British Colonialism in Nigeria – Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (Context Presentation, Sophie Ireton)

In his book, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe tells the story of a Nigerian man in the 1890’s, during the time of British imperialism in Nigeria. Imperialism in Africa was the source of much conflict and was responsible for significant damage to the cultures and economies there that are still seen today. Colonialism of Nigeria, specifically, began as a means to secure raw materials and goods needed by the British for industrialization (Ikponmwosa 20). British forces did not intend to stay in Nigeria and so did not establish any industry or means of production that would survive beyond their occupation. Instead, they took any materials they could acquire and immediately shipped them out of the country. This left heavy tolls on the economy of Nigeria, which had a wealth in handcrafting skills. These skills generated enormous potential for Nigeria’s own industrialization and growth, however when the British began stealing their resources, they lost the ability to produce their products and were left significantly disadvantaged (Ikponmwosa 21).
In addition to draining material resources, British imperialization also brought significant conflict, both with Nigerian communities and between them. An example of this can be seen in the story of the Aguleri and Umuleri communities. These two communities reside in the Anambra state of Nigeria, and had not been known to have any conflicts previous to colonial rule. However, when British soldiers imperialized a nearby city of Otu-Ocha, that city became an economic hub. It was a trade center for all nearby communities, including Aguleri and Umuleri. As the importance of Otu-Ocha grew, so too did the nearby land. With this came fierce competition, and so the two communities entered into conflict. After the British arrived in Otu-Ocha, Aguleri and Umuleri engaged in a number of strikes against one another, causing significant tension and open war. In 1993, one hundred years after the British arrived in Nigeria and over thirty years after they gained their independence in 1960, Aguleri and Umuleri had their first full-blown war on record (Ibenwa and Uroko, 3). This is just one example of many Nigerian and African conflicts that began through British influence and still remain today.
Although they have since gained their independence, the people of Nigeria are still living with devastating consequences initiated by colonial rule. Imperialism is a form of governance in which the colonized nations are given no choice or defense against the decisions made by the colonizing nation, and so suffer a range of injustices and violence. This type of governing without consent was woven into the fabric of some Nigerian communities. After independence was gained, new governments began popping up which operated under similar regimes (Yusuf 257). The people of Nigeria currently still live under a number of certain conflicts and difficulties, both in their economies and their government. The source of many of these conflicts can be traced directly back to the consequences and influence of British colonialism.


Works Cited

Ibenwa, Christopher N., and Favour Chukwuemeka Uroko. “Discourse Analysis of Religion and Inter-Communal Conflicts and Its Causes in Nigeria.” Hervormde Teologiese Studies, vol. 76, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1–7. EBSCOhost, doi:10.4102/hts.v76i4.5617.

Ikponmwosa, Frank. “Colonialism and Industrial Development in Benin Province, Nigeria.” Romanian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, Sept. 2020, pp. 20–29. EBSCOhost,

Yusuf, Hakeem O. “Colonialism and the Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Nigeria.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 12, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 257–276. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093/ijtj/ijy006.


42 thoughts on “British Colonialism in Nigeria – Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (Context Presentation, Sophie Ireton)

  1. Hi Sophie, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I found it very interesting and did not previously know about the conflicts between Aguleri and Umuleri that were created by colonial rule. This makes me want to learn more about other situations similar to this and understand how many of these groups and communities have attempted to recover after the colonial rulers physical presence ended.

  2. Hi Sophie! Thanks for this thoughtful presentation. I really appreciated how you included information about what’s happening in Nigeria in the present. I think it’s important for us to see the long-lasting effects of imperialism even beyond where the book takes us. I think also pointing out the real cause and effect is incredibly important in really understanding the impact of British imperialism in Nigeria.

  3. Thank you for this informative and thorough presentation! I found the fact that British colonialism was responsible for wars between communities such as the Aguleri and Umuleri to be a strong example of the lasting damages/effects of imperial rule, even after independence is gained. I appreciated that you stated how Britain (and other imperial nations) would not always fully colonize another country, instead using it only for resources. When I think of colonialism, I tend to only focus on examples of when long-term settlements were established, but you pointed out how some colonies were formed only for the short-term benefit of the imperialist nation. It’s important to consider the many different goals that imperialist nations had and the various long-term consequences that these goals have had on many countries throughout the world.

  4. Sophie, well done on this presentation. I think looking beyond the British depriving the Nigerians of their resources, and finding that colonialism was the root of lasting conflict between Nigerians themselves was a really good insight. You always have to wonder what the world would be like had the British decided to trade with the Nigerians for their handcrafted goods, rather than depleting them of all of their resources. Maybe it is possible that the skilled work of the Nigerians was going by the wayside in Britain as they began to industrialize. Maybe the British simply wanted a material, so they felt entitled to go and get it. Regardless, I think you created a good basis for understanding just how impactful, and devastating colonialism can be.

