Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase- Women in Some Areas Should be Part of the Social Security System- Qihang Huang

COVID-19 is a popular topic in during the last whole year, and it really influenced the people aorund the world so much. Some people says that the virus is not only a virus, it is also a mirror which reflected the real feature of people and the expose the evil of the society. Moreover, many injustices in the society are also exposed during the time. In India, sexual discrimination is always a serious problem, it has existed for a long time, because of the regime of the country, and during the pandemic, this unfairness has been amplified. Here I would like to talk about a piece of news which is about such unfairness in India.

Months ago, I read about a piece of news from the internet, which tells that an Indian woman was imprisoned in a small room of about two square meters, just because she is suspected of having the COVID-19. For about fifty days, this poor woman could not stay with her children, or see her husband, and the most ridiculous thing is that the woman’s family asked the government for an explanation, but the government could only tell that the hosipital made a mistake. Meanwhile, many men who were detected as having coronavirus could receive regular treatment, and would not be imprisoned in any guradhouse.


I was shocked when I heard about the news. I know that women in India has very poor social status, but I cannot believe that the government can be so unfair when facing lives. No matter how low is Indian women’s social status, during the pandemic, everyone should be treated the same, since people should gather to resist the virus. Also, I have heard that India has the highest rate of rape in the world a long time ago, but the government had never tried to change such situation.

From many news and hearsay I have heard, I see that women are oppressed in every aspect in India. It is not a trend phenomenon, but a bad influence left over from the long Indian history; therefore, it is very hard to change the males’ attitude towards the females in India, these years, crimes took place on women had not decreased but increased; in another word, the government did nothing on improving the situation. If the government can call on the people to protect the rights of women and contribute to gender equality, the Indian society will become more harmonious, fewer and fewer women will suffer from the sexual discrimination, and the systemetic injustice will be eliminated day by day.


Work cited

Source of the news: http://xw.qq.com/?f=c_news





2 thoughts on “Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase- Women in Some Areas Should be Part of the Social Security System- Qihang Huang

  1. Thanks for the great showcase! I have heard before that sexism in India is real bad, but I had no idea to what extent. Its terrible how the government there has done nothing to improve the situation, because it is so hard to change people’s minds when there is not legislation change. I hope that some day soon there is a promotion of actual gender equality in India, and society can progress.

  2. Great post Qihang. Sexism in India is an issue that I was not particularly well versed in but you did a good job illustrated the relevance of the issue and how it affects the Women that live there. The lack of change to this day is staggering and should be an issue that they should address with more urgency.

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