Text review- Grey’s anatomy – Kim M.

Text review assignment – Kim Merrick


For this assignment I chose to analyze Grey’s Anatomy season where there is a merger between two hospitals and things go south and eventually people are very short staffed. During this time period there a doctor who steps in to help for a day to help at the hospital and does not want to listen to anyone or allow anyone to help him except the “nazi” who is Miranda Bailey. Doctor Bailey offers help and is shut down immediately because one she is a woman and two she was an African American woman. The male doctor is a white man who thinks he has authority over everyone and has the power to do anything he wants. This in my opinion is an injustice because of how he treats dr. Bailey even though she is one of the most knowledgeable and strongest doctors at the hospital. The male doctor also uses his identity and thinks because he is the male doctor he knows more she can do everything alone because he is “ better” and dr, Bailey and Meredith are women who he considers useless and a subaltern/other. Which relates to the concept we learned in class and he doesn’t not allow them to show how capable they are. Through this whole episode he keeps declining her help and sending her on a mission to find the great and all mighty nazi who is known for being brilliant not realizing it was her. It is not till when dr. Webber who is the chief,  has a conversation with Bailey and says “this is why they call you the nazi” that the male doctor heard and feels like he now has no power or authority because of how little respect he showed dr. Bailey. During this whole episode Dr. Bailey was treated as the  “other” by her race, and her gender. This proves that people need to be slow to make assumptions until they get to know the other affiliates. Dr. Bailey felt as if she was useless at first because she could not believe how this doctors actions allowed him to feel so powerful yet so rude. She did not say anything to him even though she could have but she did not feel as if she needed to prove herself.

Diary of systemic injustice showcase-Kim

Diary of systemic injustice showcase

Corona virus has been around for over a full year now and there are many phenomenon’s of how it came about. One of the sources says that the Chinese and Asians made the virus. In a poll of over 1,195 people the results concluded that “a 57% majority of Americans describe the coronavirus pandemic as a natural disaster, 43% say they believe a particular organization or people is responsible. In response to an open-ended question, most in that group specified China, comprising nearly 1 in 4 of the total survey”. This statistic is insanely high, how can people just believe this without proof? There are so many questions that can be asked as to why and how? If you look at the virus it is in fact a lot like the flu.  In a separate article that was posted by OSU it conducted an interview said that “It turned out that the stereotypes and beliefs that people already had about Asian Americans were more powerful in predicting stigmatization than other factors”. This statement goes well with our understanding of dangerous of a single story. When people only believe one side and don’t try and understand all perspectives things like this pandemic escalate.

Another topic that helps us understand this even better and further our thinking is by tying this with the “otherness” we have been studying. Many people are treating a lot of Asian/Chinese people as the other because they are believed to have created this inconvenience and everyone hates them for that. As being an “other” they have not had the chance to try and rebuttal all these assumptions and acquisitions. It is as if the community has dehumanized them. People are concluding that the Chinese are the “others” and that Americans are better. There is a lot of hate right now that possibly started from a single source, that has now spread like a wildfire. The people who shot the house are believed to be troubled white men who have previously had an encounter with the police. This is discrimination and violence against all Chinese people, no matter where they came from or what they believe either.

Someone who is of a high authority like the example below who posted this when he was still the president, should not be one of the people to be spreading this rumor. This shows very low amount of respect for peolpe.

An experience that was close to home was when a house in my fiancé’s neighborhood, about 6 houses down from him was shot by a firearm 17 times. The people that live there have been residence for many years and have never been known to have any enemies until they started to host and international student who happened to be from China. It was concluded that they were targeted for allowing the enemy to reside among them. I would consider this systemic injustice because of how these people are singled out and are being forced to take the blame for a virus that is global at this point and has no true origin that is definable. This not only makes it where certain people are against the Asian/Chinese community but the whole world has many of these type of  people, nearly 50% that is quick to blame one community. Senate Mitch McConnel said that “Committing a crime against anyone because of his or her national origin or race is deeply wrong and antithetical to our founding principles”. This was addressed after another mass shooting that is seemed to be a hate crime against Asians. The impact of these people being shot at and being targeted shows, how much hate is in the world. It also strengthens the belief and the lie for blaming the virus on Chinese/Asian community.  Allowing for this blasphemy strengthens the hate community and enforces their behaviors and actions against the Asian/Chinese community.



