About Me


My name is Raaga Dabburi and I am a fourth-year student specializing in Finance with a minor in French. I grew up just outside of Columbus, OH in a small town called Powell. Throughout my undergraduate experience, I have been fortunate enough to be heavily involved in a variety of activities that match my interests. This is my second year being a Global Ambassador within the Office of Global Business, where I work to maintain international programs for students participating in internships or consulting work abroad. I am also Vice President of Corporate Relations for the Undergraduate Finance Association, where I facilitate relationships between students and finance professionals via social events and networking opportunities. Outside of Fisher, I am Captain of the Buckeye Club Tennis Team and was a part of the University’s Community Orchestra where I played the violin. Some of my hobbies include learning languages (I currently speak English, Telugu, and French, hoping to add more to my repertoire), traveling, sports, cooking, and yoga.

Why I decided to pursue Global Option

I believe that it is critical to prepare myself with the tools to succeed in an integrated global workplace. Through my undergrad, studying both Finance and French, I have gained a broad understanding of how financial professionals work in an everchanging global landscape and have a deep appreciation for Francophone culture. This degree coupled with Global Option will give me the opportunity to show that I am a candidate that is committed to being a global citizen.

I feel that Global Option aligns well with my interest in pursuing consulting work internationally. I am someone who has an affinity for working with individuals with different backgrounds than my own, enjoys traveling, and understands how integrated the global economy is. I believe that having a global perspective is key to being a well-rounded individual and this program allows me to bridge the gap between my interests in business and global affairs. As more organizations begin to operate on an international scale where individuals, goods and services, technology, and culture are exchanged across the planet, students must understand this process and I believe Global Option is the tool to do so. I look forward to applying what I have learned through Global Option to be a standout candidate in the workforce.

My Goal for Global Options

Through Global Option, 3 goals I aim to accomplish are:

  • Cultivate my appreciation for learning new languages and cultures
  • Prepare myself for a career consulting internationally
  • Become a more globally sensitive individual

I grew up speaking Telugu as it is my mother-tongue, and I have been learning French since junior high. My appreciation for languages is not new, but pursuing Global Option has given me the work ethic to start learning other languages of interest such as Spanish and Hindi. Through my French minor, I have gained a deep understanding of not just French language, but of Francophone culture and I hope to mélange my interests in both finance and French within a career in consulting. Post-graduation, I will be working at a firm in Chicago that bids on consulting projects across the globe. Through my experiences, I hope that I am an ideal candidate to be staffed on projects that require a global perspective. Pursuing Global Option has undoubtedly given me a global mindset and has curated a curriculum that will support my international endeavors. Through this program, I have had the opportunity to connect with and learn from individuals around the world. I hope through my current and future experiences that I can be a resource for future participants.