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21:08:40 Alright listeners we’re coming at you live on April, the fifth, a little after 9pm.
21:08:49 Um, my name is Jake Schott with me is my co host TJ or, you probably all know him as Trey Hartman.
21:08:58 And we’re here to hit you with yo is this, and then today we’re talking about sexism podcasts so got a couple couple key points will hit today, um, one of the first things is pretty relevant, actually, will be talking about sexism in NCAA basketball and
21:09:22 I know everybody’s probably getting pumped up for tonight’s game that starts in about 15 minutes now and, and that’ll be the, the championship round so winner takes all, but will be focusing on women’s basketball today right tj.
21:09:38 You got that right, Jake, so I am TJ Hartman you guys all know me as Trey Hartman.
21:09:45 And, you know, today is it’s a huge day in sports you know today is the end of March Madness for the NCAA men’s basketball.
21:09:54 But, you know, like Jake said that’s not really what we’re going to talk about today we’re going to actually talk about the women’s NCAA side.
21:10:02 Just be and how they have been treated, probably for the past decade or at least my lifetime but it’s never really been brought to our attention. Up until recently with all of the different you know social media platforms and you know everybody has their
21:10:16 iPhones or smartphones where they can you know snap a picture of instant rather than having you know like the old disposable cameras like we used to carry around.
21:10:26 Yeah. So, I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t really know there was a women’s NCAA Tournament.
21:10:36 Like the men’s, um, and I guess this instance we’re going to talk about today this sort of brought it to my attention.
21:10:46 And that’s a problem.
21:10:48 Like I follow basketball I’m not a huge basketball fan but I normally participate in March Madness my ex coworkers and, and some family members we normally make a bracket and do a little pool but I’ve never been aware of the women’s tournament, and I
21:11:05 think that’s an issue. Um, it’s not that.
21:11:09 Not that I’m like naive to women playing basketball or anything it’s just it’s not really something that makes the news, I guess, exactly and piggybacking off of that the NCAA, I mean, up until this year I don’t think I’ve really seen their march madness
21:11:27 tournament really advertised anywhere in like, and this year they at least advertise that I know they were pushing it you know a couple weeks prior like you know hey you know the women’s tournament as just as big as a men’s.
21:11:43 But, um, yeah you know I think it’s something that people were unaware of simply because the NC double a failed to broadcast that and advertise it such like they do the men’s you know they’re talking about the men’s.
21:11:57 As soon as the season starts you’re like oh you know, Ohio State’s going to be one of the top contenders in this year’s tournament. But you never really hear about the women’s side, you know, and that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about because the
21:12:11 way that they did you know with coven 19.
21:12:18 All of the games were played in Indianapolis this your other rather than, you know, all across the country.
21:12:24 And it was brought to our attention by a member of the Oregon Ducks female basketball team that you know they were treated, not a little but rather largely unfair when it comes to the equipment that they’re giving given to prepare for this tournament.
21:12:43 Oh, for sure. Definitely.
21:12:48 I’m really unfair is it actually you know fired.
21:12:52 Got me pretty fired up.
21:12:53 When I saw these, these posts from the women on on social media, and it was pretty sad like the women’s tournament wasn’t even, it took a couple couple girls from the ducks team to make it advertise it it’s not like the NCAA or ESPN or sports center or
21:13:11 whatever. It’s not like they advertised the women’s.
21:13:28 And to me that’s really sad.
21:13:28 I know, so I guess the picture and the posts and stuff will be talking about. You can see we’ll link a picture here in this blog post.
21:13:38 Of the two weight rooms, is that is exactly, but, um, you know, like what Jake said, if these women didn’t make a stand and bring it to all of our attention.
21:13:52 Then the NCAA would have just, you know, gone away they would have, you know, turned a blind eye, they wouldn’t have brought it to our attention and this we would never have known about this if it wasn’t for these brave females on the women’s basketball
21:14:05 team.
21:14:06 And you know, not only were they treated unfairly in the, the weight room and you know the training facility department they were also treated unfairly with the items that they received I mean, the men’s basketball team it.
21:14:23 If you looked at this picture which I will try to find a link below.
21:14:29 It would almost look like the men’s basketball team, every member of each team was sponsored by Powerade they would have been sponsored by these different supplement companies Under Armour, you know i mean they got probably about 50 to 60 items, whereas
21:14:46 the women’s basketball team. I think they got a Powerade water bottle and maybe some shorts and a T shirt and I think maybe they got a stick of deodorant too, but I mean that does not compare at all to what the men’s received, and I did it.
