“Yo, is this Racism or Sexism?”——Chenlong Li & Zhuoer Xu



Zhuoer: Hello Everyone, thank you for taking time to read our podcast. My name is Zhuoer Xu. 


Chenlong: Hi I’m Chenlong Li.


Zhuoer: Today we are going to talk about how racism and sexism intertwine to afflict Asian-American,especially Asian-American women.So Chenlong, did u know the shooting in Atlanta a few weeks ago?


Chenlong:Wow, of course. I’m completely shocked after hearing what happened.On March 16th, At least eight people were killed after shootings at three spas in the Atlanta  

area. Seven women and one man were killed, and six of them were Asian.  

Police said video evidence leads them to believe the suspect, Robert Aaron Long, was the prime  

perpetrator in all three shootings. The suspect told police he was a “sex addict” and carried out the shooting at the massage parlor  to “eliminate temptation”. Many said the massage parlors mostly offered illicit services, and that these Asian  women were suspected of being illegal sex workers. However, the police have no evidence of  illegal sex at the spas of the crime. None of the businesses involved had any previous  convictions and were “legally operating”.


Zhuoer: What do you think of it?


Chenlong: For me , I think this is typically racism against Asian Americans. The definition of the racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. In this case, the victims are almost Asians who definitely belong to minority groups. And during the covid-19 pandemic, some people will blame Asians for the virus. That is a bias because no scientist  has confirmed that the virus originated in Wuhan,China. Besides, Asian Americans have nothing to do with the spread of the virus. This way, the shooting is more likely a hate crime against Asian Americans which is definitely racism.


Zhuoer: I believe a big part of the reason there is so much animosity towards Asian is that former President Trump has been making hateful comments about China on Twitter. So there are a lot of innocent Asian-Americans who have been insulted and even hurt just because of their race. New data has revealed over the past year, the number of anti-Asian hate incidents — which can include shunning, slurs and physical attacks — is greater than previously reported. Federal hate crime data for 2020 has not yet been released, though hate crimes in 2019 were at their highest level in over a decade. 



Chenlong: You are totally right. So did you face any racism during the outbreak?


Zhuoer: Yeah, I have met racism. It was a bad memory. I was shopping with friends in a supermarket. There were two young guys shooting videos at us, and suddenly they ran over and touched our shopping cart. And then they ran away shouting ‘ I got covid!’ It all happened so fast I didn’t even have time to say anything. I was really angry, and many of my female friends also had similar experiences.


Chenlong: Well, that’s really ridiculous. Do you mean that Asian women compared to men are more likely to face hate crimes?


Zhuoer: that’s what I want to say! A recent analysis by a group called Stop AAPI Hate, which collects reports of hate incidents against Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities, said that out of nearly 3,800 incidents recorded in 2020 and 2021, more than two-thirds of the reports came from women.According to the data, Asian women report hate incidents 2.3 times more than men. A further examination of the submitted reports showed that in many cases, the verbal harassment that women received reflected the very intersection of racism and sexism. The same is true of this case.


Chenlong: Wow, that is something I never think about. But why do you think this shooting case also belongs to sexism?


Zhuoer: It’s because that in this case of shooting, I found out that the discrimination is related to the stereotypes of  Asian women. Many people are under the impression that any massage parlor or spa with Asian  women working in, is a place where has illegal sex service. The suspect, who claims to be a  sex addict, also chose these Atlanta’ spas to shoot, suggesting he had the same impression.  Many Asian immigrant women do not have special skills, so they have to do relatively simple  manual labor to earn money for their families. So we see a lot of Asian women working in a  variety of Chinese restaurants or household service. There is no denying that  some of them may be engaged in some illegal trade. Whereas, people should not discriminate  against and prejudice the majority of Asian women who work hard for supporting their  families. They deserve respect as much as anyone else. 


Chenlong: Yeah, you are right. Stereotypes do play an important role in these crimes. The most common stereotypes of Asian women is that they are all submissive.movie portray  And this submissive could actually embolden aggressors. Because aggressors will think Asian women are vulnerable. that can’t fight back. 


Zhuoer: So when I heard reports that this man said these shootings to “eliminate his temptations, I feel so angry.  I thought that he completely dehumanized these women, right? He labelled them as temptations that should be eliminated and killed. I mean, they are human, right? He is the one with the problem. But he treats these women as the problem? I mean, his idea is so ridiculous. And as an Asian woman, I feel it’s totally dehumanizing. 


Chenlong: Now I understand why this shooting case should also be sexism. Because he holds the stereotype of Asian women that they are all submissive and can’t fight back. He treated them as  objects instead of live people. And now we can conclude that those Asian women suffered from both racism and sexism. In another word, these Asian women experienced multiple marginalization, suffering from their intersection of being both Asian and women. And these multiple marginalization also make them become the subaltern. Because unlike those Asian Americans who faced discrimination can make their voice be heard through the protest, these Asian women who died in the spas can never make their voice be heard. This way, they become the other to the other. a subaltern.


Zhuoer: Like you said, actually, these situations that we’re talking about can also be related to what we’ve learned in class. Stereotypes of Asian women are also a kind of ‘single story’. Their labels are completely defined by the Western world. It’s a very narrow view. But their true label should be defined by themselves. People shouldn’t hold one opinion about them. Just like we learned in class, one should not judge a family, a clan, and a country based on a single story. As Adichie said, many stories matter. 


Chenlong: For nowadays society, racism and sexism are both serious problems. For some groups, they may experience both types of discrimination, but they may not realize it. Hate crimes against Asian women are almost certainly under counted, and one reason is that those with a sexual dimension tend to be classified as sex offenses, in effect erasing the racial aspect. And only when we realize the true problems they are facing, can we have a better chance to solve them.


Zhuoer: So that’s all for today. Thank you for listening. I hope that our podcast has given you some insight into something that you might not have thought about before. See u guys, have a good day. 

Chenlong: Bye guys


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