Beyond the Russian Federation, CSEEES has other items in culture boxes that are in proximity to Russia in Eastern Europe.
Postcards of Traditional Ukrainian Dress: Two postcards depicting traditional Ukrainian garb. Headdresses, hats, and ornamental flower crowns are some of the popular accessories. Red is a prominent color in traditional dress. One of the key parts to the clothes for both men and women is the homespun shirt with embroidery all over it in rich colors. Emphasis is put on the amount and type of accessories used in each outfit, with the women’s clothing being more intricate than the men’s. Styles differ depending on the region of Ukraine
Sarajevo Decorative Mat: A colorful, decorative woven mat with the name, “Sarajevo” worked in on the bottom. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a population estimated around 275,000 citizens. Sarajevo has garnered several nicknames throughout its long history, the more popular ones being, “European Jerusalem” and “Damascus of the North”. This mat has several different colors in it from the Bosnian and Herzegovina flag, with prominent blue and yellow colors in the middle.
Woven Shoes: Woven decorative shoes that can be worn during festivals or everyday life. Woven grass shoes are ones that spread through multiple cultures, including that of Central Asian and Eastern European areas. Many Ukrainians in the past would have woven shoes from different types of bark or grass. You can also find sandals like these in markets throughout Eastern Europe in countries like Moldova and Estonia.
They might seem exotic – just like Eastern Europe appears when it is observed from the outside. In the case of the smaller Eastern European states, socialist fraternity with strangers abroad was identified as a means to escape political isolation