Journal Papers:
- Y. Duan, et. al., C. Yardim, “A Bayesian framework for estimating ice sheet internal temperatures using low-frequency radiometer measurements,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., under review, 2018.
- C. Yardim, et. al., “Internal temperature profile estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet from ultra wide band radiometer (UWBRAD) measurement,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., to be submitted, 2018.
- C. Yardim et. al., Coupled Air-Sea Processes and Electromagnetic Ducting Research (CASPER) East Campaign: An EM perspective,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag., under review, 2018.
- X. Luyao, C. Yardim et. al., “Frequency diversity in remote sensing of evaporation ducts,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag., under review, 2018.
- S. Mukherjee and C. Yardim, “Accurate calculation of electromagnetic signal under tropospheric turbulence,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag., under review, 2018.
- Q. Wang, R. Burkholder, C. Yardim et. al., “Range and height measurement of X-band EM propagation in the marine atmospheric boundary layer,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag., in press, 2018.
- J. Pozderac, J. Johnson, C. Yardim, et. al., “X-band beacon-receiver array evaporation duct height estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag., 66, 2545-2556, 2018.
- K. Z. Jezek, et. al., C. Yardim, “500-2000 MHz brightness-temperature spectra of the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., vol. 56(10), 5923-5935, 2018.
- Q. Wang, et. al., C. Yardim, “CASPER: Coupled Air-Sea Processes and Electromagnetic (EM) wave ducting Research,” Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 1449–1471, 2018.
- X. Zhao, C. Yardim, et. al., “Estimating range-dependent evaporation duct height,” J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34, 1113-1123, 2017.
- B. A. Tan, et. al., C. Yardim, “Change-point detection for recursive Bayesian geoacoustic inversions,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137, 1962-1970, 2015.
- B. A. Tan, et. al., C. Yardim, “Recursive Bayesian synthetic aperture geoacoustic inversion in the presence of motion dynamics,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136, 1187-1198, 2014.
- C. Yardim, et. al., “Compressive geoacoustic inversion using ambient noise,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135, 1245-1255, 2014.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Particle smoothers in sequential geoacoustic inversion,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 971-981, doi:10.1121/1.4807819, 2013.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, et. al., “Towards assimilation of atmospheric surface layer using weather prediction and radar clutter observations,” J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52(10), 2345-2355, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0320.1, 2013.
- B. A. Tan, et. al., C. Yardim, “Broadband synthetic aperture geoacoustic inversion,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131, 312-322, doi:10.1121/1.4807567, 2013.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and Z.-H. Michalopoulou, “Geophysical signal processing using sequential Bayesian techniques,” Geophysics, 78, V87-V100, doi:10.1190/geo2012-0180.1, 2013.
- S. Walker, C. Yardim, et. al., “Using Fisher information to quantify uncertainty in environmental parameters estimated from correlated ambient noise,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133, EL228-234, doi:10.1121/1.4792836, 2013.
- C. Yardim and P. Gerstoft, “Sequential Bayesian techniques applied to non-volcanic tremor,” J. Geophys. Res., 117, B10312, doi:10.1029/2012JB009420, 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, et. al., “Multiple grazing angle clutter modeling,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 60(9), pp. 4408-4417, doi:10.1109/TAP.2012.2207033, 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, et. al., “Estimation of refractivity using a multiple angle clutter model,” Radio Sci., 47 RS0M07, doi:10.1029/2011RS004701, 2012.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Sequential geoacoustic inversion at the continental shelfbreak,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(2), doi:10.1121/1. 3666012, 2012.
- Z.-H. Michalopoulou, C. Yardim, and P. Gerstoft, “Particle filtering for passive fathometer tracking,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(1), EL74-80, doi: 10.1121/1.3670004, 2012.
- A. Karimian, C. Yardim, et. al., “Refractivity estimation from sea clutter: An invited review,” Radio Sci., 46, RS6013, doi:10.1029/2011RS004818, 2011.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Range aliasing in frequency coherent geoacoustic inversion,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(4), EL154-160, doi:10.1121/1.3630021, 2011.
- C. Yardim, Z.-H. Michalopoulou, and P. Gerstoft, “An overview of sequential Bayesian filtering in ocean acoustics,” IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 36(1), pp. 73-91, doi:10.1109/JOE.2010.2098810, 2011.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Geoacoustic and source tracking using particle filtering: Experimental results,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 128(1), pp. 75-87, doi:10.1121/1.3438475, 2010.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Tracking of geoacoustic parameters using Kalman and particle filters”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(2), pp. 746-760, dio:10.1121/1.3050280, 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Sensitivity analysis and performance estimation of refractivity from clutter technique”, Radio Sci., 44, RS1008, pp. 1-16, doi:10.1029/2008RS003897, 2009.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Tracking refractivity from radar clutter using Kalman and particle filters”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56(4), pp. 1058-1070, doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.919205, 2008.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Statistical maritime radar duct estimation using a hybrid genetic algorithm-Markov chain Monte Carlo method”, Radio Sci., 42, RS3014, pp. 1-15, doi:10.1029/2006RS003561, 2007.
- C. Yardim, P. Gerstoft, and W. S. Hodgkiss, “Estimation of radio refractivity from radar clutter using Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, pp. 1318-1327, doi:10.1109/TAP.2006.872673, 2006.