My name is DJ Helminiak. Today in Prague was eventful as usual. We began with walking to the University to be lectured on topics such as architecture and economics of Czech Republic. The professors compared the United States and Czech in both subjects. After classes we went to the local campus restaurant and ate their version of spaghetti.
When being lectured about Czech architecture, we were informed that it was a two part lecture in that the second part involved traveling the city to view the various building styles. After the tour of the buildings, we were taken to a restaurant in the city. The food has been amazing with most dishes consisting of chicken and potatoes.
After dinner, the tour guides took some students to a park in the city. The park was huge with locals skate boarding and playing roller hockey. Others were running and rollerblading. The park was high above the city so it was possible to view the entire city from the picture attached. Overall, a Wednesday in Prague was interesting and kept the students involved all day long.