Text Review Assignment- The Help

The text I am choosing to review for this assignment is the movie The Help, directed by Tate Taylor. This movie is based on the novel and takes place in the early 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. The film follows an eager young white writer, Skeeter as she exposes to the world to events based on true stories told by African American woman who identify as maids, or “the help”. During this time Skeeter also researches the systematic injustice within the state of Mississippi that African Americans had to deal with at the time. From the beginning the maids, like Aibileen and Minny, were hesitant to partner with Skeeter due to their distrust in whites, and their fear of experiencing repercussions. Overall the story is very dynamic since it takes place during the civil rights movement, as it analyzes topics like racism, social class, and gender roles.

Throughout the film the woman who tell their stories to Skeeter are shown doing their jobs in the households of wealthy white families. The maids are forced to do repetitive work, like cooking and cleaning, and they are even responsible for caring for the children. There are many instances that when their employers are disrespectful and or abusive towards them. The maids have limited career, so they are almost forced into this unhealthy work environment. They are limited because maids are denied  higher education to help them advance within their careers or other areas, just due to their color.

Gender roles are present within the households that are highlighted throughout the movie. Skeeter struggles to gain acceptance from her family when it comes to being a writer, and she feels forced to only be a wife and mother. Another woman, Celia, has multiple miscarriages but feels forced to hid her emotions because she wants to be a strong enough wife to her husband.

Lastly, social class is what shapes Jackson as a society. The wealthy are at the top, and they have at least one maid to cook, clean, and take care of the children. The maids that work for them are considered the working class. Whereas the upper class, who does not associate with those below them, own much of the industry and are able to provide for their children without worry. Discrimination due to classism occurs also, when Skeeter tells her editor her story idea, she did not support it at first due to its affiliation with the maids, Aibileen and Minny. Overall, this movie depicts a story during the civil rights movement that highlights many ideas that we have gone over in this class. Therefore, if you’ve never seen the movie, I recommend you watch it with your new perspective shaped by what we’ve learned.

Yo, Is this Classism? -Podcast Assignment by Cambria Antonacci, Nathanael Swart, and Justin Kocan

Nathanael: Hey, my name’s Nathanael!

Cambria: Hi! My name is Cambria. 

Justin: Hi, my name is Justin and we are here to talk about classism in different regions in Ohio and across the United States. So, Nathanael and Cambria, what are your hometowns like?

Nathanael: I come from a small town in Southeast Ohio of around 10,000 people. My hometown is part of the rust belt, where the average per capita income is $25,000. Making it $9,000 below the national average of $34,000. 

Cambria: I come from a very similar town in Northeast Ohio! Classism is very present where I am from, but before we talk more about it, Nathanael, do you want to talk about what classism is and how it starts?

Nathanael: Yeah! Classism is in its most basic a form of discrimination based on the class of an individual. Classism can be seen in cities, towns, and even places so small that they’re classified as villages. As many of us are aware of, the United States is in a time of great economic inequality, this economic inequality is the main component for classism to occur. Tensions tend to be created when a small amount of the population holds most of the money within a nation.  A great example of this can be seen in my aforementioned hometown of Logan. Logan is a small town that was part of the booming rust belt and heavily relied on factories and their means of production. Ever since the decline of factories in the United States, starting in the mid seventies. Logan has experienced a similar and constant deprecation. With the well of jobs drying up, many were forced to leave Logan for new work, or create new work for themselves in Logan.

Cambria: Yeah, so we have heard about the decline in the rust belt, but how does it relate to classism? 

Nathanael: Well, a pocket of people within Logan were able to keep their jobs, such as doctors, dentists, and company owners. They would do this by working at the small amount of local or offices, or take long commutes to jobs that paid a decent amount. This led to an environment where very few had a significant amount of money, and very many were at or below the poverty line and left wanting. This discrepancy in socio-economic class led to a divide throughout the entire town, ultimately dissolving the middle class and forming an environment where a select few had money and many simply did not. This has gradually grown ever since its inception, forming a tense community where the few elite hold almost all the power in the community. 

