Yo, is this educational?

Yo, is this educational?

      Hola my fellow readers! My name is Jose Burgos and I would like to welcome you to my podcast where we would be discussing about the education system and the effects that it would have in the long run. Topics that I would be talking about within this podcast would be the social construct of “normal”, how the education system has changed throughout time, how different race/ethnicity/culture would be treated differently, it is just a very wide range of topic that would have always acquired my interest to talk and think about. Before we go more into the whole podcast I know that everyone has a different or similar mentality with the education system, this is just my point of view of it and what I have seen over the years. Leave a comment after all this because I would love to read and know the experience of what you have gone through or seen with the education system that would make the wider in conversation.

Something to think about would be is, how effective is our education system? When you think about it when we are young we do not really see the negative or harmful things in a sense because we are young and we could forget stuff down the road. Over the years we slowly start to see change within whichever school system you have gone through and adapted to the changes to think that they are normal. What I mean by “normal” within the school system would be that the younger students would adapt to what they see from the older classmates, adults, or public figures and slowly pick up their characteristics of what is being presented and create a social construct of “normal”, while seen by others it could be wrong or weird what happens within another education system’s school/facility.

At the start of my education, I started in Buhrer, which is a dual-language school so it was a mix of English and Spanish speakers and a very diverse range of students and faculty alike. I never picked up clues but thinking about it now some students were treated unfairly and not right, an example of this would be within my second-grade class there was me and two other of my friends and we would always be targeted for something that we did not do like interrupt the classroom or cause trouble. Within that situation, we were categorized as the trouble makers and I would get yelled at by the teacher; I realized thinking back it was mostly white students within the classroom including the teacher while I and my friends are Latino. Through this it made me think about the diversity of the education system and how unbalanced it is actually. Throughout my high school years, I saw individuals picked on to the point of dangering themselves and others because of their placement within education and with everyone around them. This is something that we need to take into consideration within the education that even though we are all strangers we have to look out for each other and spot the differences to make that change.

The way that I see it would be that the school system carries a lot of power and it is something that would be difficult to change and can impact the social construct of the mind of young students trying to find their footing in society and making a change within their generation. It all started from the K – 12 system where it really hits the mind of individuals even in high school that is where students look for the most guidance because they would reach their adulthood and slowly go towards independence; living the lives that they tried to acquire in the long run. When it comes to the difference in race/ethnicity/ culture it does play a huge impact because I have seen over time that families and individuals who are in less amount of race within the education system have a lack of resources, financial aid, accessibility to acquire the education that they need, and can harm their education within society for the long run that it could also harm their families in the future.

There is also something important to think about and that would be the little things that would slowly influence the way that we think and process information. The way I see it some would take it as random information that would not mean much but what is in the class but actually, it does play a huge impact. That would be the terms of structure over the years with children, what I mean by this would be how each grade, each subject is structure differently and for students it is also structured different, this could connect to the teacher liking or hating a student but in secret and treat them that way. Another one would be who they hire because the background of the teacher or any faculty can play a role in the eyes of the children and can affect the way they behave around others and treat them negatively depending on race/ethnicity/culture. Finally, another one would be textbooks what they read and learn because information can always be altered and they would not even know it because they would think that it is the right information

When I was thinking about this I thought about a story in a class that was discussed but even though it was different by the style is kind of off-topic from education it ties in because it is knowledge of understanding and trying to make an impact within society from the education that was emplaced. The story that I am talking about would be, The Story of My Body by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the way that it ties in would be within the racial impact since within the education within her time was mostly white because I have done some research and she was born near the end of segregation with the battle of Brown v. the board of education so the impact of white race being superior to others still lingered around throughout her start within America; through this, also tie in with race and the change in direction with education.

At the start of education between all race, it was separated and it created a horrible experience for the race that was inferior to white because they during that time were the better race. The impact that it created was the lack of education, jobs, financial aid, being able to survive, and health care; education plays a tremendous key within every single person in this world because we are devoted to learning something new and something that is interesting that would develop incredible skills within that individual and pass it on. An example of this would be that I am catholic and my church has a school system before mass that would teach young children about our church and about God; I participated in being a teacher and it was an incredible experience because they were devoted to learning and wanting to learn so much before they grow up. Any form of education is very important because it is what would lead society into the future and continue an incredible progression of new finding and creating new and advanced technology all from the basic elements of education to high advanced materials.

Overall, the way that I see the education system from where it was to now is a ginormous change in a more positive route. There were times where the education was in a horrible position but it is all about the people that create the education system, that gives out what they have learned or what they have access to and passes it on to the new generation of children to continue and evolving to an unknown outcome of knowledge and discovery at the end of all this. Within the past they were limited by technology and education and a huge block was racism, unequal opportunity, shutting people who were not the right race out; but we are in a generation where those barriers are almost out but are still harmful within the younger children. The way that I can fully interpret in education is such a sensitive subject that it can make a lot of people tense and cause their actions to be non-logical and unjustly because it feels like they deserve it more and there is so much that plays into and the inequality plays a huge impact into it from what we talked about already. Education should be an equal opportunity relationship with everyone why wants to make a change within the world and should not be afraid of who they are to pursue what they want to achieve in their future career. In the end, something needs to change and quick for the education system to be equal and justly. Before I sign off from the podcast I was want to thank you for your time to listen and understand my ideas and my question to leave off would be what do you thinking about our education system over the year? Thank you.

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