The Ohio State University


Meeting Cadence

General committee meetings are generally convened monthly to bi-monthly by the central Academic Advising team within Transition and Academic Growth (TAG), a part of the Office of Undergraduate Education. Subcommittee meetings may meet more often. A calendar with the meeting dates is available on the Advising Training Sessions website.

Autumn 2024 meetings are from 9:00am – 10:30am:

  • T 9/17
  • 10/8 (only 9-10am)
  • 11/5
  • 11/19
  • 12/3


A full list of the expectations for members is available on the Membership Responsibilities page.

Central Support for Academic Advising and TAG Members

  • Amy Treboni
  • Shannon Peltier
  • Sarah Howard
  • Kris Wethington
  • Beth Wallace
  • TAG Advisors: Kim Wickham, Margaux Karp

Student Membership

Annually, Undergraduate Student Government nominates USG members to attend meetings and provide a student perspective on the challenges facing academic advising. Out of respect for their time, USG members generally do not participate on standing subcommittees.

Current CUA Members

Current CUA members represent advising from units and campuses across the university. Membership is solicited through volunteers, nominations, and special invitation to ensure that all advising perspectives are included in CUA’s work.

3 Year Members
  • Amy Selby, Life Sciences
  • Cate Hunko, Wooster/CFAES
  • Erin Holcomb, Business
  • Kami Westhoff, Material Science Engineering
  • Lindsay Tolchin, Biomedical Engineering
  • Shannon Romey, EHE
  • Troy Brooks, Extended Ed
  • Troy Markham, Political Science
2 Year Members
  • Anna O’Reilly, Newark
  • David Tauber, PPE
  • Jessica Sturgill, Marion
  • Maria Roth, Speech & Hearing Sciences
1 Year Members
  • Drake Hankins, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Special Membership
  • Leslie Dowler, Current ACADAOS President
  • Ryan Mouncey, ACADAOS President-Elect
  • Emily Klepinger, Past ACADAOS President
  • TBD, Undergraduate Student Government
Thank you to our previous members for their dedication!