Cambria: I also have what is to be considered ‘elites’ within my town. They have a lot of control over what goes on behind the scenes.

Nathanael: Yeah same here. These elites have control over the town on what local officials get elected, what areas are restored, and what businesses survive. These immense powers led to tension and a discriminatory treatment of those who belong to the lower class. This story is all too common in the rust belt area and with small towns across the U.S., helping us better understand the current socio economic division of our current nation. Too many families have been seen as less, just for being born into a family that does not possess generous amounts of wealth. 

With all that being said, I believe that Justin can tell us more about classism and its effect on people? 

Justin: Classism is the idea of discriminating against a group of people who are a part of another, usually lower, social status. It is a version of systematic oppression that weakens a social class while simultaneously strengthening another. This usually leads to significant wealth inequality. The wealthy are making money at the expense of the lower class. The lower class will sometimes give in and accept their place in society, which basically leads to a social status that they can never escape. 

Cambria: Yes, this explains social class and status so well. Are there examples of this within society today, especially with the current state our country is in due to the pandemic?

Justin: Yeah! Recently, the economic downturn from the coronavirus has led to a “k” shape recovery. This means the wealthy became more wealthy, while the lower class suffered from closures and restrictions. Unemployment rose to one of the highest levels in history in April 2020 at 14.7%. The lower class lost the majority of these jobs as businesses shut down and production slowed. Meanwhile, the upper class were able to retain their work. So, wealth equality grew even further apart. 

Cambria: This reminds me of Amazon and how much money they got during the pandemic since people did not leave their houses. It’s crazy they grew in the midst of COVID19. 

Nathanael: Wow Justin, that is a staggeringly high percentage for unemployment in 2020. I’m sure the pandemic spiked those numbers exponentially. Returning to classism, can you tell us some more about classism in America?

Justin: Yeah, I can. Classism is arguably the worst it has ever been in America. However, there are some arguments against it. Wealth inequality is a result of the free market. America’s foundation was built strongly on capitalism and free markets. Currently, The United States boasts the largest GDP in the world while having more than a billion people less than China and India. So, capitalism and free markets have been a massive part of a growing economy in The United States. Unfortunately, this can lead to some negative effects like classism. 

Cambria: Did you guys know social class is also linked to anxiety and depression? According to a study posted by the National library of Medicine, not only does the lower class acknowledge classism more often, but they experience the poor health due to the inferiority they feel. 

Nathanael: No, I did not know that. I read an article about this phenomenon occurring with race, but I wasn’t aware it occurred with the lower class too. It really seems like discrimination has a heavy toll on people, not just in an emotional sense, but also in a mental and physical way as well. 

Cambria: Yes! I also read an article that focused on single mothers and how they have increased stress levels compared to those in a higher class. 

Cambria: A small town, such as my hometown, can easily be affected by classism too. Corruption within the school system and local government can occur due to the large impact those in the upper class have on the town. For example, after I graduated from my high school, the head football coach was fired due to a disagreement he had with a parent on the team. This parent, though not on the school board, has many connections on the board and was able to get this coach fired even though he did nothing wrong. This only happened because of the socioeconomic status of the father, it makes me think of the people we learned about in U.S. history class called ‘fat cats’, similar to what Nathanael was referring to before as the elites. Fat cats are considered rich political donors and they are very present in my town. What is worrisome to me is how strong their voice is within our community. They overshadow minorities and or lower income families! These are people that need the most help from their community and yet their voice/vote can be overturned by the ‘fat cats’. This creates a divide within the town which I believe is a catalyst for the creation of ‘self’ and ‘other’. Do you guys believe the idea of ‘self’ and ‘other’ can be a result of classism?