Works Cited

“Mitch McConnell Says Asian Americans ‘Should Not Have to Experience Discrimination.’” Yahoo! News, Yahoo!, news.yahoo.com/mitch-mcconnell-says-asian-americans-211838977.html.

Page, Susan. Exclusive: 43% of Americans Say a Specific Organization or People to Blame for COVID-19, USA Today , 22 Mar. 2021, 9:00AM, www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/exclusive-1-in-4-americans-have-seen-asians-blamed-for-the-coronavirus-in-recent-weeks/ar-BB1eO5ig#image=BB1eOf9N|4.

The Ohio State University. Study Reveals Why Some Blame Asian Americans for COVID-19, The Ohio State University, 23 Oct. 2020, news.osu.edu/study-reveals-why-some-blame-asian-americans-for-covid-19/.

“Trump Defends Calling Coronavirus ‘Chinese Virus’ Because It ‘Came from China’ after ‘WH Official Calls It Kung Flu’ – The Sun.” Hot Fashion News, 18 Mar. 2020, hotfashionnews.com/world-news/trump-defends-calling-coronavirus-chinese-virus-because-it-came-from-china-after-wh-official-calls-it-kung-flu-the-sun/.



Context research presentation- Kim

Many of us have a desire for something in our life. According to Merriam Webster dictionary desire is defined as; to long for something, or to hope for (Mariam Webster). People would like to be able to say that their desires are not out of selfish nature. When you look at humans, they are constantly creating a rivalry to be able to compare and do better. It is stated in our reading that “otherness is a fundamental category of human thought” (Simone de Beauvoir,1). That statement popped right of the page and made me realize that there is never just good enough for one thing, there is always a desire to top it. There are several subcategories such as human versus animal desire.

The article by Cantin, “The Drive, the Untreatable Quest of Desire” it mentioned that much of human desire comes from the conscious side, which means that we as people can control them, but chose not to. These are the “evil” desires that get humans in trouble. Desires are dangerous because they “inhibit people and push them to act” (Cantin, 2) and seek out that which they might envy, not necessarily need. Another article takes the position that it is the human sinful desire that caused the “fall” in the Bible (Smith, 215). In the middle of this article it is said that in Genesis the man and the woman desired to be better than God and ate the fruit, even thought they did not know what that meant, but just wanting to be better and wanting to be something they were not that caused sin and made man and woman have evil desires (Smith 216).

Human and animal desire are different. Animal desire is fulfilling the real needs. Like the unconscious desire, but human desire is focused a lot on wants and selfishness. As it is stated in the article by Hegel and by Schroeder, “humans desire useless things” (Schroeder, 2.4). While animals desire to fulfill the needs and focus on other members. Very often humans focus on their own desires with out thinking about anyone else. Animal desire is focused on the acting on somatic needs (Schroeder, 2.1), such as being parched. In conclusion, everyone has desires, it is knowing how one can control their actions towards them and can recognize if they need to be met at all costs.

Source Bibliography/ Citations

Beauvoir, Simone de, et al. The Second Sex. Vintage Books, 2011.

Cantin, Lucie. “The Drive, the Untreatable Quest of Desire.” Differences (Bloomington, Ind.), vol. 28, no. 2, 09/01/2017, pp. 24-45,

“Desire.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/desire.

Kojève Alexandre, et al. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. Cornell University Press, 2012.

Schroeder, Tim. “Desire.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 9 Apr. 2015, plato.stanford.edu/entries/desire/.

Smith, Mark S. “Before Human Sin and Evil: Desire and Fear in the Garden of God.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 80, no. 2, Apr. 2018, pp. 215–230. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/cbq.2018.0048.