21:15:01 The men’s tournament brings in a lot of revenue in comparison to the females. But still, these women are dedicating the same amount of time, the same amount of, you know, mental and physical strength to prepare for these tournaments and should be treated
21:15:19 equally as the men’s teams, and when did you agree, Jake. Oh, 100%. It’s definitely, definitely something that deserves the attention that it’s getting in an even more in that respect.
21:15:34 But I also go back to the that picture, the main one, the one was most eye opening for me anyway was comparing the two weight rooms. Practice facilities.
21:15:48 And really, the men’s weight room, you could see was just full of exercise equipment training bicycles.
21:15:58 Squat racks bench presses dumbbells, you name it.
21:16:04 Basically, if it had to do with exercise they had it, I mean they had it all.
21:16:08 Enough for 3040 guys probably, and then you turn to the women’s, and the women’s teams and what they got was literally one rack of dumbbells. Exactly and a couple of yoga mats Yeah, which I don’t know about you guys but when I go to the gym, I’m not really
21:16:29 going to be able to get a full workout with six sets of dumbbells and a single yoga mat. Yeah, especially split but between a whole team or multiple teams.
21:16:38 It was really just depressing. Exactly and the NCAA what they told the women’s basketball teams, was that they didn’t have enough space to dedicate to the women’s facility.
21:16:53 But the lady from Oregon actually updated us with another photo that it was basically an empty. It almost looked like a warehouse that they were at. Yeah, and it had countless an endless amount of room to where you could at least get some equipment there,
21:17:12 you know, and I mean, after she posted this you had like some of the top basketball athletes in the world, as well as Dick’s Sporting Goods which I’m sure you guys all know i mean they have workout equipment, they were offering to load a truck up and
21:17:29 ship it down there. By the end of the day, so all the NCAA had to do was just reach out to people which they failed to do.
21:17:39 And it’s just it’s sickening i mean it’s it’s a terrible thing that’s going on in the world today and I don’t think it should be going on, and it needs to be brought to everybody’s attention.
21:17:49 Yeah, so just to wrap that instance up really what happened was the NCAA recognize the issue.
21:17:58 And then failed to do anything about it and to me that’s pretty sad.
21:18:03 Especially because we all know the NCAA has plenty of money, they’re making insane profits off of these games, and they have all the means to treat every one of their players equally and they really just refused, sort of, I mean we’ll call it what it
21:18:20 is is they refused.
21:18:23 This that’s very irritating so I guess we’ll move on to one other instance of sexism there’s an endless amount of topic topics to talk about. And we’ll hit on this one briefly.
21:18:37 It’s really just a small instance and involves TJ his girlfriend and instance that she had at autism. So tj.
21:18:47 So yeah, a couple of weeks ago my girlfriend and I made a trip up to Auto Zone up in northwestern Ohio, cuz I was gonna repair the brakes on my truck because you know they’re getting old.
21:19:00 You know, I just wanted to do it myself save a couple bucks here and there. So I brought my girlfriend with me, and I go to the counter I tell him what I get, or what I need.
21:19:10 He brings out the parts and my girlfriend goes out, and she needed some windshield wiper blades for car. So she picks those out post them on the counter.
21:19:20 And well, and then I check out first and the man behind the counter asked me for like my loyalty number.
21:19:25 So you know I give it to him so I could save a couple points, you know, get some, some bonus money so I could go back and give it back to them.
21:19:33 And so while I check out.
21:19:36 Once I checked out, I should say, I take my part and I’m going outside, you know, put them back in the car and then you know he’s going to check out herself.
21:19:45 Well, the man behind the counter failed to ask my girlfriend, if she had you know like a loyalty ID and stuff like that. And, you know, her being her she didn’t want to make a big scene so she didn’t say anything at the time, but once you got out of the
21:20:01 car you know she was, she was very upset with this you know like it just didn’t sit well with her that she saw him asked me for my phone number so I could get some rewards points, but he failed to ask her if you know she had an account linked to autism.
21:20:20 And she was very determined that this was you know another form of social injustice just because you, I mean I’m a man and she’s a female and he just failed to ask her, I mean it was terrible.
21:20:35 Yeah. In, and I think this is one of those classic examples where the age old stereotype of men doing things with their hands and women,
21:20:53 not doing things with their hands or, you know, staying in the house, men working on vehicles women not.
