The Ohio State University

Committee History

Image of the hand-drawn infographic of the 2016 Advising Summit findings

2016 Advising Summit findings

Initial Charge

The Committee on Undergraduate Advising was initially convened in 2014 as part of a Quality Initiative to improve the student experience with undergraduate academic advising at Ohio State. This effort proposed a committee of front-line academic advisor with the directive of helping the Office of Undergraduate Education in assessing the current (and ongoing) state of advising.

Some important initial charges of CUA when it was first convened were:

  • inform the creation of effective advisor trainings and illustrate how decisions that can impact advising are communicated to advisors
  • determine indicators of student success and how to assess effective advising
  • assess the degree to which academic advisors were engaging in career advising and provide a landscape of expectations admissions responsibilities that advisors have
  • generate ideas for how to retain quality academic advisors


Sarah Howard describing the current state of advising

Sarah Howard describing the current state of advising

Current Work

In keeping with the major themes of defining expectations of advising, advisor skill development (including instructional and relational skills), advising efficacy, challenges for advisors, and appropriate referrals, CUA has several standing subcommittees. These committees are intended to address identified gaps in the existing advising support/development offerings. Additional subcommittees may be proposed or developed on a standing or as-needed basis.

  • Academic Advising Conference Committee
    • This committee works in tandem with the ACADAOS Professional Development Committee under the direction of the Central Support for Academic Advising team to plan annual advising conferences for the Ohio State academic advising community and closely related offices
  • Advising Assessment Committee
    • This committee has duties related to the development and implementation of advising assessment tools, supports data gathering and data literacy efforts, and more
  • Communication Committee
    • This committee supports communication efforts with Ohio State’s academic advising community, records CUA meeting notes and archives documents reviewed, raises concerns about confusing, incorrect, or out of date information on Ohio State websites or other sites frequently utilized by the university community, and more
  • Retention and Promotion Committee
    • This committee generates ideas for improving advisor morale and strengthening the advisor community, as well as reviewing the advising job family, informing professional development training offerings, and more