – SHARP’s session on HIV 101 took place at GLIDE, about 20 minutes away from the office. Since 1963, GLIDE has served people in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco with compassion and care, along with social justice in mind. Their services are far-reaching and address the social determinants of health that every individual needs, such as food, housing assistance, healthcare, and family services. GLIDE aims to address and alleviate poverty and overall suffering.

What I got from this session was that people living with HIV take three pill regimens. In the 1990s, it used to be 15-20 pills. Some people still take quite a lot of pills. In 1993, medications for children living with HIV came about. People also donate their bodies to science to help scientists find a cure for HIV.

More information:

GLIDE’s logo is an orange heart. This organization wants to have an unconditionally loving community.

6/18 – I spent most of the day reading more chapters of Medical Apartheid and enhancing my knowledge of the unjust medical history of America. In my notebook, I jotted down powerful points and facts. However, that day, I had trouble concentrating and felt so fatigued. My self care skills are not up to par. Self care is important at any stage of life, and it is increasingly difficult to perform and maintain as a person gets older and more independent.

6/19 – We had a Meet and Greet with other interns from the Department of Public Health. They are at different buildings in the city, but within walking distance. We did a familiar icebreaker called Concentric Circles. One set of people stood in a circle facing outward. Surrounding and facing these people were the other set of interns and staff. This outer circle of individuals would rotate around to the next person after each round. Some questions that were asked were: “When did you first notice your race?,”  “Talk about an instance when you were stereotyped,” “Describe the neighborhood you grew up in,” and “Describe who you were taught to trust and not to trust growing up.” These questions were

This diagram illustrates Concentric Circles. The “B” group remains in their spots while the “A” group members rotate. Sometimes people use numbers 1 and 2 instead of letters.

Following the activity, I briefly stopped at a Juneteenth rally at City Hall’s front steps.
Then I attended a Juneteenth feast and celebration at UC Berkeley’s Black Resource Center.

For more information on this holiday:
That afternoon, I bought more work-appropriate shoes but later on did not like them. Tip: Always keep the receipt!

6/20 – I spent a good portion of the day at UCSF. There, I had an informational interview with a researcher who worked with my mentor on a research project before. She provided some tidbits of advice from her experiences so far. One piece of wisdom she shared was that confidence is key.

Right after that, I went to an office hours/working session with Dr. Conroy. She is one of the SHARP mentors for this year. The mentors for the 2019 cohort want to be accessible to the other mentees, not just the scholar that they are spending the most time with. They are trying to be a team of mentors, and since some mentors are out of the office at different points during the summer, the mentors want to make sure that there is at least one mentor that the mentees can seek out and talk to about their research progress and other concerns. Dr. Conroy gave us a refresher on Dedoose.

After having lunch at the medical center cafeteria, I met with my mentor. We discussed the projects and my thoughts on the readings and then she assigned new tasks for me. When I write down notes from our meetings, I use a highlighter to underline the “action items.” I also got access to the Drop Box to access transcripts, the codebook, and analyses.

That evening, I did my best to prepare my 5Ws and 1H for the Works In Progress session the following day. By this time, scholars are expected to know what their research question is (or some ideas for it), who are the participants being studied, what type of research it is (qualitative, quantitative, etc.), when the study was conducted, where it took place, and why this research is relevant and valuable. Furthermore, how did the research happen? For example, were there questionnaires or focus groups?

Remember these words when researching a topic!

6/21 – During our Works-In-Progress session, led by Jonathan, each scholar took a turn at explaining their project. As a scholar talked out loud, Jonathan wrote an outline on the white board. He asked us questions to gain clarity and to help us think about our projects. He offered us suggestions for going forward with our research.

After the session, one of the scholars and I had lunch while watching the movie Naz and Maalik. This 2015 American drama film covers a summer afternoon of two closeted gay Muslim teenagers. These two fall under suspicion of an FBI agent. People affiliated with SFDPH attended this film and some remained for the discussion afterwards. One point made was that the teen boys were both black, which was visible to others. One wore a headpiece that indicated to others that he was Muslim. It was likely a combination of these two identities that made the FBI agent weary of these teens and wonder about their actions or intentions. This was a very interesting film and throughout it, I was on edge because I was nervous that something unfortunate would happen to these two young men who can attract negative attention just for their identities. In American society, certain identities such as Black Americans or Muslim Americans can be targeted and perceived to be threats to safety and wellbeing.

In the evening, I went looking for clothes by myself in a shopping center in San Francisco. I had to return home before it got dark.


6/22 – After doing homework, I did laundry, which I designated for Saturdays.

6/23 – My Sunday was super fun and fulfilling, as I was able to visit numerous places on my bucket list. My oldest cousin flew in to enjoy San Francisco and we started by looking around Chinatown. We ate dim sum for breakfast in one of the parks where elderly folks gather to play chess and joke around. We looked around in some stores and got bubble tea. We also went to Fisherman’s Wharf, Lombard Street, Ghirardelli Square, and Palace of Fine Arts. All in all, I walked 9.7 miles! From this excursion, I saw different parts of San Francisco. I really liked Chinatown and will return to explore more of the culture and community.

6/24 – The group had a Stats 101 session! Sometimes there’s statisticians for research teams but it’s always helpful to be familiar with statistics to do yourself.

After lunch, I had a one-on-one check-in with Jessica, my supervisor. Then I resumed my research.

6/25 – We had our first payday! I was very thrilled to hear that. I had a morning meeting with my mentor and another of her summer research interns at Asian Health Services, a community health center in Oakland’s Chinatown. AHS was established in 1974 and primarily serves Asians and Asian Americans, but they will not turn away people of other races who are seeking care. Services range from behavioral to family planning to urgent care. Since 1985, AHS has operated an HIV program. My mentor, colleague, and I spoke with the HIV program manager to gain an understanding of what AHS is, what their HIV program does, and the demographics of the communities they work with.

AHS has evolved from a one-room clinic to a comprehensive health center.

6/26 – After our Quantitative Research session, I worked more on my PowerPoint and research.

6/27 – I met with my mentor at UCSF to touch base on my progress and my questions. Then we held a team meeting, where we went over an interview transcript in detail. My mentor gave us more assignments and deadlines for them. Right after lunch, I had another one-on-one meeting with my mentor to continue asking her some questions. She shared her experiences and insights regarding the path of Ph.D. and being a researcher whose salary is dependent on grants. This talk gave me more to think about as I contemplate what my steps following graduation could possibly be.

At the end of the day, I went with three other SHARPies to a Pride Nightlife event at California Academy of Sciences!  For a few hours, we promoted Bridge HIV by recruiting a target population for HIV prevention research and increasing people’s awareness of their organization, their work, and most importantly, HIV and sexual health. We had a spin-the-wheel where we asked people trivia questions in order to get water bottles and T-shirts.

6/28 – Mini Presentation Day!
Each scholar was to present a PowerPoint on their research project for no more than five minutes. We went in the order that we are to go in for our actual presentation on Symposium Day, August 9th.

Our mini presentations went well! I am very impressed by my peers and they motivate me to be my best self. After each scholar was done speaking, we clapped and asked questions about the project. Next, we provided positive feedback and shared what we liked. Then we offered opportunities that we saw for improvement. We critiqued on PowerPoint layout, fonts, images, colors, presentation style, eye contact, body language, and other factors. This session was something I was internally groaning about, but it went better than I thought.

There are countless templates on Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Scholars are required to use a template provided by the SFDPH. Nevertheless, our slides will still differ from each individual!

On my turn, I stayed under the time limit. I felt like I kept a good pace and did not glance at the slides too much. Some takeaways from this first round was that I could add more visuals to some slides, which I agree with. People liked that I began by defining the populations I was studying. Somehow I also maintained a pleasant smile on my face during my talk. This session was great practice and I know I will improve from here on out.

I remained at SFDPH to do work. In the evening, the six scholars and four people affiliated with SHARP relaxed at a Happy Hour event. This was a casual space and we discussed music, fashion, and careers. I think this was my first time going to a Happy Hour. The rest of my night was calm; I spent time typing up this blog post.

6/29 – I went thrifting at different stores along Telegraph Avenue. Buffalo Exchange holds strong as my favorite. Afterwards, I tried Uji Time Dessert’s ice cream with a scholar and had a nice conversation.

6/30 – San Francisco Pride was an exciting experience to be a part of! A peer did my makeup for the festivities and our group headed to our designated area. SFDPH was Contingent 11 this year, whereas in previous years they were placed farther behind in the parade formation. By the time we met up with the rest of the department, T-shirts had already been distributed and we took the leftover size XL shirts. We had materials to pass out to the crowds: condoms, lubricants and hand towels. Eventually we took off for the march/parade, which lasted a few hours. We had several stops along the way. To pass the time, people from our group and other groups danced.

The colors of my dress (blue, white, pink) correspond to the transgender flag, except my stripes do not align in the order of the flag’s colors.

Five out of six scholars marched in the parade!

Absent is one of the scholars. We are joined by Jonathan, one of the Co-Principal Investigators of SHARP!


What an eventful June! I cannot believe that a month of the program has passed. I really appreciate the chances I have gotten to talk with people about their experiences and outlooks on life. At this point, I look to honing in on my research, narrowing down my research question, and continuing to take life one day at a time, and one step at a time.

Some peers asked me if I could see myself living out in the Bay Area in the future. When envisioning it, I do not know about that. While I have experience taking public transportation throughout high school and college, in Ohio as well as Chicago, NYC, and Japan), I wonder if I can take it daily for work. I am concerned about poor sanitation, lack of adequate air conditioning, noise, potential hearing loss, crowdedness, unpleasant smells, and long commutes.

Nevertheless, the sessions throughout the summer are constructive and productive and I enjoy exploring the Bay Area. I wonder what the next month will bring.

The University of Iowa – Summer Research Opportunities Program – Part II

July 2018

When July came around, I was halfway completed with the Summer Research Opportunities Program at The University of Iowa; four weeks down, with four more to go! This second month, I finished as much research as I could do, and then the last week was spent wrapping up the program: presenting posters at the annual undergraduate summer research symposium and recognizing all the Scholars for our hard work and contributions. This half of the summer felt like it went by much quicker than the first half.

July 1st – That weekend, there was the Jazz Festival downtown, and fireworks were shooting off at night. Plenty of people flooded the streets of downtown Iowa City to enjoy the sizzling, fuzzy heat and hear some music. Some crowds were huddled all over the lawns on campus with their blankets on the grass. I did not go outside at night to watch the fireworks, but I could hear them from the dorm. A few Scholars did go to see the fireworks, even venturing into the neighborhood of Coralville to view the fireworks displays.

Photo credit:

July 2nd
At the “Grad School Admissions” panel, six graduate students shared their experiences and advice for us. These students were pursuing MFAs and Ph.Ds. in history, higher education & student affairs, and counseling psychology. They spoke on their transition from undergraduate to graduate school; some went straight through with their schooling whereas others had some time off for employment first. Some of these students were people of color, and I really appreciated seeing and hearing from POCs, because these were people like me who went on to graduate school.

Some tidbits of wisdom they mentioned during the panel included befriending your fellow graduate students because it is unfeasible and foolish to not do so, and to email professors and people for letters of recommendation immediately, even though it was summer and school had not started yet. One student said that one recommender should know you well personally, one recommender should vouch for your professional experiences, and one should be a “hard-hitter,” which is someone who is highly respected and esteemed in their field. There should also be a person available at the ready to write a back-up recommendation, in case one of the main three recommenders happens to not submit a letter on time, or at all. The panel was very informational. I made a note to myself to contact my recommenders right when school started in August; I wanted to meet with them in person to talk about our summers and then ask them if they would be willing to write me letters.

July 3rd
We had a GRE study session in the evening.