21:21:01 I think this is a classic stereotype of that example. And it’s far less severe than the NCAA Tournament like I don’t think this guy deserves like to be reprimanded or fired or anything like that, like, maybe, you know, just a little education or like
21:21:25 a heads up on you know what he did and it could have just been a simple mistake of him forgetting to ask.
21:21:34 It’s really not something like I think this is not really a systemic issue but I do think it’s a classic example of an age old stereotype.
21:21:45 It was that way your takeaway was yeah I have to agree with you, Jake, I’m not saying that it was his fault. I’m not saying, you know, it’s the most severe problem that’s going on but I think it’s something that happens on, you know, a daily occasion,
21:22:00 you know, whether it’s him just you know slipping up or, you know, I mean we could we’re just assuming all of these things and maybe you know he actually believes that women don’t work on vehicles and they never come to Auto Zone unless their boyfriend
21:22:15 or husband take them there. I mean, he could be a terrible guy.
21:22:20 These are all assumptions that we’re making so he could be terribly sexist. We’re giving him the benefit of the doubt here. I like to do that with people I typically a positive guy like to like to always get people that that benefit but exactly, um, it
21:22:35 didn’t really, I mean I know Maddie was upset about I’m not trying to discredit her obsessiveness if you will but it definitely doesn’t seem as serious as what the women in the tournament tournament is going, Yeah, um, but the bigger picture that we
21:22:51 Um, but the bigger picture that we really want to talk about and make sure we hit on before we’re done here is throughout this class that teaching are taken comparative studies.
21:23:02 We’ve learned about many different things but one of those that really applies to these situations is the master slave dialect, so just real quickly if you’re not familiar with the master slave dialect.
21:23:17 Basically, you have the overbearing figure being the master in these subordinate class of people that that respond to the Masters, I’m using finger quotations obviously you can’t see that but the subordinate class of people.
21:23:37 They think they’re subordinate but they’re really not because the masters are overbearing. And I think this issue of sexism in general is really something that falls under that category because after years and decades, centuries even of, sort of, of women
21:23:56 being oppressed under men.
21:24:00 You know eventually that wears on their on their brains and in their mental stability and it breaks them down into thinking that they’re beneath men somehow.
21:24:12 And that’s really not the case. I mean, countless women have proved that they are equally capable of doing everything men can do. But there’s really these stereotypes and these injustices that still are, are systemic and happening in society that that
21:24:28 people like you and I are trapped trying to bring light to ugly and that’s exactly what we need to do is whenever, even if it no matter how large the problem is, I think, it always needs to be brought to everyone’s attention.
21:24:44 That way, a change can be made. And I’m not saying this stuff is going to happen overnight. obviously with, you know, these things that are happening around the globe.
21:24:55 It’s very hard, it’s going to take time to be able to heal and to be able to make a change, but I think our generation will be able to make that change to where everybody is treated equally.
21:25:10 There is nobody that is really treated unfairly.
21:25:14 And I think we just have to use our voices and, you know, get these actions in motion. Yeah. Yeah. And we’re, we’re not naive here we understand that.
21:25:26 We’re not going to solve, sexism, we’re not gonna, you know, make this disappear I mean, heck, the people that are going to listen to this podcast are already well aware of these issues.
21:25:37 But it is important that you know little things like this, speaking out and bringing awareness.
21:25:44 If everybody around the world does that, then, you know, stuff is going to happen, people in power will take notice and and change will occur.
21:25:56 And that’s really, you know, the big takeaway here is if you’re sitting at home and you’re like man I want to do something about this.
21:26:04 Just speak out you know we’re not asking you to go stand up on a stage or, or, you know, hold a rally or anything like that but when you’re given the opportunity to say something.
21:26:15 It’s really that simple it’s, you know, not being silent and making your voice heard.
21:26:23 So with that, you know, we’ll go ahead and wrap things up, I know everybody’s probably ain’t just to watch.
21:26:30 March Madness tonight, and I’m, I’m rooting for Gonzaga I don’t know about you TJ but there, they were my number one pick for the bracket so yeah I think Baylor’s got this one tonight.
21:26:42 I don’t know man. Hopefully not. But, you know, we’ll see. And, and congrats to Stanford women’s champs, maybe, Arizona. Yep. Third national championship in school history.
21:26:55 Yeah, it’s impressive. I mean, I was really hoping Arizona was going to get their first one in school history but you know, it was it was a tight game there’s a one point game at the end.