Diary of Systematic Injustice- Class Inequality

The concept systematic injustice is related with structural inequality that has been learned in our course. The case that I choose is related to structural inequality, which means that one group of people might be situated in a status unequal to the other groups of people.
One year ago, two women drove a luxury car to go into the imperial palace in China and took the pictures, which aroused the heated discussion of lots of people. Usually, Chinese average people did not have the right to drive the car inside the imperial palace. Besides, the woman also showed her arrogance and contempt on the social media platforms, which leads to the social antagonism. Later, it was found that she was the wife of one official in China. It was also found that she had three big houses in the USA. The woman did not make any apology and instead she continued her extravagant life. The picture below was the one that the woman took pictures with her friends in imperial palace.

The link of the whole story for the case is as follows.

From the event, it could be seen that the gap between rich and the poor is enlarging and the rich people in China could have special protection. It seems that laws are not designed for the rich or for the upper class; instead, laws are just designed to control the average people. It reminds me of the story that two years ago, a family member of an official killed three women without gaining any punishment. It seems that those who have power and wealth could trample on the law. It is quite unfair for average people. Even though the constitution in China claimed that all people are equal, in fact, it is not. The social classes have formed and the gap between the rich and poor would never be narrowed. The social injustice is caused by the unlimited control of power. In fact, some officials are not elected in China and they have unlimited power and no supervision, which leads to the abuse of power.
The structural inequalities usually refer to a system of privilege. In China, those who have power will have privilege in everything while average people need to obey all the rules and regulations. The one who has the privilege in China is usually the government, or more specifically, those officials working in the government. Besides, unlike western countries, the power of the government is limited and monitored by the mass, no one in China could monitor the government. Hence, those officials including their family members always on the opposite side of people when making decisions. When power is not monitored and controlled, those officials will release different kinds of policies to control average people and strengthened their privilege, which makes it impossible for average people to break through structural inequalities in China.

One thought on “Diary of Systematic Injustice- Class Inequality

  1. This is a very interesting post and I think we can see similar situations, like the ones you mentioned, around the world. For example, typically the richer you are in America, the less punishment you will have or the less time you will have to spend in jail. Your post brings up a very interesting topic to think about.

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