Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase- Women in Politics by Zhuoer Xu



No matter what country or culture, women are always in a weak position. In the modern society, this weak position translates into the workplace. In fact, statistics show that there are very few women in politics. Only 5% of top management positions are women. In 2013, the proportion of female in office holders in United States is less than 20%. It makes me wonder why this is happening. After looking up relevant information, I found that a large part of the reason is the social stereotype. 63% female never thought about run for office, and 27% of them has crossed in mind. Only 10% of them thought it many times. 

 From this overwhelming data, it is true that, on the whole, women pay less attention and are less interested in politics and history than men. This is inseparable from childhood education. Many families and schools will guide women to read some “things that girls should see” and let women do some “things that women should do”, which naturally does not include history and politics. Most of the model women promoted by our society to women are stars and journalists, but few scholars and politicians. Many cultural works imperceptibly endow the housewife with a sacred status as a good wife and mother, which has a subtle influence on women’s thinking. 

 It is tacitly assumed that politics is a man’s business, not a woman’s. So when a girl is interested in politics and wants to do something related in the future, her parents won’t support her, and her friends won’t support her either. Because of the prejudice of society, her own heart also has doubts about herself, so she has no confidence. These factors influence the determination of many girls to engage in politics. 

Most Powerful Women in Politics 2019: Pelosi, Warren, AOC and More | Fortune(Most Powerful Women in Politics 2019)

I think it’s a systematic injustice. We should encourage more girls to run for office.First of all, girls’ parents should educate them about politics’ knowledge from a young age. So when they grow up, they can choose whether or not they want to work, rather than just encouraging their sons to run for office. Secondly, High school and college years are a very important part of cultivating a person. So girls to join more sports clubs and students’ union to exercise their ability. Most college community leaders are men, but girls also need to get involved and know that they deserve to be candidates.


Word Cites




https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffortune.com%2Flongform%2Fmost-powerful-women-politics 2019%2F&psig=AOvVaw0rCUhptR3DdTdj8PbIE_Oq&ust=1616944884227000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIihhp_j0O8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAU

One thought on “Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase- Women in Politics by Zhuoer Xu

  1. Well done, I really like your sharing! The irony is that I just watched another movie about ancient China. One of the fathers thought that her daughter only needs to read some books on how to be a good wife. On the contrary, he believes that his son needs to read more books of various types, because he believes that only men can obtain a higher social status. There is no doubt that this story also shows in addition to the systemic injustice of society towards women. Your sharing tells us that women are an oppressed part of our society. Although women and men have made the same efforts, this society has chosen to give men more opportunities. There is no doubt that this is very incorrect. We should evaluate it objectively and give women more rights and freedom to participate in politics.

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