Nathanael: Absolutely, so many people I know are eager to categorize themselves as this or that, and the profoundness of classism lets this be an easy way to do that. Classism cannot even be escaped by those who do not like being categorized themselves, I often find that if you don’t do it someone else will do it for you. There is no doubt in my mind that this difference in socioeconomic class leads to a community where the elites view themselves as one group and the lower class as the others. I’m sure this can be applied in the reverse manner as well, these attitudes only lead to polarized communities that exert a great amount of discrimination. Leading to the previously mentioned stress, anxiety, and depression experienced by the oppressed population, in this case the lower class. 

Justin: Adding to that point, people are becoming more and more judgmental as social media takes over our lives. A lot of young people look up to their favorite celebrities and influencers. They have unreasonable expectations on how they should live. This leads to people spending money on unnecessary items to try to fit in with others. I think people should worry more about themselves and not so much about others.

Cambria: That is a good point Justin, social media impacts so many. I also agree that social class is just one more way to categorize yourself in this country and cause divides. The ‘self’ and ‘other’ roles can be reversed based on perspective, but it is so common to relate yourself to those who you share common ground with, like that of social class. Therefore, ‘self’ and ‘other’ impact social class and in retrospect, human relationships. 

Nathanael: I really enjoyed discussing this topic with you all! It was interesting to hear about your hometown and the effects of classism. I hope that you the reader do as well, I think it is an important subject to understand in the world we live in. 

Cambria: I really enjoyed discussing this tool! Honestly, I learned a lot about classism and how it causes social injustice. 

Justin: I also enjoyed discussing this topic. I hope you all learned something about classism and how it relates to our class’s readings.



Works Cited

Eaton, William W., et al. “Socioeconomic Stratification and Mental Disorder (Chapter 12) – A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press, www.cambridge.org/core/books/handbook-for-the-study-of-mental-health/socioeconomic-stratification-and-mental-disorder/489F45A7827D9D30FE2CE8432BAF2B76.

“Logan, OH.” Data USA, datausa.io/profile/geo/logan-oh/#about.

Simons, Audrey M W, et al. “Perceived Classism and Its Relation with Socioeconomic Status, Health, Health Behaviours and Perceived Inferiority: the Dutch Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS) Panel.” International Journal of Public Health, Springer International Publishing, May 2017, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5397436/.

Woods, Hiatt. “How Billionaires Saw Their Net Worth Increase by Half a Trillion Dollars during the Pandemic.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 30 Oct. 2020, www.businessinsider.com/billionaires-net-worth-increases-coronavirus-pandemic-2020-7.


Diary of Systematic Injustices Showcase: Language Barriers Within the Healthcare System by Cambria Antonacci

During the fall semmester I began working at a hospital in downtown Columbus. As a nurses aid, I am caring directly for patients along with all other members of their healthcare team. After only working for a short period of time I noticed the lack of recourses available to those whose first language is not English.  This creates a communication barrier between not only the physician and the patient, but the entire health team and the patient. Hospitals are required to have contract interpreters that are usually called on the spot if a conversation is needed to be translated (Eldred 2018). For others, like those who use sign language, an interpreter is called upon and they are required to come to the hospital. The time it takes for them to arrive could be critical to the patients health if not taken seriously. Hospitals also lack translation when it comes to the television, information pamphlets, and menu’s. With that being said, if a patient can speak English but not read it, another barrier is created. These barriers need to be taken seriously since our nation does not only speak English.

As diversity in Columbus has steadily increased, our efforts to promote inclusion within the health care system has not. There is a large portion of our population that does not speak English “very well” . The graph from The Demographic Statistical Atlas below depicts the comparison between the percent of United States and the state of Ohio’s population who do not speak English in their homes.

With immigration increasing, the percentage of non-English speaking Americans is also bound to increase. With a lack of translators/recourses within a hospital the quality of care will decreases as well. It was documented that 97% of physicians see at least one patient who does not understand English (Eldred 2018). Mara Youdelman who is an attorney at the National Health Law Program says “The reality is, if you can’t communicate with a patient, you can’t provide care,” and I couldn’t agree with this statement more. It is important to me as current health care provider and aspiring physician to be able to care for all my patients equally. With that being said, it is important to acknowledge the injustice within our healthcare system immediately so going forward as Americans we can provide uniform healthcare for all civilians.