July 4th
SROP had a Holiday Picnic planned for us, but this was canceled, and we all just had the day off. It was eerily quiet downtown on the actual holiday, with barely any cars passing through the streets. A group of us played a few hours of Dungeons & Dragons and then walked downtown to see what was going on. About a dozen of us spent some time in a frozen yogurt shop, and we played a game called Headbands. Those who were over age 21 went to a bar to play billiards. It was a relaxing day.

Our D&D group within SROP used this Starter Set to play our campaign.

July 5th
Our Research Seminar revolved around “Conferences & Publications,” presented to us by a speaker who was very engaging and captivated everyone’s attention as he spoke about types of papers, journals, and authorship. This Chemistry professor was very passionate and stated that this was not a lecture but a discussion; he wanted us to speak during class. Despite it being the end of the day, he did not show any physical signs of fatigue.

I learned that there are three types of research papers:
1) a letter (for general audiences, and the most brief type of paper at two to three pages, including figures and references)
2) a full-length article
3) a review of many articles (this is more rare)
The speaker said that it is common for professors to publish two to ten times a year, depending on their discipline. He also vouched for the value of attending conferences, networking, and attending society meetings. He mentioned that growing a thick skin would be beneficial because “academia is critical of ideas.” What surprised me was that this professor read academic articles every day, including weekends and holidays to keep up with the literature! In addition, journals have impact factors, which are numerical factors for the prestige of the journals. Higher impact factors are better. He also talked about for-profit journals being predatory, as they charge researchers to publish, without thoroughly reviewing the submitted work. Open-access journals on the other hand provide public access to articles; for example, the NIH mandates that NIH-funded research be posted on PubMed, a year after its publication date, so that the public can read this year-old article.

July 6th
For our Speaker Series, a professor in the Sociology department whose research is primarily on social stratification and public policy! She discussed her research on implicit bias training in some schools in the Iowa City Community School District; her hope is that educators will recognize their own biases (every human being has bias, whether they know it or not) and ensure that their biases do not lead to disproportionate educational outcomes for different races of students.
Students and teachers filled out surveys as part of the professor’s research. Students were asked if they had mentors at school, and if they felt safe and supported, among other questions.
One result revealed that 19% of Black students enrolled in the school districts for 2016-2017, but 63% were suspended. This is an outrageous statistic, and indicates a disparity in disciplining students. Another finding was that white students had the highest rates of race-matched mentors, meaning they were the students who often had a mentor of the same race. Furthermore, LGBTQ-identifying students disclosed that they did not feel supported or understood by their teachers. Even 25% of all students surveyed reported that teachers do not recognize their hard work.

There are multiple areas to address in these schools, and diverse stakeholders must be involved when making decisions. Besides training teachers and staff (the implicit bias training in schools is contracted to last three years), a handful of schools are trying a restorative justice approach to discipline instead of suspending students. Also pertinent is recruiting and retaining diverse staff and students. Yet another suggestion raised by the researchers was to arrange school calendars so that testing would not occur on/near any religious holidays, not just Christian holidays like Christmas or Easter.


I support implicit bias training for school educators and staff; having grown up in the inner-city and attending public schools for my entire life, and often being the only Asian-American student in class, I witnessed bias and microaggressions from teachers who had little experience interacting with Asian/Asian-American people. For example, I have had teachers insist on knowing where my parents were born, and teachers who commented how my name did not suit me because it was “too American” for me. This lecture spoke to me, and I hope that teachers nationwide can be more educated and aware of their own biases and lack of knowledge and cultural sensitivity.

July 9th
Sunny gave a professional development presentation on “Professionalism on Social Media.” What we post on the Internet has a permanent presence, even if we delete our photos or statuses. We must be vigilant of what we say or share, because you never know who could screenshot something and send it off to other people. Sunny asked us what social media networks we use, from Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to some others. Most of us use a few social media networks! I use a wide array of social networks, and am very connected to the Internet. When I post, I keep in mind that I do have past teachers and older adults as friends or followers of my accounts, so I ask myself if things are appropriate for me to share.

Photo credit:

July 10th
Another GRE Study Session consisted of practicing vocabulary words and doing practice problems from our Kaplan books.

July 11th
The evening session If I Knew Then What I Know Now was a speed meeting with past SROP students who were in graduate school. The scholars were sitting at six tables, and we sat down the entire duration, while a graduate student circled around to each table every 10 minutes, and each of them had a specific topic to discuss with us.
One student, Maya, did SROP at University of Iowa some years ago, where she studied African-American mothers and stress. She talked about “building your cabinet” of people, or basically a support system.
Charles was pursuing a Ph.D. in higher education, and commented on “wearing multiple hats” and juggling various responsibilities. He aims to be a faculty member and administrator for student affairs. When he finished reading for the day, he would then focus on self-care and play basketball as his reward.
Nicole is in the process of achieving her MFA in Painting and Drawing, a three-year program. She talked about “department politics” and power structures.
Danielle was in her Ph.D. program for civil engineering, and was researching flood predictions. She commented on being a “Teaching Assistant (TA) versus Research Assistant (RA) versus Graduate Assistant (GA)”. TAs are popular for science disciplines while GAs are commonly found in the social sciences and liberal arts. She is an RA, and wants to do consulting after her program. She is also involved in graduate student government, so grad students can still be involved outside of the classroom! Danielle mentioned that she is the only woman in her classes, which is still a reality in STEM, but is slowly dissolving.
Lastly a student who I think was named Deron (De’Ron?) discussed “time management” in his MFA for printmaking program. He suggested we try to complete assignments one to two weeks before the given deadline, to allocate more time since procrastination is real. He was attracted to UIowa’s program because of the funding and stipends; also, the school’s printmaking program is third in the nation.
I was impressed by the diversity of graduate students and how they all came from various fields and states; a few went straight from undergraduate to graduate school, and it was interesting to hear all their perspectives.

July 12th
This Research Seminar was on Poster Construction Do’s and Don’ts. Scholars were given a guide for designing our research posters, which we would present at a conference just less than two weeks away. We also received several handouts showing different posters; we went through almost all of them and critiqued each poster. All posters should be concise, with minimal wording and carefully curated diagrams or photos.

Elements of a poster should include, but are not limited to:
Abstract – Why was this research necessary? What happened? What were the results? What are the implications for this research? This should be a short paragraph or two and should be easily understandable by anyone who reads this abstract.
– Introduction – What is the issue being addressed? What is the gap in the literature?
– Hypothesis – What do I predict will be the outcome(s) from the research?
– Methods – What methods did we use for the research? Was it qualitative or quantitative? This should be very specific and delineate how this research was conducted.
– Results – What were the results? Diagrams would be helpful here in visually representing the results.
– Conclusion – This section is a summary of what the results suggest and what future directions can be taken.

This is a sample research poster from my very own university! White space is necessary for a poster. There should be a balance between white space and the amount of text and images on a poster. It should overall look neat and have an organized structure.

There should be some models/diagrams/photos on the poster so that it is not entirely composed of text. People need to see visuals! Visuals can help draw people in and also aid people’s understanding of complex concepts. Some other elements could include Discussion and Literature Review. References are also another popular section. For my poster, I add in an Acknowledgements section, because I always want to give thanks to people who have helped me with my research. Furthermore, I have to thank Professor Welburn and Sean for allowing me to help them with their project and giving me guidance.

When presenting a poster, there are also some guidelines. Students should practice presenting the data in front of peers, before they present at a conference. Do their peers understand the information and can logically follow the points made on the poster? Students should prepare a two-minute version and five-minute version of their poster speech. They also should not simply read off the poster, but briefly explain the research and then give specifics if people ask. Another piece of advice was to be enthusiastic and lively about the research and the work accomplished. If people come up to you and see that you are energetic and excited, they would feel like you really care about the topic.

This lecture’s presenter also showed us sample letters of recommendation that he wrote for students he has worked with. He even handed out a copy of a student’s personal statement for a Ph.D. program. It was very insightful to read these papers and get the perspectives of a recommender.

July 13th
A Biochemistry professor spoke to us on the molecular mechanisms of epigenetics. She introduced herself and her educational background. She spent four years in undergrad, four years for her PhD, six years doing postdoctoral work, and five years ago, she established her own lab. Then she gave us a mini lecture on her work. She explained how she studies how epigenetic factors influence gene expression and how the environment (stress, nutrition, exercise, etc. impact a person’s epigenome).

Source: Learning about epigenetics reminded me of public health, and how environmental exposures and other facets of people’s lives impact their health, even the health of generations of offspring.

Although I took introductory biology and chemistry courses, I never had instruction on epigenetics, so this material was new to me. A fact I learned from the lecture was that there is evidence that genes from a famine in Denmark are affecting people today. The professor said that epigenetic marks are reversible and have substantial therapeutic potential. Her lab works to understand more about chromatin biology and human disease, and help develop therapeutics, which are used for people suffering from disease, pain, or injuries. The professor noted that when seeking funding for research projects, the funders need to be motivated and excited about your topic or your research. I will keep this advice in mind, not just for when I am applying for funding for my research, but for scholarships; I have to make readers excited for me and want to help me achieve my goals.

Scholars who had missed a session for various reasons were required to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity again. This was no issue for me; I appreciated the opportunity to get to help out at the warehouse area. We helped restock furniture, move furniture around, assemble some furniture and appliances (lamps and lighting fixtures in particular), measure door frames, sort recyclables, and unload a few truckloads of even more furniture. It was my first time going inside a Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and seeing the array of items that people donated and would be eventually reused. We even built a bunk bed. Furniture sold here is marked at affordable prices. For furnishing my own homes/apartments in the future, I now can add a Habitat for Humanity ReStore to the list of places to visit.

This is just one small area of the large warehouse of the Habitat for Humanity – Iowa Valley.

July 16th
Natalie conducted our session on self-assessments; it was called “Know Thyself.” This was important because we have to know who we are to write our personal statements and to express ourselves in interviews. She started with asking us if we can define ourselves in one sentence. Statements from scholars like “I am 21 years old,” “I am studying [insert subject/field],” were shot down. Natalie inquired, “What if education and everything else was taken away from you? Who are you then?” What were we besides students?
You can exist without your achievements.” This statement spoke volumes to me. I am more than my almost-perfect (3.966) GPA, my leadership activities, and my honors and awards. We must not define ourselves by a test score or other numbers or accolades. I define myself by values like “trustworthy,” “caring,” “kind,” and “inquisitive.”

Natalie gave us each a worksheet and a paper with a long list of values, from A-Z order. Using values from the list, we first listed five values that are the MOST important to us, then five values that were important to us, and finally five values that were the least important to us. Furthermore, Natalie wanted us to jot down why these values were important to us and how do we use these values or employ them in action.

My most important values are, in no particular order:
My life craves excitement and discovery. I want to travel the world and to different nook and crannies in America. I love adventure and learning about the world around me. So far, I have done some traveling, and that has kept me eager for more adventures.
I strive to be happy, and this has been a great area of struggle for me, with so many challenges I have encountered in life. Happiness is a universal feeling, but oftentimes I do not find myself in a happy state. To try to achieve this value, I spend time with loved ones, and they contribute positively to my mood. I also can make myself content when I am not with other people; blogging is a source of pride and happiness for me. Helping other people generally makes me happy.
What is life without friends? I have made many new friends in college and they have enriched my life. They have supported me and helped me get through school, and I have just had fun with them as we explored Columbus and hung around school. I make sure to see my friends at least once a week, and I often have a class with at least one of them!
My family have always been a part of my life, and they are there for me when I need them. My family has helped get me to where I am today. I make time to see my family a few times a semester. I return home for one to two weeks for winter break. Sometimes I am busy traveling to new places and forgo visiting Cleveland. Still, I call my mother once a week, mostly on the weekends, so I can hear her comforting voice.
Education is one of my lifelines, one of my necessities just like blood. I call myself a lifelong lover of learning; I will always be reading books and online articles to better myself and increase my knowledge of various topics. Many subjects catch my interest. I have a major and two minors because I want to be more well-rounded and educated. While traveling, I try to visit a few museums so I can deepen my understanding of art, history, and different cultures.

