My Experience at Equitas Health – March 2018

March 5th –

  • I logged into Adam4Adam and answered messages throughout the day; I log inquiries on data sheets. As I interact with people, I learn more about sexual health myself because I must dig deeper into research to find the answers to their questions. I have learned more about how to find PrEP and finance it; copays can get expensive, but there is assistance to reduce costs!
  • There were more Canva posts to be made for the rest of the month! I made a post for International Women’s Day, National Napping Day, as well as one for National Jewel Day.
  • Our Facebook caption said: “We will be dedicating all of our posts today to women who are changing the standards of beauty, sexuality, gender roles, etc.
    We want our followers to participate with us today in recognizing today’s brilliant, powHERful, women! Send us a message including a picture of a woman you admire and a quote that has really empowered you in your fight for gender equality and we’ll share it on our social media pages. “

  • This is one of my favorite Canva creations. I am ecstatic to challenge my creativity in connecting holidays to sexual health concepts.

  • People are like jewels. We are precious and it takes time for us to develop and fully form. We at the hotline wanted to highlight mental health and how that cannot be neglected. We connect hotline visitors to resources if they are experiencing a crisis or are just feeling down. We care about the overall health of people.


  • Another post I enjoyed making was about National Puppy Day.

    Older and elderly people have sex too; I wanted the hotline to have some inclusive posts about this group! We serve all ages, from teenage to older age.

  • The hotline does Myth Mondays, and I created this one.
    Toilets are often seen as harbors for harmful germs, but contrary to popular belief, they aren’t common places for contracting STIs. If you have any questions, dirty or clean, give us a call at 800.332.2437! #myth #monday #mythmonday #lgbtq #hiv #education #knowthefacts


  • I tallied up data for calls versus chats for the hotline; for February, we had 67 online chats and 41 calls.
  • Since it was the first Monday of the month, we packed condoms and enjoyed pizza.

March 19th –

  • After I returned to Columbus from my eventful and enlightening spring break, I was back at the hotline to continue doing meaningful work! I did Snapengage and worked on Canva posts. I opened Adam4Adam.
  • I assembled condom packs; since we operate the Free Condom Project, this is an essential part of what we do. Without volunteers and work-study students, the project would not be successful! I finished the mini condom packs, which contained two condoms, a tiny tube of lubricant, and a hotline business card.
  • I also researched tech apps related to sexual health. The hotline does Tech Tuesdays, usually twice a month, highlighting online apps or websites the public can use!

March 26th –

  • I opened up the websites needed for the day, and then worked on determining what Canva posts could be made for April.
  • I found out that provides lists of LGBTQ friendly providers! This is a helpful resource to direct people to. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation and the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association Healthcare Provider Directory (GLMA Provider Directory) are free resources too.

This month, I was proud that I developed a stronger skill for answering messages and creating social media posts! Each day is a learning experience, and I am growing as a future professional in the field of health education & promotion.

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