The Leavers, a story written by Lisa Ko, follows the life of Deming Guo through several flash forwards and flashbacks. The character that I’d like to focus on primarily; however, is his mother, Polly. Polly grew up on the bottom rungs of society in China, living in the rural town of Minjiang. Around the time when she moves from her small rural town to a much bigger city in hopes of a new life, she births her first child.
For the first part of Polly’s background she lives a relatively normal and insignificant life, but after becoming pregnant for a second time (this time with Deming) she encounters her first major problem. For many years in China, a widespread law was enacted to limit each family to only one child. This presented a major issue to Polly, who found out that she had been pregnant for too long to get an abortion.
This is a problem that has been encountered by millions of women within China who are left with no choices for how to handle their baby. The One-Child policy was introduced in 1979 within China in order to severely limit the growth of population within their borders. While there were a few exceptions to this policy, the fact of the matter is that many women and families were left with no choices except to either accept the enormous fines distributed by the government or move to another country like how Polly did.
Polly is a case study of just one example of a systemic problem that affected tens of millions of families across China for decades. Thankfully, this ban was lifted in 2015 in order “to improve the balanced development of population,” in reference to the gross imbalance in ratio of males to females within China’s borders. Along with the massive imbalance in gender within China during this period, there are also many obvious injustices shown by a severe lack of choice within a family along with extreme limitations on women’s reproductive rights that should not be tolerated. While this ban has now been lifted, we must work to make sure that such an injustice is not allowed to be enacted on such a large scale ever again.
Works Cited
Akbar, Arifa. “The Leavers by Lisa Ko Review – Quietly Sensational Story of Migrants’ Plight.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 22 Apr. 2018,
“The One-Child Policy Legacy on Women and Relationships in China.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,