For my one-liner, which I did not share out loud with the class but silently wanted to, I wrote down,
I am someone who found her strength from her struggles.”

Photo Source:                                                                                       What defines you? Can you describe yourself succinctly in one sentence?

July 17th
We had our usual GRE Study Session, which we all attend after we eat dinner at Burge Hall.

July 18th
This day, I had a draft of my research poster ready and talked through the layout and content with my mentor, Professor Welburn. I sent her a PDF of my poster and she printed it; I would pick it up later in the office of the Sociology department.

For our session, we had Research Roundtable presentations. We printed out copies of our research abstracts to share with the Scholars at our table, and one faculty mentor/member from University of Iowa was present at each of the four tables around the room to hear us present our abstract and our research projects, and provide us with feedback. This was preparation for the conference next week, and it was also one of the most stressful sessions for me, since I do not like presenting in front of others. Nevertheless, I appreciated getting the chance to hear what my peers were doing and how some of them are really strong presenters and seem to not show any anxiety in front of audiences. Each table would select the scholar from that table who presented the most well, and to eventually stand in front of the entire room to present once more, and be judged. The four scholars presented and the four faculty members decided who was the best presenter. The scholar with the best oral presentation of their research that night was a fellow Buckeye, who I did not meet or know until we both began SROP together in the summer.

July 19th
Our scheduled session was cancelled, so Scholars had this day to work more on research.

July 20th
Our last Speaker Series session was presented by a professor in Astronomy and Physics. That night, we had a SROP Talent Show, where scholars had a space to show off their talents and skills. One scholar did a dance and later that night, a SROP-themed parody of an R&B song. Another scholar played his own musical piece on his flute; throughout SROP, when we walked down the hallways of our dorm floor, we would hear his whimsical flute-playing. Another scholar sang a cover of Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie,” and one scholar presented a slideshow of her artwork and she even completed a painting during SROP, and passed this around to the audience. I also volunteered for the talent show; when I submitted my name that I was participating, I only had in mind that I would perform a poem. After I elected to be a part of the show, I hurriedly began to brainstorm my poem. It was finished in two days, and then the few days before the show, I was revising the poem, only allowing two SROP scholars to read it and provide me with feedback. The talent show overall was very fun, and just like how multifaceted and unique each of us scholars are, our talents are different as well.

The Arts Building West building holds the Art Library. It is a tranquil place to study. The small pond sometimes will have ducks splashing around in it.

A link to my poem is found here:

On July 21st, Scholars took a GRE Post-test, from 10 am to 2 pm, to compare our scores from the beginning of summer. I was relieved to earn higher scores for both the quantitative and verbal sections. However, the test we took was the same as the diagnostic test, except I did have some unfamiliar sets of questions because I knew how to answer a few previous sets. I scored in the 80th or so percentiles for this test, an improvement from last time when I scored in the 44th and 70th-something percentiles. When taking practice tests, I did not write essays, but in hindsight, perhaps I should have spent the time to do so. We printed off our results for the SROP staff’s records.

July 23rd –
Graduate assistant Sunny presented a session on self-care and support. For this interactive session, Sunny strongly encouraged us to discuss with him about our perceptions of self-care and what questions we had about the topic. We defined what self-care means for us. One scholar said for her, it meant “treating yourself.” Others said that for their self-care, they needed “music,” “solitude,” “stopping and thinking,” and “hanging with friends.” We then did self-assessments, which I believe were related to stress.

During the session, I took some notes related to self-care:
Start a compliments file.” Sunny practices this activity, and I actually did this back in middle school when I would screenshot compliments that people gave me online. If someone posts something especially sweet and meaningful to me online, I still screenshot it and keep it on my phone in my Photos album.
Mini-meditation.” I do not currently practice meditation, but it can be something simple and not even time-intensive. It could be something I do right before bed, or when I wake up.
Unplug for an hour.” My world revolves around using technology and staying connected to my networks through my phone or laptop. I am almost always looking at a screen, if I am not sleeping or doing my personal hygiene routines. I even scroll on my phone as I eat though, so my everyday life activities seem to be consumed by my use of technology. However, by playing games with my friends, I am engrossed in the games and end up not using my phone. Unplugging can be a challenge, especially when I love social media and want to see/know what other people are up to. Unplugging is important and I hope to remember to engage in activities that do not involve me using technology.
Notice your breathing.” By noticing my breathing, and focusing on only that, I can calm myself down.
Walk around outside.” This is important and should be done daily. I am sure I can commit to this action and get my daily dose of fresh air.

Near the end of the session, we created our own Distress Tolerance Boxes, which are boxes containing items for self-care and stress-relief. Sunny brought some mini boxes that resembled rectangular take-out containers. He also had some rocks engraved with words like “Friendship” and “Love” and some Chinese finger trap toys. There was also some candy to stash in the boxes. We could decorate our boxes with construction paper and markers. While I liked the concept of the box, I knew I would not be able to bring a box with me in my luggage or in my backpack. I then came up with the idea to make the box into a care package to give to individuals suffering from homelessness; there were some we encountered in Iowa City, and I felt like presenting them with a small box containing goodies and toiletries would be very helpful for them and make their days.

Photo source:                                           A personal care robot from the Disney film Big Hero 6 wants to make sure his owner is taking care of himself. Likewise, he wants others to monitor their wellness, from physical to mental.

July 24th

Instead of GRE tutoring and preparation, all the Scholars were in one room and we learned about some handy and helpful websites to aid us for graduate and/or professional school.
These websites are: – career advice for PhDs, by PhDs – this requires money to join – my Individual Development Plan –  an account must be created to access materials –
The site provides the following:

  • Exercises to help you examine your skills, interests, and values
  • A list of 20 scientific career paths with a prediction of which ones best fit your skills and interests
  • A tool for setting strategic goals for the coming year, with optional reminders to keep you on track
  • Articles and resources to guide you through the process

Imagine PhD – – FREE career exploration and planning for the humanities and social sciences. An account must be created to access assessments and other resources – Helping graduate students and PhDs envision, prepare for, and excel in non-academic careers since 1999
They have a PhD career finder, discussion boards, job listing boards, local meet-ups and more.

Slack – – a chat app used by graduate students to collaborate and to chat, and is also utilized by teams/groups of people in workforce and business
This is FREE for small groups of people, for unlimited time. The other two plans cost money, monthly.

The GRE instructors we had for the summer informed us to go to conferences, to look at success stories, and to not let the competitiveness of a program deter us from applying! They also told us about academic Twitter; we could have a separate Twitter account for academic and professional purposes, to network with other people in our fields and disciplines and to share our achievements, aside from our personal and private accounts.

July 25th
We had a SROP Closing Luncheon, where Scholars and their faculty mentors and some graduate students had lunch together and mingled. Ms. Diana gave a speech and thanked everyone for being in the program. At the end of the lunch, I presented my poem!

After this luncheon, the summer undergraduate research conference (SURC) began; it was from 1 to 5 pm, and students were placed into one of two sessions, so they were not presenting for a full four hours, but only two hours. Still, I was extremely anxious and did not want to present. I often have a concern that my research is not good enough, that I did not get enough research done and could have done mucmore, and other worries. I had several people stop by my poster. One sociology student who was at University of Iowa came up to me to discuss my research. I even printed out 20 business cards to hand out to people.

I appreciate the poster having a glossy finish. It should be resistant to water and other damages. It is also text-heavy, which can deter people from approaching the poster. I just like providing ample information for people.

July 26th
This was a free day for many scholars, besides our awards ceremony that evening. Some scholars were busy printing their posters somewhere around campus. With two friends and my SROP roommate, we went to the medical side of University of Iowa’s campus and got food from food trucks. I tried some delicious gyros. Then we went to the mall to purchase a gift for Ms. Sproles: a Bath & Body Works candle, soap, and lotion, all wrapped up in pretty paper. I also went to some stores downtown for the last time. I really liked the White Rabbit boutique and the Blick Arts Materials, which was where I purchased my tube to hold my research poster. I also quickly toured the Natural History museum on campus; I had been meaning on going to the museum for all of summer, but on my very last day, I finally was able to venture in and look at the history of Iowa and the many taxidermied animals in its various exhibits.

At the beginning of summer, I saw a mere outline of this mural. On my last full day in Iowa City, I finally got to see the finished product.

In the evening, we had a Closing Session and Awards Ceremony. Earlier in the week, we all turned in completed sheets of “SROP Superlatives,” where we nominated scholars for various awards such as “Best Motivator,” “Best Trio,” “Most Likely to Achieve World Peace,” “The World Traveler,” and other fun awards. There were about a dozen superlatives in total. The SROP staff also gave out certificates of completion to everyone, and then gave additional awards to the scholars who did exceptionally well in the program. I received “Best Motivator,” and tied with another scholar for “Most Studious.” I also received the highest votes for “People’s Choice Award for Talent Show.” Outside of the visual arts building where the ceremony was held, a bunch of scholars took group photos, and we walked next door to the arts building to view an art showcase, with art from high school students who were also here in Iowa for some time during the summer. At night, a small handful of us went to a rooftop restaurant to see what Iowa City looked like from up above. While I was feeling sad that SROP was ending, I was still trying to make the most of my limited time and enjoy every moment with my friends.

I will miss my peers so much.

July 27th
This was Departure Day, a very bittersweet day, and the last time I would likely see all the Scholars in one place. In the early morning, three scholars from Puerto Rico began their journey home. The remainder of us were able to eat breakfast at Burge and gather in the lobby to check out of Burge Hall, where we waited to be picked up by Ms. Sproles, Natalie, and Sunny to be taken to the airport in Cedar Rapids.

We exchanged many hugs, said goodbyes/see you laters, and shed some tears. While we waited in the airport terminals, some of us played card games, while others listened to music. I was about to board my plane before I turned to see my closest friends from SROP yell out “Bye” and wave at me.

The Cedar Rapids airport is fairly small. The staff are all pleasant from the encounters I have had.


My summer was fruitful and full of learning, new experiences, and challenges. I am thankful for the myriad of opportunities to learn about a variety of fields, from biochemistry to physics to public policy, and to speak with some graduate students and faculty members. I also am grateful to have gotten to know some academically competitive, talented, and kind scholars from across America and Puerto Rico. Because of my eight-week experience, I am better prepared for my graduate studies, and have a strong CV and personal statement for my application to my program. I understand much more of what being in graduate school is like, what the process is for finding funding, and what it is like to be in academia. I really enjoyed getting to hear multiple perspectives each day of the program.

Also important, this was my first intensive experience conducting research, and contributing to a faculty member’s work. I engaged in qualitative research coding and analysis, which helped reinforce my desire to pursue qualitative methods. Although my research project was not explicitly public health, it related to public health because it involved studying experiences of a marginalized and vulnerable group: first-generation college students, with living, working, and attending school at The University of Iowa. I was able to read 15 interview transcripts and learned a considerable deal of these students’ backgrounds and some of their challenges, like substandard housing conditions (doors not locking, mold, and general uncleanliness), and 60% of them working two jobs to help make ends meet. These interviews were eye-opening and contributed to my understanding of how the quality and affordability of housing are especially influential in students’ health and wellbeing, and even their academic outcomes.

Besides the academic and professional growth, I also experienced personal growth, as I developed relationships with people. My interactions with friends and staff helped me become better aware of different cultures and backgrounds. My worldview has tremendously expanded because of my friends from California, Arizona, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Washington, D.C., and Iowa. Even my fellow Ohio State scholar was someone who I had never interacted with before SROP, and I learned so much about him; he is in a different public health specialization than me, and he is also pre-med, so I was able to learn about the perspectives of a pre-med student and support him as he took his MCAT halfway through SROP. I highly suggest for undergraduates to get involved in research, including immersive and transformative experiences such as a Summer Research Opportunities Program.