Works Cited

Eldred, Sheila Mulrooney. “With Scarce Access To Interpreters, Immigrants Struggle To Understand Doctors’ Orders.” NPR, NPR, 15 Aug. 2018, www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/08/15/638913165/with-scarce-access-to-medical-interpreters-immigrant-patients-struggle-to-unders.

“Languages in Ohio (State).” The Demographic Statistical Atlas of the United States – Statistical Atlas, statisticalatlas.com/state/Ohio/Languages.

Peled, Yael. “Language Barriers and Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare Settings.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 9 May 2018, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bioe.12435?casa_token=c3oPjyoMw14AAAAA:Ka1mKPWGl_pI7Gouqq3o_ONGvkELR9blkUvCRh-qq0XskdNq9XeqsMcawvBrBrVS0TMEBx0DDFg9RA.

Immigration in the U.S. from 2000 to Present- “The Leavers” by Lisa Ko (Context Research Presentation- Cambria Antonacci)

Author of The Leavers, Lisa Ko, grew up in a suburb right outside of New York City. She was raised by her parents who immigrated to America from the Philippines. The novel The Leavers outlined the struggle of a young, Asian-American boy whose mother suddenly disappears. Later it is made know that she was captured by immigration authorities. There are many different factors that involve immigration and deportation that are outlined in this story but are not directed stated.

This novel aligns with deportation rules that were in America before 2014. When parents were separated from their children, they often end up in the foster care system or they were cared for by other family members. It is known that 1 in 5 children who are being raised by extended family members live in an immigration household (Wiltz 1). In 2014, Obama issued the DAPA and DACA Programs which delays deportation of immigrants whose children were born in the U.S in hopes to put off separation of families (1).

Since 2000, Asian immigration has increased steadily as Hispanic immigration has decreased. As of 2008, Asian-Americans represented the largest percent of immigrants in the U.S (Malik 1). The most used migration pathway for an Asian-American is through family-sponsored visas (Malik 1). Due to the demand for visas, Asian immigrants have to wait a the longest time for visa compared to other immigrant groups due to backlog. Other Avenues include work permits or student visas. Family-sponsored visas (like that sponsored by a sibling) take a much shorter time compared to a regular visa. For example, it can take 25 years for a green card, but only 14 for a family-sponsored visa. It is estimated that 4.2 million individuals are waiting for a family visa due to backlog (Malik 1).

Despite the considerably amount of time it may take an Asian immigrant to get to American, their impact on the U.S economy has been very positive. Its estimated that Asian-American’s own 1.5 million American businesses and hold the fasted growing buying power share (Malik 1). Even though they represent the largest percent of immigrants in the U.S and their impact on America has been very positive, Asian-American immigrants face many different challenges. They do not receive the due amount of respect from political parties due to language barriers and also are at risk for the model minority stereotype. This stereotype assumes that Asian-American immigrants have already achieved the “American Dream” therefore those that face normal challenges like unemployment or poverty get ignored by an unaccepting America. It is important that America recognizes the needs of all immigrant groups, and acknowledges the cracks that are present in the foundation of our immigration policies.

Works Cited

  • “Deferred Action for Parents (DAPA).” National Immigration Law Center, 17 June 2016, www.nilc.org/issues/immigration-reform-and-executive-actions/dapasummary/.

Malik, Sanam. “Asian Immigrants in the United States Today.” Center for American Progress, 5 Feb. 2016, www.americanprogress.org/issues/immigration/news/2015/05/21/113690/asian-immigrants-in-the-unites-states-today/.

Wiltz, Teresa. “If Parents Get Deported, Who Gets Their Children?” If Parents Get Deported Who Gets Their Children | The Pew Charitable Trusts, www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2018/10/25/if-parents-get-deported-who-gets-their-children.