Link to University of Iowa’s Summer Research Opportunities Program:

Please see an upcoming post on “Applying to SROP” for details on the months-long application process and how I prepared for SROP! Hopefully the post will aid in people getting accepted to a program. More resources will be listed in the post.

The University of Iowa – Summer Research Opportunities Program – Part I

The University of Iowa offers the opportunity for first-generation college students and/or students from disadvantaged backgrounds/students who are historically underrepresented to take part in their annual Summer Research Opportunities Program (called SROP). Through the eight weeks of SROP, not only do the Scholars prepare for graduate school through GRE workshops and informational sessions on various aspects of graduate school, but they also enhance their academic and personal skills through engaging in a research project with a faculty mentor whose interests align with theirs. The Scholars also partake in volunteering and social events that augment their experiences while in Iowa City, Iowa. Students are challenged daily and are expected to uphold values of professionalism and integrity. Scholars are also expected to show respect and open-mindedness as they meet with other students from across the country. There is a great deal of work required of the Scholars, but there are many benefits to be reaped. All the hard work I put in was worth it, and Summer 2018 turned out to be one of the best summers of my entire life!

The campus loomed large at first glance but I quickly learned how to navigate it. I learned how to use the buses! Source: the university’s admissions office

This blog post describes what I did in June.

DAY 1 – June 4th

After landing in the United States, I was back home in Cleveland for six hours before I had to depart for Cedar Rapids/Iowa City! During that short period, I did laundry and packed my suitcase as full as I could; I had to lean on it to zip it up. I appreciate my parents for going through this exhausting ordeal with me and taking me to the airport, the last time they’d see me again until eight weeks later. I flew from Cleveland to Atlanta to Cedar Rapids, arriving at my final destination at 11 am.

While most students came to campus on June 2 or June 3, I came on June 4th. I was the latest student and felt terrible for missing out on orientation and a welcome picnic. But I was thankful to be there! I checked into the residence hall, set my things down, and went right to lunch, as I was famished. I made a new friend immediately; at the elevator, she greeted me and talked with me. We had lunch together and also went with a few other students to the library, where we had a session at 1:30 pm.

A librarian introduced us to the University of Iowa library system. There’s seven libraries there on campus and planned to go to each of them. The librarian showed us how to find research databases and contact library staff members. This session was very helpful in orienting us and the resource guide she provided will be a resource for our research this summer.

Fun fact: For every pig in Iowa, there are two books at UI.

I frequent the Main Library; it has a café, plenty of desktop computers around the building, and study spaces. You can also reserve rooms!

Then one of the two Graduate Assistants, Natalie, talked about professionalism and respect with us. We were expected to check emails regularly; it is not polite to ignore messages and we should respond within 24-48 hours. Afterwards, the SROP Scholars visited the gym and got a tour. I liked the facility and was impressed by the tall rock wall; it’s the tallest in the country for a college. We could purchase monthly or summer-semester memberships. (I passed on this chance, as I was unsure of my availability with my time spent between research, exploring Iowa, and studying for the GRE. I know that exercise is a vital part of maintaining good physical health, but because I perceived that I would be too busy, I did not work out at all.)

Right after that, we took our photo IDs! They are called HawkIDs and we use them to swipe into buildings for access. It’s similar to the BUCKID I use at The Ohio State University. I really like how I look in my photo.

This card has several uses!

We had the rest of the night to ourselves. Back in my dorm, I unpacked and rested before eating dinner with my roommate and other scholars. Everyone was very friendly and open to conversation! In my room, I wrote down deadlines into my planner. SROP provided each of us with a poster-size calendar of the program that we can hang on a wall. I had no tape or staples or thumbtacks so I kept this on my desk. SROP also gave us brand new GRE prep books and some booklets on Iowa City and the University of Iowa. I love reading, so all of these materials were great, and they helped me navigate campus and learn about recommended restaurants and places to visit. Then I reviewed the SROP syllabus to familiarize myself with our program’s schedule and the assignments. Here was how our schedule generally went:

Mondays – Aspects of Graduate School sessions (We had presentations about CV’s and personal statements, graduate student panels, and more)
Tuesdays – GRE Study Sessions (We were divided into two groups: Verbal or Quantitative; we switched subjects halfway through the summer)
Wednesdays – Question and Answer (Q&A) Discovery sessions
Thursdays – Research Seminars
Fridays – Speaker Seminars

DAY 2 – June 5th

I got breakfast with friends and walked the quick seven minutes to Seashore Hall, which houses the Departments of Sociology and Psychology. I would start research the next day but I learned the route to my building beforehand so I would not get lost.  I walked around campus by myself and went into the campus bookstore to browse the books. I then went to the Main Library to sit down and work on emails (and this blog!).

SROP provided every scholar with a GRE Prep Plus book to aid us in our studies!

On Tuesday evenings, SROP Scholars attend GRE prep workshops. We were presented with the basics of the GRE and then took a practice set of Verbal and a practice set of Quantitative Reasoning. This activity frustrated me so much, because it was so much more difficult than the ACT and SAT; I excelled at the ACT back in high school, but the GRE’s challenge level surpassed the previous standardized tests that I took by a landslide. Nevertheless, I persisted and answered each question because guessing wrong does not lead to any penalties for my score. Feeling defeated, I went home to Burge. In my room, I conducted an online search for fun things to do in Iowa City and around campus; I compiled a bucket list of restaurants to check out and museums to visit.

Day 3 – June 6th
After breakfast, I met with Sean, the graduate student who is working on the project with my faculty mentor. My mentor is Sean’s advisor for his graduate studies in sociology. He introduced himself and explained how we would be coding for the majority of my research. I became acquainted with Dedoose, an accessible and extremely user-friendly computer app. I can use Dedoose on any laptop or desktop, so I can be anywhere to work on the research!

My faculty mentor is Jessica Welburn Paige, Assistant Professor of Sociology as well as African American Studies at The University of Iowa. Professor Welburn’s research revolves around studying race and ethnicity, social mobility, urban inequality, cultural sociology, and qualitative research methods. Here is more about her (retrieved from

Her work has focused on the experiences of African Americans in the post-Civil Rights era, including how they conceptualize their social mobility prospects and their strategies for navigating persistent racism and discrimination. She is currently working on a book tentatively titled Keep on Pushin’ that uses in-depth interviews and ethnographic observations to explore how working class and middle class African Americans in Detroit, MI navigate the city’s crumbling infrastructure. In addition, Professor Welburn is working on a book manuscript co-authored with Michèle Lamont, Joshua Guetzkow, Hanna Herzog, Nissim Mizrachi, Elisa Reis and Graziella Silva. The book draws upon over 400 qualitative interviews to compare the destigmatization strategies of blacks in the United States, blacks in Brazil, and several groups — Ethiopian Jews, Mizrahi Jews and Palestinian Citizens of Israel — in Israel.

She is a Summer Research Scholar at the Public Policy Center, and she is collaborating with another Scholar there on a project titled “Housing Inequality in Iowa City: Examining the Experiences of Community Members and University Students,” which I am helping with during my eight weeks here. The project is community-based and mixed methods and the principal investigators are Megan Gilster, Assistant Professor of Social Work
For this week, I am coding one student interview and understanding how to use Dedoose. The website provides plenty of video tutorials and written out explanations for me should I need support. Sean also provided me with a manila folder of packets of readings to help me gain background knowledge on housing insecurity, food insecurity, qualitative methods, coding, and reading scientific/academic journal articles.

A screenshot of a Dedoose home page (from

Our evening seminar entailed working on our LinkedIn profiles and ensuring that we are presenting ourselves as well as we can on this professional social platform. I changed my introduction and edited some profile sections. As I become older and continue developing my professional career, I check my LinkedIn more regularly and I receive emails when there’s notifications for me.

Day 4 – June 7th
On this day, I worked on coding the interview and reading some assigned papers. In my planner, tasks are color-coded: red means research (look at databases, begin literature review), blue means doing readings, purple means meetings with Sean and/or Professor Welburn, and orange means coding using Dedoose.  Another proactive action I did was that I created an email signature for my University of Iowa email, and I downloaded the Microsoft Outlook app on my phone to make sure I could read emails quickly.

The SROP seminar was one of my favorite seminars thus far; it was about intercultural sensitivity and our various identities. Because of this, I learned more about my peers, and it helped make me feel less nervous.

Day 5 – June 8th
On Fridays, I meet with Professor Welburn for up to 45 minutes before I dash to the seminar at 4 pm.
Our speaker, Dr. Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, presented his research on the Young Lords, a group of mostly Puerto Rican youth activists. Many of them were second-generation Americans, so they were born in America and had immigrant parents. This group was dedicated to raising awareness for injustices in their communities in New York. They worked for positive change in their community health, environmental, and political needs. Through rallies, speeches, political education, and messages on the radio and in newspapers, the Young Lords made academic and physical impacts; they once were able to mobilize 10,000 people. They were able to get lead and TB testing programs, the first door-to-door program in the country. They also got meals to people in need. However, in the 1970s, they changed their group’s name, which hurt them deeply. They also stopped doing community work and shut down their clinics.

After dinner, about half of the scholars met up to go to the Coral Ridge Mall. On Thursdays and Fridays, the bus to the mall is free for UI students; with our HawkIDs, we were able to take advantage of this opportunity! The ride was about 20-30 minutes. When we reached the mall, we split up. I tried Zombie burgers and side of fries and loved the taste of it; the sauce was some mixture of mayo and ketchup. On the bus ride to and from the mall, I was able to talk to my peers and learn more about them. One scholar’s parents both attended The Ohio State University (my home institution) for their master’s degrees! Late at night, I looked up resources to make a GRE study schedule for myself. My plan was to spend 1-2 hours each weekday doing GRE prep, and then 6-10 hours over the weekends.

On Saturday morning, we all took a GRE diagnostic test (a Pre-Test) to gauge where we all were for quantitative and verbal strengths. This was my first time taking the entire GRE exam, minus the essays at the beginning. When we were done, we printed our scores and handed them to the SROP staff. I do not remember what I did the rest of the day, or the rest of the weekend, but I believe I was in my room working on blog posts relating to my study abroad, and the lengthy PowerPoint slideshow for my study abroad travels. 


June 11th
I researched more about the GRE; I plan to take it in mid-August because I am applying to a Combined Bachelors and Masters program at my school and this requires me to take the GRE before my application is due on December 1. Taking the GRE before the school year begins seems optimal for me because my mind will mostly be occupied by the test; if I take the test later on when classes are in session, I would feel more stressed.

Our evening session was about choosing a graduate school. The first step in this process often involves developing a list of criteria and assigning weight to each criteria. Some criteria to keep in mind when looking at programs include regional/geographic location, professor-to-student ratio, costs, financial aid/assistance, support and resources, faculty mentors, program reputation, duration of program, and physical facilities.

For me, I preferred a graduate school program in the Midwest, close to home. Ohio is all that I have known, and although it’s suggested to venture out and get a change of scenery, I believe in blooming where I am planted, and continuing to develop relationships with the people I have met in Columbus. I knew that at Ohio State, I’d benefit from the robust financial aid and my strong support system.

June 12th
This day was spent doing readings and coding another interview. I had a meeting with Ms. Diana Sproles, the director of SROP.

I was placed in the Quantitative group for the first half of the GRE study sessions; this placement was commensurate with my low quantitative score on the diagnostic GRE exam (I was somewhere in the 40th percentile, and was not too disappointed, taking into account that my last math course was Calculus in the twelfth grade and it had been a few years.) This session was challenging and engaging; we began it with a 10 minute quiz, which I was not expecting. The instructors are very passionate and present; they ask students about our reasonings behind approaching a problem. I felt like I was really learning (well, relearning math concepts I had learned back in high school.) After the session, I worked on our math quiz; we get a math quiz each week to practice our knowledge.

June 13th
On Wednesday mornings, I meet with Sean in Seashore; we go over coding and we strive to achieve intercoder reliability. I also have the space to ask him questions about graduate school. After lunch, I met with Mr. Joseph Henry, who I call Joe. He is in charge of Recruitment and Outreach for SROP. He asked me questions about myself, my passions, and my academic interests, as well as what I hoped to gain from SROP.

After dinner, we attended a session on “Life as a Faculty Member” and met six faculty members from various disciplines.

June 14th
In the late afternoon, we had a presentation on Research Collaboration, from two graduate students. One was pursuing a degree in Political Science, specifically racial and ethnic politics, and the other was in Geography, studying hazards. The PoliSci student told us how during undergrad, she went to Mexico to conduct research, funded by the National Science Foundation. She studied conflict and peace management. While she was rejected the first time she applied for NSF, she applied again and was waitlisted before eventually being accepted. Everyone applying is heavily and highly qualified; your proposed project should meet what the funders are looking for. When it comes to collaboration, she suggested that we make sure we are accountable to ourselves, and that our collaborators are also accountable to you. She also said to not be afraid to ask for help and help others on social media.

The geography grad student explained how he studies the social vulnerability to natural hazards. He taught us some types of collaboration, in his words:
1) Vertical – you are given a job and you fill the part
2) Horizontal – the collaborating sides have similar interests, and work together but still in their own silos
3) Integrative/interdisciplinary – this is the hardest collaboration

After the session, everyone in SROP, including the staff, took a group photo! Pictured are Ms. Sproles, Joe, and Sunny. Natalie is not pictured. People also had professional headshots taken.

June 15th
After breakfast, I conducted an informational interview with a faculty member here so I could learn more about public health and her own experiences. It was a great conversation! Then I had lunch at Bluebird Diner with my faculty mentor, Professor Welburn. We discussed the research project we were working on and also Iowa City and life in general.

I worked more on an assignment on my laptop before I went to the Speaker Series session that afternoon. The session was about “Attention: The Mind’s Bouncer”, presented by a professor in the Psychological and Brain Sciences. I learned new terms like “target templates,” which guide our attention to things relevant to the item we are searching for; if we were locating some ketchup, our eyes would look for things that are red, in a bottle-shape, and relatively big. There is visual, manual, and cognitive attention. The speaker gave us some tips for the GRE and school. When reading a book or writing, preview it, and think about what the writing is about. Then summarize it. Next, evaluate it; is this writing true, in whole or in part? Sometimes I will read something and then by the time I have finished with the excerpt or the chapter, I fail to recall what I read.

The weekend was very fun. On Saturday, my friends and I went to Iowa City’s Pride Festival! I was pleasantly surprised that the festival was the 48th celebration of LGBTQ+ people in the community. With my friends, I witnessed the parade procession that began at noon. People on parade floats and bikers and walkers waved to the onlookers and passed out items such as condoms, health and beauty products from P&G companies, and candy. This day had blistering heat. In close-to-100-degree weather, my friends and I constantly quenched our thirst with water.

That night, I turned in my assignment: Introduction to your Discipline. This paper briefly covered when and how public health became a recognized profession; career options in public health; best schools and companies for public health professionals; current issues and new developments; major journals and publications; and how I see myself in the future in this discipline.


June 18th
I read more interviews as part of my research during the day. Our session was about searching for internal and external funding for graduate school. I took notes on some funding opportunities that could pertain to me; one in particular was the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, for which first-generation and second-generation Americans are eligible. Later, I discovered I could not apply because I am pursuing a combined/joint degree.

When I think about graduate school, I am very concerned about how I will fully fund my education. In addition to being a full-time student, how would I cover living expenses? Financial aid stays on my mind as a potential barrier for me in completing my Master degree. Nevertheless, I will be proactive and persistent, and apply for both small and big funding, and look into both internal and external sources.
Helpful Hint: The 1-year-rule: The deadline for scholarships and fellowships is usually a year BEFORE you need the funding

June 19th
I attended my GRE Quantitative Reasoning session. The session starts with a 10 minute quiz and then we review the answers. The instructors ask the scholars to explain how we arrived at a solution. It was always challenging but I was able to reinforce mathematical concepts and learn how to think smart, and not to think hard.

June 20th
The evening session was about “Integrating Scholarship & Service,” presented by a graduate student in Education. Service during college should be done consistently, and not in spurts of activity, but one or a few activities that are sustained for years at a time. The presenter also mentioned how service trips could be problematic because the impact could be temporary, and possibly even detrimental to communities. This prompted me to consider how my alternative break trips were impacting the communities we visited, and if we were doing more harm than good.

June 21st
After eating dinner together, the Scholars were transported by Ms. Diana, Sunny, and Natalie to Sycamore Mall Cinema to watch movies! This counted as a mandatory group social outing; we could choose to watch Incredibles II or Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. While SROP provided transportation to and from the movies, we each had to pay for our own tickets. Thankfully, Thursdays are discount days for students. We paid $6.00 admission and popcorn was free for us! What a deal! This mandatory movie night soothed my soul as I was waiting for 14 years between the first Incredible movie and its sequel. I was immensely impressed by the film and the Pixar short, Bao, that preceded it. We had a conversation during the car ride back to our dorm about Bao and culture.

June 22nd
Our presenter for the day was a professor in the Civil & Environmental Engineering department. His presentation “Water Quality and Public Health” began with a photo of John Snow, the father of epidemiology. He talked about public health and how his work in engineering would help improve public health in Iowa City. I was happy that we had a speaker mention the field I’m pursuing! I learned that the University of Iowa uses the Iowa river for their drinking water. There is a water treatment plant on campus that tests and treats the water. One of my fellow Scholars is the mentee for this professor, and she talked with animosity when she told us how she would actually go down to the river and collect samples for the lab! We regulate and treat water for a few purposes: for human and ecological health, for aesthetic purposes (cloudy water can still be clean, but people may not drink because of perceived impurities), and for economic purposes (acidic, corrosive water erodes pipes and the costs add up). This was another lecture that I really enjoyed. Furthermore, I already knew some of the information presented. I still took two pages of notes because there was a wealth of information that I did not know beforehand.

After dinner, I put on a long-sleeve shirt because I was going to visit a pet store. Two friends and I took a Lyft to PetLand at Sycamore Mall, just a couple miles away, for some pet therapy. Interacting with animals is soothing to many people. I love seeing fluffy animals who are just as excited to see you as you are to see them! I loved the bunnies and puppies the best. All the kittens had been bought, but there were still plenty of pets to be played with and sent off to good homes: ferrets, parakeets, guinea pigs, rats, reptiles, and fish. My friends and I spent an hour or so here. My favorite dog we spent time with was a Shiba inu puppy who was female. We looked up a Japanese name for her, and found that Haru seemed fitting. Haru means spring, and to me, it fits the puppy because when I think of spring, I think of flowers blooming and happiness in general. Spring means new beginnings, and this puppy was just starting her life. It was such a pleasant experience and I was relieved to get away from campus and to see animals. This excursion contributed to my self-care.

On Saturday, after a day of doing homework, with an hour-long nap in between, my friends and I went to Iowa City’s Downtown Block Party. This second annual block party involved many constituents. There were a plethora of games, including giant Jenga, Four Square, mini golf, and sand volleyball. We spent an hour outside exploring what the party had to offer; we returned to the dorm dining hall for dinner before we explored more of the party. Many of the Scholars attended the party. I enjoyed playing Four Square; it was my first time playing this game. We went to the public library to sign up for the Mario Kart tournament; there were many youth signed up to play the game, so after almost an hour of waiting, most of my friend group left the library. One or two stayed behind to actually play the game. After reuniting with some friends at Blaze Pizza, we walked around downtown some more. However, the streets were getting more crowded and the night was getting darker. We went back to Burge. That night, we had our usual Hallway Hours, where we hang out in the hallway and chat about anything. It is nice to unwind at the end of a long day by discussing life matters with your friends.

Iowa City is actually quite pretty.

On Sunday, I took a full practice GRE test using the Kaplan website. The downside of this was that I was in a coffee shop and music played nonstop. This was not an ideal environment in which to take a test. While I improved by seven points in quantitative reasoning, I dropped around twenty points in verbal, which was an extreme shock to me. Verbal should have come easily to me. After eating lunch, I reviewed my answers and looked at the explanations for the problems that I got wrong. I learned what I did incorrectly and how to correctly approach problems. After dinner, my friends and I played Betrayal at the House on the Hill, my new favorite board game. We played in one of the lounges on the floor. We went through two rounds of the game before we returned to our respective rooms to sleep and recharge for another eventful week.


June 25th
I spent most of the day working on my research and reviewing the interviews that I already had coded After lunch, I continued my review of past interviews in order to find themes and analyze the findings. Research is a continuous process and even if I code an interview, revisions often occur. The seminar for the day was about curriculum vitaes (CVs) and crafting statements of purpose, presented by a Ph.D. student in the Communications department. This session was very helpful for me as I learned how to write effective CVs and statements.

Some helpful advice this grad student gave was to reach out to potential faculty that I would want to work with, and email them to get to know them and ask if they are taking on new advisees for the year I plan to enter grad school. I should communicate with this faculty member multiple times to determine if the relationship as advisor and advisee would be compatible. Additionally, the CV tips were the most helpful because I had never made a CV prior to SROP.

Some CV tips:

– No bullet points. Those are for resumes.
– CVs and personal statements should match in terms of content, fonts used, etc.
– CVs should include headings like name & contact details; education; experiences; extracurricular activities; awards and honors; conference presentations, etc. 
– CVs get longer and longer throughout a person’s undergraduate, graduate, and professional careers.
– Keep them black and white, unless in the graphic design field.

After the session, one of the graduate assistants Natalie returned our “Introduction to Your Discipline” assignments to us. She commented that I had a “Nice Paper!”

After dinner, my friends and I visited the Van Allen observatory, which is on top of the physics and astronomy building.

We watched the sunset from six stories high. 

We also played the haunted house board game again, and I appreciated getting to bond some more with my friends.

June 26th
I had no scheduled meetings but continued reviewing interview transcripts. I also viewed additional data from the college students; this data consisted of questionnaire answers, and it provided me with a better understanding of the subjects. Some questions pertained to health, such as exposure to radon in the home, and safety. My research question would most likely relate to health and housing; I still only had a vague idea of my topic and research question. I came up with a research question for the time being, and would refine this question through my research. That evening, the Scholars attended our GRE sessions, and I went to my last Quantitative session. The next time we meet, I would attend my Verbal session for tutoring.

June 27th
Our session was solely on personal statements, and was presented by the Writing Center. Our personal statement should not be our whole life story condensed onto one to two pages, but it should reflect a couple parts of our lives that we want to highlight. To jumpstart our brainstorming, we were asked to describe ourselves using adjectives, and I think I chose “Persistent.” The Writing Center presenter showed us some samples of introductory paragraphs, and we voted which statements were the most compelling and intriguing. There is no one correct writing style; each person writes differently, so naturally we disagreed on which statement made us want to read more. These statements also gave me some insight into how to start my own statement, whether through a shocking one-liner or through immersing the reader into a scenario from the past.

Some tips I took away from this session:
– Use simple and elegant prose.
– Do not make sentence structures complicated.
– Read your writing out loud to catch more mistakes or clunky sentences.
– Read many examples of statements, but be sure to not plagiarize!
– Avoid generic statements such as “I just want to help people.”
– Do not use “I believe” or “I think.” These just take up more space and are not necessary.

June 28th
The Scholars learned about ethics and research integrity, from a staff member from the Human Subjects Office. Even though we all did CITI training online before we even arrived on campus, we refreshed our memories of how to be ethical researchers.

June 29th
At this session, we had a professor speak on the Art of Black Students for the first half, and a professor discuss her work with marginalized students in education for the latter half. The first professor asked which scholars attended schools with African-American studies or Black studies programs? Only about six of the 24 of us had African-American studies programs at our institutions, whereas none of us had something called Black studies. I was unsure of the distinction between the two. This professor’s dissertation had been on defining Black studies; programs dedicated to this area of study began in 1968. During class, we read a poem called “For My People” by Margaret Walker; the poem was one piece of a book she wrote for a Master’s thesis. She was the first African-American woman to earn her MFA in Writing. This was a powerful poem and encouraged me to read more of her work in the future.

The second half of the session, a professor presented “People, Place, and Policy: Examining Access to Opportunity for Marginalized Students,” and this was a lecture that I particularly enjoyed because of my interest in education and my experiences in education as a marginalized student myself. She talked about school choice, school testing, desegregation, discipline, health policy, standards-based accountability, and immigration. A startling statistic she shared was that 400 school districts are still under desegregation orders, in 2018! This equates to over a thousand schools, the majority of which are in the South. This impressive woman is working on seven studies; one of them is about the intersection of education and immigration policies, and this is very important in order to accommodate and meet the needs of immigrant and refugee students. This professor also suggested we find “academic crushes,” people in our fields who we look up to, and see how they got to where they are. She also said that we do not need to plot out our entire life!

The Saturday morning involved some physical exertion. We had our first volunteering event, and it was with Habitat for Humanity! Half of the Scholars had a shift in the morning, and the other half had an afternoon shift. It was hot and sunny that day, but thankfully my partner and I were on the area of a roof where we were underneath some shade. This was my first time working on a home; this house will eventually go to a family of five: a couple with three high-school or middle-school aged children.

Part Two of this blog segment will be posted shortly. (It was intended to be posted at the end of July, but I did not have the time to work on either Part One or Part II this summer.) I apologize to all my readers for this extended hiatus!

Public Health Abroad: Finland and Estonia – Part 2

I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

Day 7 marked the halfway point of our study abroad program. In the morning, we took a bus to the Estonian Open Air Museum, designed to resemble a real-life rural village in the 18th century! This was one of my favorite parts of the program. This museum included 14 different farms to show aspects of village life. I saw cottages, a teepee, a giant windmill, a church, and more. One path lead to the seashore where my peers collected seaglass and waded their feet in the water. I really enjoyed this opportunity to be immersed in nature.

Cottages were primarily made of wood and hay, both of which are extremely flammable!

The group had a guided walking tour of Old Town; Joosep was a wonderful human encyclopedia as he showed us to spots we had not been to before. He taught us what the colors of the flag of Estonia meant: blue for the sky, black for the dark forests and the dark times Estonians have been through, and white for purity and hope for a brighter future.
2018 marks a special year of celebration for Estonians because this is the 100th anniversary of their independence as their own republic, free from endless rule by different countries.

The symbol represents 100 years AND 20(18). Great design.

I boarded a tram by myself to a nearby cat cafe. I have never been to any cat cafe before, and I wanted to see if cat breeds differed in Estonia. When I went to Nurri Cat Cafe, only five other people were present, with about 10 cats in the room. I did not see any unfamiliar breeds. My time at the cat cafe was very therapeutic for me. Although I did not get to pet the cats much, I enjoyed eating my pesto pasta and watching the cats interact with one another. I even witnessed the cats at dinner time (6 pm) and they each pounced their tiny paws over to their own bowls to feast.

Two cats were perched on top of the table where I was sitting. It takes a while for cats to get accustome to you and be comfortable with you approaching them to pet them.

Day 8 meant traveling to another city. We hopped on board a train from Tallinn to Tartu! Tartu has 99,000 people as of this year. This sleek train got us there in less than two hours; I napped the majority of the time. After setting down our belongings, we had a quick walking tour and lunch.

The Town Hall is a landmark of Tartu. Bells ring from the hall each day. The fountain of kissing students is in the lefthand corner of the photo; the fountain was erected in 1998.

We spent an hour at the KGB Cells Museum, which showcases the basement of a building that was used to house prisoners! Men and women alike were put together in a cell. Cell walls were so thick that no noise could be heard between rooms. Rooms lacked lighting and ventilation, and often had as much as 30 to 40 people within such a confined space and with just four beds!

For the rest of the day, I browsed around souvenir shops in Tartu. We were conveniently located right across from a University of Tartu building, and right by the town square. Tartu sidewalks are very wide and can fit three to four people in a row. After popping into a small bookstore, we went to the Botanical Gardens, which was founded in 1803. It is such a beautiful place and I would have liked to see the greenhouses but we were running out of time. Nevertheless, the grounds were great and the garden included a pond. We saw people taking photos for graduation and weddings here. For dinner, the class ate at Meat Market, which does not solely serve meat.

A classmate took a beautiful portrait photo of me in the gardens.

Gardens are a valuable part of any city. People need green space for not just oxygen but for stress relief.

Day 9 was a free day for everyone. Two friends and a program coordinator/graduate student accompanied me to the Upside Down House that was about 30-45 minutes away on foot. We crossed the river and went into the outskirts of the city of Tartu. The house was built upside down AND on a slant, so it was disorienting and dizzying. The house included a sauna and that was neat!

This house stood out from its surroundings in remote Tartu. There was an abandoned aircraft hangar in proximity, and also a designated walking path among some trees. Buses do run along the street but not frequently.


This photo can confuse people at first glance! There are actually some Upside Down Houses around the world, such as Germany and America. (I had no idea they existed in my own country!)

Nearby was the Estonian National Museum, which is a tremendous facility where we spent a few hours looking at artifacts related to Estonian life. We paid 10 euros as a student discount and could access the entire building. We received cards encrypted with a technology that allowed us to swipe the card over a screen connected to an exhibit/piece. The screen would then automatically translate to English. This is so innovative and I hope that museums elsewhere in the world could incorporate this! I enjoyed viewing prehistoric and Metal Age tools. Estonia has been inhabited by people for the last 11,000 years! My favorite exhibit hall was the one featuring Uralic people, a people I had no knowledge about beforehand! They lived between Scandinavia and the Ural Mountains, so were primarily in the forests. They carved symbols into trees and their tales often involve bears and other woodland creatures. The exhibit showcased a people and facets of their lifestyle, but this was just one small sliver of Ugric studies. Also in the museum was an exhibit about 19th century clothing. Women’s clothing was preserved more because not only were they more beautiful and colorful than men’s clothing, but they also reflected diversity among different regions of Estonia. I learned about the usage of headpieces and necklaces. I am glad to have visited this museum! The facility was marvelous.

After our fun free day in Tartu, I worked on a homework assignment that addresses how walkable the city of Tartu is. Now that I have been to the more touristy areas of Tartu and the more remote parts, I was able to come up with a convincing argument for how well-designed the city is so that people can enjoy it whether they walk or use a wheelchair. Sidewalks have ample space and curbs/ramps have good inclines. When you get to the less-inhabited parts of town, some sidewalks are harder to tread on, but it still is pedestrian-friendly. After returning to the hotel, I got dinner and dessert with other friends and then about half of the class played games in one of our rooms.

(Please see my assignment on the walkability audit of Tartu here:

I was also able to complete another homework assignment comparing cigarette sales in America, Finland, and Estonia. Throughout the program, we were expected to observe how cigarettes were sold (where and for how much money) and what the packaging looked like, including what information or graphics were put on the warning labels.
(Please see my work here:

For Day 10, the class visited the Ahhaa Science Centre, which reminds me of COSI in Columbus! I love science centers and this one has four floors! The ground floor had a LEGO town of Tartu and exhibits related to water. It included tech spaces, a play area with giant building blocks, music/acoustic space, and tanks with real fish in them. In a dark room were lifelike animatronic aquatic creatures such as dinosaurs with fins and a whale shark. There are some steps leading up to a balcony that had ant farms and an incubator for chicks! This was the highlight of the science center for me. I love baby chickens. The chicks were either a day old or two days old, and some eggs were close to hatching!

FUN FACTS: Jellyfish have existed even before dinosaurs roamed the planet. A group of jellyfish is called a bloom.

FUN FACTS: Whale sharks are the largest fish. They are giant but gentle and eat plankton and small fish. Their skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone. Female whale sharks are actually larger in size than male sharks.

On the second floor of the science museum were glass jars containing human and animal body parts and embryos so visitors could learn about anatomy but also body anomalies. For example, there was a goat skull with four horns. The third floor had interactive activities testing health, from grip strength to memory to balance to processing speed. (I performed poorly on all of these, and despite appearing healthy, I have to make dramatic changes to my lifestyle and actually exercise in order to be fit).

When our group returned to our hotel, we met with another tour guide who took us around the University of Tartu. The different buildings are within walking distance; sometimes it seemed like a hike. She also led us to cathedral ruins. One interesting part of our tour was going into an attic of the main building of the university; this attic served as a lock-up for students who misbehaved and did not conform to student conduct. Students could be sent to this room for cheating or for disrespecting a woman on the street. Punishment could mean just a few days in the lock-up to a month! There was no supervision for the lock-ups, but students were still expected to serve their sentences and actually be in that space.

The attic can become humid and balmy in the summers but leave people trembling in the winters.

After our tour, we had another group dinner in a restaurant that looks like a wine cellar.

On Day 11, we traveled to Parnu, an even smaller city with 40,000 people. It is a summer resort town so it is more heavily populated during that season than others. It is located by the water so people frequent the beach. The water is shallow for an extended distance before it gets deep. Our hotel was a resort & spa in one, and we were able to use the sauna, pools, gym, and spa. I did not take advantage of these amenities but I did go outside to the beach to dip my toes in the water and step in the soft sand.

Our other completely free day was Day 12. I went to the mall by myself, and the trek was not scary as one might perceive. Parnu is tiny and quiet, and I do stick out as a foreigner among the mostly blond(e) Estonians, but I was safe. The walk from the hotel to the mall was about 20 minutes, and it was pleasant. The mall was actually a complex made up of about three tall buildings. One building had a grocery store and a few beauty stores. Another building had most of the clothing stores and restaurants. After making a few purchases, I headed back to the hotel and stopped at a woman’s home business, where she operated a beauty & hair salon. She offered manicures, pedicures, and hair styling. After getting a manicure, I had lunch at an eco-gourmet cafe with some friends.

On Day 13 (May 31), we had a short visit to the University of Tartu-Parnu to learn about their Spa & Wellness management program. The program director and a graduate student explained that the program is offered at a master’s level and it encompasses not just spa design, but also financial accounting, visual communication, and even the history of wellness.

The two-year program offers not only a strong theoretical foundation for students, but also opportunities to put the skills and knowledge into practice!

After the informative presentation, the group packed up and took a charter bus to Tallinn. From there, we boarded the ferry to return to Helsinki. Once we were all checked into our hotel, the program officially ended. Students were free to go back to the United States after the experience, or continue to explore Europe. Some of my peers stayed in Europe and traveled to multiple countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, and England. My intention was to go straight home, but I had a stop in Iceland on my way to Cleveland. That 50-minute stop transformed into a 48-hour detainment in that country, but thankfully I finally made it home to America! What matters is that I am home safe and sound.

Our group had reserved seats that gave us up-close views of the Gulf of Finland!

I appreciate this opportunity of a lifetime because of the myriad of experiences and memories. I also am more well-informed about Finland and Estonia and am better prepared for future international travel. To my surprise, I was independently exploring and still survived.

I would like to thank the Office of International Affairs for executing this program, for providing me with a few scholarships, and for assisting me when I was temporarily stranded in Iceland for two days. I am glad that OIA has emergency hotline in place for students who find themselves in difficult situations. Thank you to @osuglobal for liking my photos and featuring one of our class photos on the Instagram page!

Thank you so much to Dr. Wallace and Amanda Jovanovich for coordinating the program’s activities and guiding us throughout Finland and Estonia. It was a wonderful class that had structure but still plenty of free time for us to explore. Thanks for showing us a part of the world that many people do not visit.

Thank you to the Office of Diversity & Inclusion for your scholarships and support for my study abroad. Thank you to my family and friends for your never-ending support as I navigated this adventure with equal amounts of trepidation and excitement.

Thank you to Finland and Estonia, for everything you have to offer to the world. Thank you to Iceland for also being a wonderful country. Everyone I met was friendly and willing to help.

If it were not for STEP and for the three other scholarships I received, in addition to some grants and gifts from loved ones, going abroad would not have been a possibility for me. I would not have fathomed the idea. I am forever grateful for this chance to take part in the Public Health Perspectives: Finland and Estonia program. I truly hope that other first-generation college students and first-time travelers such as me will have opportunities to study abroad as well. The Ohio State University’s education abroad office offers ample resources for interested students, so take the leap and venture into the unknown.

Go Bucks!

P.S. To see hundreds of photos taken along the journey, my comprehensive PowerPoint will suffice! It may take a while for it to load, and this could mean refreshing your page to view the entirety of it. It runs close to 300 slides!

P.P.S. Here are some photos of my stop in Iceland:
While I was there by myself for two nights and a day, I was not able to do much to lack of funds. I walked around to the seashore by my hotel and was captivated by the water. I saw some species of birds frolicking around. The Elder duck is common in the area. Although I wanted to step down and get closer to the water, I was wearing flats and also did not want to slip on a wet rock and get injured. I even saw a bright mustard-orange lighthouse that was used before and is now sitting stoically overlooking the horizons.

This was the plane I boarded from Helsinki Vantaa Airport to Reykyavik Keflavik Airport.


From my hotel room window, I saw a gorgeous sunset and could see edges of the water that surrounds the island of Iceland. Also, the country gets so much sunlight that the sun does not set until close to midnight.

This location was breathtaking and I am eager to return to Iceland.

Public Health Abroad: Finland and Estonia – Part 1

And then I realized adventure was the best way to learn.

For my first time traveling abroad, I participated in The Ohio State University’s College of Public Health’s Public Health Perspectives in Finland and Estonia! This education abroad program counted as my STEP project, which is a transformational experience done after my sophomore year of college. I explored the two countries of Finland and Estonia with the College of Public Health! In both places, I studied public health initiatives as well as the education systems and cultures. It was an informative ‘education vacation.’ I applied to the program in January and was informed of my acceptance a week later. Fifteen students participated in this year’s program, and we met twice during the school year in orientation sessions to prepare ourselves for travel.

Prior to travel, we also attended a week-long on-campus course called PUBHLTH 3189.04, which counts for three credits, and is graded A-F. This course was from May 9th to the 15th and provided us in-depth information about Finland and Estonia, from the history and cultures to the health challenges these countries have dealt with. I enjoyed this course because not only was I able to get to know my peers better, but I also gained considerable background knowledge before stepping foot into Europe for our field experiences. The class involved individual presentations as well as group presentations. We had an actual exam that was completely essay-format, so that we were not tested on memorization but on analysis and critical thinking. Right after our exam, I hurried to pack up my belongings and a classmate drove me home to Cleveland on her way back to Boston. I am touched by how I barely knew this classmate yet she offered a ride home (her route home involved passing through Cleveland, so it was not a trouble to her at all).

Just from what I witnessed in the class alone, I could tell that my peers are incredibly bright and passionate about health. Not all of us are public health majors; some are biology, biochemistry, and biomedical science. One is a data and analytical science major. The class is divided into two parts: the on-campus class (65% of our grade) and our in-country travels (35% of the grade). For Part 2, we need to pay attention on our field trips and create 10 Instagram posts in addition to completing five Instagram assignments.

During the couple of days back at home, I prepared for the trip. I packed one suitcase and stuffed my backpack until it puffed out to maximum capacity. On May 18th, 2018, my parents drove me to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. We went at 5 pm, after I scarfed down Chipotle, my last meal in America for a while. After baggage check, I exchanged $300 US dollars for euros, and this came to about 219 euros, I believe. The coins and paper money were shiny and colorful. My parents hugged me and left, and I proceeded through the security check. I was seated by my gate almost two hours early, so I began journaling. When I boarded, I did my best to sleep on the plane. There was a stop in Iceland, when I ran into another classmate who’s in the program with me. Then I was on my way to Helsinki! We arrived in Helsinki, Finland, at 1:50 pm. Everyone else except for one person had already made it to the city and were out exploring. After checking in, we took a bus into the actual city to look around as well.

Helsinki Cathedral was opened to the public in 1852 and is an evangelical Lutheran church! The public can walk around inside the lovely church, which is actually painted shades of gray, not white.

This square has so much space for pedestrians. It’s common for tour buses to line up all around the perimeter.

The sidewalks in Helsinki are much wider than American sidewalks, and there are also designated bike paths next to sidewalks. The bike paths are colored brick red. I also noticed a plethora of cultural restaurants such as Nepalese, Indian, Lebanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese restaurants. My friends and I explored the town square of Helsinki, including a cathedral and an outdoor marketplace, and then Stockmann mall. We took a train back to the airport, and I admire Helsinki’s train system. The train was very clean, modern, and efficient. Helsinki is the capital of Finland and it was indeed bustling, as I expected; the population is about 600,000.

The train system in Helsinki is well organized, just like the rest of their transportation.

After spending one night in Helsinki, our group went to Petajavesi for a few days and nights. Some of us played a Finnish card game called Musta Maija on the 2.5 hour bus ride to this rural municipality, which has a population of almost 4,000. We were in Central Finland. We stayed at Kumpunen Family Organic Farm, and it was very tranquil and beautiful there. The class was split up into different cottages and cabins on the farm. It was an experience unlike any other.

I especially liked the warm orange-red buildings on the farm. The building on the far right is called the barn and it was where we ate breakfast and dinner.

Here in Petajavesi it is mostly forest (Finland overall is covered by forests). We were by a lake and could swim and row boats in it. We also had access to a sauna; in Finland, saunas are ubiquitous and are part of people’s lifestyles. Finnish saunas are hotter than American saunas and people usually spend one to two hours in there. People can make it steamier and hotter by adding water onto the coals. People can warm up in this small house and then run into the cool lake, then repeat this. It is said to be good for the immune system and perhaps the metabolism too. I only lasted five to ten minutes in the sauna. I wore a tank top and leggings though, so that could be why I did not stay in the sauna for that long.


The food served at the farm is so fresh and healthy. I was eager to try Finnish food, and it was all buffet-style. Dinner included salad, pickles, onions, mashed potatoes, reindeer and elk meat, fish, breads and spread (always provided with each meal), and dessert. Dessert was rhubarb and potato powder topped with whipped cream. It was a fuchsia pink liquid and it was sweet but not overbearing. I tasted the beer and I still do not like any liquor or alcohol. I just like juices; the juices at the farm tasted great. For breakfast, the farm served us yogurt, oatmeal, berries, eggs, ham, cucumber, bread, apples, and bananas.

The farm staff members were all kind and encouraged us to eat up!

Just 15 minutes from the farm is a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the Petajavesi Old Church! It was built from 1763 to 1765. This magnificent structure is gorgeous and we had a guide tell us about its history and its current usage for holiday services and tours. I am amazed at how well-preserved it is despite it being made out of wood!

On day three, we went to Jyvaskyla for the day. It is just 30 minutes from Petajavesi and holds about 140,000 people. The group walked up a hill to the University of Jyvaskyla. We had free time to explore the campus grounds and later we all had lunch together in their student union. The campus is walkable and includes trees. Part of it was like a mini-forest on the school grounds! There were some hills and stairs outside. The lunch here is very affordable and also buffet-style, and the cafeteria area was bright white with lots of natural sunlight filtering in from the windows.

Tuition at the university is affordable, even for international students!

Nine of the 15 students followed one of the program coordinators, Amanda, to the free observatory tower that looks over the city of Jyvaskyla! From our view, we could see over the red-roofed homes and see the interconnected lakes.

I never found out why some houses have extremely tall ladders extending from the roof to the ground. This could be for fire safety.

Back in Petajavesi, the group changed into nicer attire to eat dinner at Pappilan Pidot with students from Keuruu High School. The school is in Keuruu, which is also about a half-hour bus ride from Petajavesi. The restaurant was fancy and we had a wonderful, filling meal there. I especially liked the pork, potatoes and carrots. The students were eager as well as anxious to meet us, and vice versa. My two friends and I sat at a table with three young women. They were great to talk with, and I learned about their high school experiences as well as their own personal hobbies. We discussed how they see America and what they do for fun. I learned that 18 is the legal driving age in Finland, that the students have three years of high school (Class 1, 2, and 3), and that students begin learning English in the third grade. Finns are also instructed in Swedish. Being multilingual is such an important skill in an increasingly interconnected world. I believe that American students need to begin language instruction at earlier ages so that they can better retain not just the actual language itself, but to also instill more self-discipline and respect for different cultures.

A handdrawn map of Keuruu was blown up.

The morning of Day 4, the Buckeyes traveled to the town of Keuruu, which has about 10,000 Finns, and is very quiet and walkable. We met with the 15 Keuruu High School students who volunteered to have us shadow them. They were able to miss class in order to show us around. The school is clean and neat and comprises three floors; it includes a gymnasium and auditorium. High school students have metal racks they can use to hang their jackets and place their motorcycle helmets. Motorcycles/scooters are more prevalent here, and I was surprised to see teens use them, but they are allowed to drive these at an earlier age than driving cars. Outside were plenty of bike racks; nobody needs to lock bikes up since there is no threat of thefts.

We had lunch in their school cafeteria. They use trays, cups, and metal utensils which can all be washed and reused. The only items in the lunch room that are discarded are the napkins. The fact that Finnish schools are more environmental conscious than American counterparts does not surprise me. The school offers plenty of food options: lettuce, shredded carrots, steamed potatoes, meat sauce/gravy, fish balls, and bread and spread. The cafeteria always provides milk and water, both of which are dispensed by simply putting a cup underneath a spout and sometimes pressing a button.

Eating and conversing further with the students provided me with additional insight into the lives of Finnish youth and people. Another fact that stood out to me was that the students must decide on a major before applying to university; there is no option for those who are undecided! The students also have a wide array of subjects to study in high school, and are required to take some classes such as philosophy, psychology, English, math, and chemistry.

(See this PowerPoint for my assignment comparing American high school lunches overall and Keuruu High School lunches:

According to the students, the school day can start at different times for them. It could be 8, 9, or 10 am, depending on the student’s schedule, and school ends around three p.m. There are two lunch periods. Nextdoor to KHS is an elementary school; KHS actually contains grades 7 through 12, with a student body of about 200.

The Buckeyes were split up into groups and we rotated to different classrooms for different student-facilitated sessions on Finnish popular music, cuisine, holidays, and more. While walking through the hallways, I found it interesting that none of the classroom doors had windows. However, hung on the walls were student artwork, which were all impressive; some drawings were of Sponge Bob, Princess Belle, and Gunther the Penguin. This demonstrates the influence of American pop culture.


Overall the visit with the Keuruu High School students was a great intercultural exchange. Then we were on our way to Helsinki again; our bus ride was about three hours long. After we arrived, we had the rest of the night free, so some friends and I explored the city. We tried Finnish fast food chain Hesburger for the first time. To me, it tastes better and healthier than McDonald’s. My meal consisted of a cheeseburger, fries, and Coca-Cola. We walked around Helsinki and I fell even more in love with the architecture.


The morning of Day 5, we visited the Finnish National Institute for Health & Welfare (THL). This is like the Finnish version of the United States’ CDC, as this facility has a strong focus on research and provides communities with education and resources. We listened attentively to three presentations from researchers at the center. One was a Ph.D. student who was to defend her dissertation a week from our visit! These presentations provided me with much insight into the health challenges Finland faced in the past, and what they are currently trying to tackle. Some issues discussed were the rise in obesity and depression rates, and the fact that blood pressure levels are still not within target levels.

The class took a group photo in front of the Cathedral. What a striking shot.

We boarded a ferry from Helsinki, Finland to Tallinn, Estonia. The ferry ride took about two and a half hours as we sailed through the Gulf of Finland. This was my first time on a ferry! After our buffet dinner, two friends and I explored the ship. The ship has a gift shop; a shop with brand-name handbags, perfumes, and sunglasses; some restaurants and bars; and casino-like games. The sundeck was available for people to go on top of, but it was very windy and colder than I imagined it would be.

Tallinn is another beautiful city, and you can see evidence from history and medieval times all over the town. With 450,000 inhabitants, it is of moderate size. That night, everyone explored the Old Town area, which has roots from hundreds of years ago. Stepping lightly on the cobblestone streets, we hiked up to two lookout points to catch glimpses of the rest of Tallinn. The sights were simply unbelievable.

For day 6, we spent more time in Old Town. My friends and I went into an old pharmacy museum to see what an apothecary shop was like. I learned about medicinal practices from centuries ago: health professionals used dried up toads, hedgehogs, and bats for some treatments, in addition to using herbs. Apothecaries placed glass jugs filled with liquids to represent what specialties they addressed in their care. This shop displayed jugs with red liquid and blue liquid, which stood for blood and phlegm in accordance with Hippocrates’ humors theory.

Our group had a special visit to the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia. We spoke with two generalists and one specialist; these three folks were Americans like us and were happy to discuss their experiences with foreign service. It helped me clarify what embassies do and what the process is like for becoming involved.

Afterwards, we went to Hotel Viru for their KGB museum. Our tour guide explained to us what it was like under Soviet rule; in that hotel, the KGB spies set up secret microphones and cameras in certain rooms and areas. It was very eye-opening and we went into a room that was once the office for KGB officers. The door to that room had said “There is nothing to see here” and hotel guests apparently obeyed this saying. This tour gave me insight into history and I realized that this happened not too long ago. The tour guide told us that Estonians do not like talking about the KGB or remembering what else happened during Soviet rule.

The uniforms were left behind in the office when the KGB dismantled their headquarters literally overnight. The office was set up to recreate what it would have looked like leading up to 1971.

For dinner, we ate at MEKK, a classy restaurant serving modern Estonian cuisine. I finished clean every plate for all three courses! It was a very delicious meal. I am impressed by the quality of food we have been eating here. I never eat at such high-class settings in America, and abroad we have plenty of group dinners at fine establishments.

To be Continued in blog post Part II

Tips on How to Prepare for Travel

My carry-on was my backpack. The contents of the carry-on should include passport, emergency cards, insurance cards, cash, debit and credit cards, accommodation information, contact details of fellow students, any prescriptions you have, a change of clothing, and cell phone and chargers. I had one checked bag, which was my suitcase. Be aware of weight restrictions. See packing guidelines from OIA and also adhere to the rules and regulations set by specific airlines and by the TSA.

Helpful hints in terms of safety are to connect to secure sources of WiFi. Do not connect to free WiFi if you do not trust the source. Do not post your location haphazardly because someone could be following you as you travel around. They could catch up to you and do something. Post your photos at the end of the trip, once you return home.
Carry money wisely. Keep your wallet and passport on you at all times. Have emergency numbers written down too in case your phone dies. Use the buddy system and try not to go alone anywhere. Always be aware of your surroundings. Do not have your eyes fixated on your device. Wear comfortable shoes.

Going abroad for the first time was a worry of mine ever since I was accepted into the program. I felt unprepared and nervous that something would go wrong. Indeed, mistakes and mishaps occurred, but they were all learning experiences. They also make for interesting conversations with my loved ones now that I have returned home. Please do not hesitate to talk with peers and OIA staff about your feelings. They can help ease your tensions and fears.

My Experience at Equitas Health – April 2018

April 2nd –

  • Today, I was able to stay on campus instead of commuting to the Clintonville location of Equitas Health. As part of National Public Health Week (an entire week dedicated to my beloved major and field), the hotline did outreach! From morning to mid-afternoon, we had our own table; different Equitas Health departments each had their own tables. Our table in particular had an easy guessing game. We had two containers filled with condoms; people had to guess how many condoms were in the container and they could choose to guess one or both. We provided hints for each container. The larger box had 750 and the smaller one had 300. Only a few people had close-enough answers! We handed out prizes to those who came close to the actual amounts.
  • There were hundreds of students who passed by us; we were stationed not too far from Thompson. Some people did avoid us but that was fine. We provided condoms and other free items to people. I appreciated the students and community members who participated in the different activities we offered!

    I continue to put myself outside of my comfort zone and interact with people in person. It is a skill I am continuously improving. I enjoyed helping out for NPHW 2018 at OSU!

    Public health is everywhere!

April 9th –

  • Snapengage, Adam4Adam, and Canva – this is the trifecta that I open up on my laptop when I get seated at the office.
  • I made several Canva posts for upcoming holidays. One that was actually used was for Equal Pay Day.

    Equal work deserves equal pay, but sadly this is not the case, especially not in America! This post aims to raise awareness at wage gaps not just for women, but for certain subgroups.

  • With the warmer weather approaching, I wanted to ensure that people knew how to properly store condoms!

    Proper storage of condoms is key! Otherwise, condoms will be wasted.

April 16th –

  • Today was a busy day for Snapengage. I had chats to answer from people from China, New York, London, Greece, Ireland, and India, in addition to just America! It is interesting to encounter visitors to the hotline from around the world. Even though we are based in Ohio, we serve anyone who comes across our site and want to know more about sexual health.
  • I posted on social media about Orchid Day and how I related it to vaginal health and pH.

    Vaginas are not supposed to smell like flowers; it’s not natural. This idea can be harmful to people with vaginas because it is an unrealistic expectation.


  • I did the usual protocol of answering online messages.
  • I worked on future Canva posts, and this is one of my favorite parts of working at the hotline.

    An astounding 1 billion people worldwide (that’s about 1 in 7 people) get involved in some capacity for Earth Day. We only have one home, so we all should take better care of it.

    Showers should be around five minutes or less. The average length of showers is eight minutes, which is approximately the length of two songs. I enjoyed finding out what can be sustainable as people engage in pleasure.

April 23rd –

  • In the morning, I answered several messages and continued to work on Canva posts!
  • I can even schedule posts ahead of time on Facebook, which is a handy feature for anyone with a page.
  • Sexting can be safe, but people must take precautions and think smart!


  • This post was made for Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month. I wanted people to remember these resources in case sexual assault occurs, to them or someone else they know. It is actually a common issue and must be addressed.


April 30th –

  • I expected this to be my last day at the hotline for a while, but found out that I can return for just a few hours in May to continue to help out!
  • Besides online outreach, I again worked on Canva.
  • On this day, I wanted to mention testicular health. This is an aspect of men’s health and although it can be uncomfortable to talk about (how does one have a conversation about testicles?), it is necessary! All ages of men should get involved and take care of themselves down there. Experts suggest doing a self exam after a shower or bath because that is when the testes are relaxed!

    This is another favorite post of mine! I love bubble tea and I love educating others.

  • I ended my shift by looking up future holidays for May and brainstorming what I could possibly do to promote sexual health even more.
  • This month has been eventful and really fruitful for me in terms of what I produced and contributed to the hotline! Volunteering has provided me with insight into what I can do in the future for my public health career.

My Experience at Equitas Health – March 2018

March 5th –

  • I logged into Adam4Adam and answered messages throughout the day; I log inquiries on data sheets. As I interact with people, I learn more about sexual health myself because I must dig deeper into research to find the answers to their questions. I have learned more about how to find PrEP and finance it; copays can get expensive, but there is assistance to reduce costs!
  • There were more Canva posts to be made for the rest of the month! I made a post for International Women’s Day, National Napping Day, as well as one for National Jewel Day.
  • Our Facebook caption said: “We will be dedicating all of our posts today to women who are changing the standards of beauty, sexuality, gender roles, etc.
    We want our followers to participate with us today in recognizing today’s brilliant, powHERful, women! Send us a message including a picture of a woman you admire and a quote that has really empowered you in your fight for gender equality and we’ll share it on our social media pages. “

  • This is one of my favorite Canva creations. I am ecstatic to challenge my creativity in connecting holidays to sexual health concepts.

  • People are like jewels. We are precious and it takes time for us to develop and fully form. We at the hotline wanted to highlight mental health and how that cannot be neglected. We connect hotline visitors to resources if they are experiencing a crisis or are just feeling down. We care about the overall health of people.


  • Another post I enjoyed making was about National Puppy Day.

    Older and elderly people have sex too; I wanted the hotline to have some inclusive posts about this group! We serve all ages, from teenage to older age.

  • The hotline does Myth Mondays, and I created this one.
    Toilets are often seen as harbors for harmful germs, but contrary to popular belief, they aren’t common places for contracting STIs. If you have any questions, dirty or clean, give us a call at 800.332.2437! #myth #monday #mythmonday #lgbtq #hiv #education #knowthefacts


  • I tallied up data for calls versus chats for the hotline; for February, we had 67 online chats and 41 calls.
  • Since it was the first Monday of the month, we packed condoms and enjoyed pizza.

March 19th –

  • After I returned to Columbus from my eventful and enlightening spring break, I was back at the hotline to continue doing meaningful work! I did Snapengage and worked on Canva posts. I opened Adam4Adam.
  • I assembled condom packs; since we operate the Free Condom Project, this is an essential part of what we do. Without volunteers and work-study students, the project would not be successful! I finished the mini condom packs, which contained two condoms, a tiny tube of lubricant, and a hotline business card.
  • I also researched tech apps related to sexual health. The hotline does Tech Tuesdays, usually twice a month, highlighting online apps or websites the public can use!

March 26th –

  • I opened up the websites needed for the day, and then worked on determining what Canva posts could be made for April.
  • I found out that provides lists of LGBTQ friendly providers! This is a helpful resource to direct people to. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation and the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association Healthcare Provider Directory (GLMA Provider Directory) are free resources too.

This month, I was proud that I developed a stronger skill for answering messages and creating social media posts! Each day is a learning experience, and I am growing as a future professional in the field of health education & promotion.

My Experience at Equitas Health – February 2018

February 5th, 2018 – Third Day of Volunteering

  • I logged onto Snapengage to be available to chat with any visitor to our hotline.
  • I opened up the site Adam4adam to answer messages from people and to do more outreach work.
  • From noon to five p.m., we had a condom packing party, so we packed plastic bags with condoms and our business cards while we ate pizza and watched movies.
  • I created Canva social media posts for future holidays. For example, I created a post for National Nutella Day. This graphic was posted to our Facebook.

    It is estimated that 9,000 jars of Nutella are sold per hour. It is also estimated that there are over 22,000 new STI infections per hour in the US each year.
    Spread love! Get tested regularly, talk to your partners, and use protection!
    For more information on HIV/STI transmission give the hotline a call at 800.332.2437, chat with online at or send us a text at 614.859.6448

February 12th, 2018

  • The first task is always opening Snapengage to chat with people.
  • I opened Adam4adam next to click through profiles and to answer messages.
  • I worked on finding national holidays for each month, so that we can create social media posts related to these holidays and find ways to connect sexual health to that day. I found holidays for February through December 2018 for us to use.
  • I created a post for National Freedom to Marry Day, which was established by Lambda Legal, a gay rights advocacy law firm to end sex discrimination in marriage. Marriage should be a personal decision between those in love.

    The holiday was founded in 1999!

  • I answered more messages on our various platforms and gained more experience answering various types of questions and comments. Some wanted to learn about better protection/prevention, whereas others simply message us to thank us for our service, which I appreciate very much!

February 27th, 2018

  • I worked from home and spent a few hours on Adam4adam answering messages and clicking through profiles. Additionally, I made two Canva posts. I had chats open but there were no visitors.