  5. Sophie, your context presentation was very knowledgeable and eye-opening. I feel it is imperative to understand that the effects of colonialism in Nigeria go beyond the timeline presented in “Things Fall Apart”, and your context presentation places great emphasis on this idea. I was unaware the economic discrepancies and conflicts throughout Nigeria stemmed directly from the colonialism of Britain. Your use of evidence showing these conflicts are still happening today holds power behind the fact that colonialism has drastic effects on cultures.

  6. Hi Sophie, this was a great post that holds a lot of similarities to British colonialism’s effect on India (which I posted about last week). It seems as though many countries that were put under this imperial rule struggled for long periods of time to fully recover from the harmful effects it had on their societies. There is often a sense of division left behind after colonial rule, which further complicates the path back to a functioning society. In the case of Nigeria that division went as far as to cause war, which is about as devastating as it can be.

  7. Hi Sophie! Thank you for all of this information! It is very important for us to be knowledgeable of the events occurring as this novel was written. This will allow us to understand the characters and their experiences beyond the text. I found it particularly interesting when you mentioned the conflicts within Nigeria, regarding the Aguleri and Umuleri communities. The British colonial rule caused this conflict and I could not have predicted that it would still be in effect today. Overall, British colonialism had (and is still having) a profound effect on differing cultures and communities. I will definitely refer back to this context presentation as I read “Things Fall Apart”.

  8. Hey Sophie, great post! This was super interesting to read about because we don’t learn about all these details and difficulties with colonialism in high school or as we are growing up. It’s hard to see these countries struggling so much with something America has never fully been through so it’s hard to understand completely what the Nigerian people are going through. The British colonialism lead to many conflicts in Nigeria that then affected many other places around that country. This just goes to show how one selfish thing or personal influence from another country can have such a big and negative impact on another.

  9. Hi Sophie! I found your context presentation for this week very interesting! I never realized that Nigeria was imperialized by Britain before this class. I also really enjoyed how you touched on how there was a war between the communities Aguleri and Umuleri. I think it is important to learn about these conflicts and to understand that these consequences from these conflicts are still present today. I think it’s really eye opening how Nigeria is currently still having conflicts and difficulties due to the colonialism of Britain.

  10. Thank you for this research, I think it very interesting and sad to see how much of an impact colonialism has had and for how long. It is also important to understand these impacts to prevent it from happening in the future, especially in countries with similar histories. Many people, including myself believe that British colonialism is an event of the past, but it’s impacts have a large impact on the present and will continue to affect the future.

  11. Thanks for the post Sophie! I think it was great to highlight that the effects of colonialism were not just something from 100s of years ago. By showing us the history of the region, it is now much easier for us to see the the lasting effects of British imperialism. This also is important for us to understand especially because it tends to be overshadowed by other historical events. Since we now have a background on what happened in Nigeria, it is now much easier to explain why there are elements of British cultures that can be seen even to this day.

  12. Thank you for allowing us to obtain more background information. From a historical perspective, I think imperialism is not desirable. Although it can bring wealth to the residents of the imperialist country, the persecution of the colonies is incalculable and has a long-term impact. Such problems continue nowadays, and it could be reckoned as a disaster for Nigeria’s development.

  13. Great post Sophie! I really learned a lot from your post. Talking about the current state of Nigeria was very eye opening. I didn’t realize how long lasting the impact of colonialism had on the cultures of Nigeria. Since the British stormed in and took all of their nation’s resources, it caused a major set back for them to grow. Mentioning the Aguleri and Umuleri communities specifically was a good touch to the presentation. This example of what these two communities went through really captured the insight of the struggle people had to go through.

  14. Hi Sophie!
    I really enjoyed reading your presentation. You summarized the story very well, and made it easier to understand. I think you highlighted the key point well, that although the British helped modernize Otu-Ocha, it later brought them war with their neighboring state. Morally, one may believe this is fine but when it comes to personal opinion, I believe peace is more important than modernizing. Nigeria is still dealing with the consequences of British Colonialization, and most likely will for a long time.

  15. Thanks for this great post! I think it is important to note the lasting effects of imperialism, since “Things Fall Apart” only includes the very beginning of British rule. I knew that imperialism had long terms effects on things like the economy, but this post provided a good explanation of how it actually creates an impact. It was interesting to learn that in addition to economical and government issues, it causes conflicts between communities.

  16. Hi Sophie! You were able to very effectively show the effects of how Nigeria and Africa as a whole were negatively affected by colonialism. While there may have been some benefits to colonization, the British did not care about the long term growth of Africa, and as a result, left with many more negatives than positives. I found it interesting how even now, over one hundred years after colonization, Africa is still heavily affected by colonialism.

  17. While reading this it allowed me to understand more within the concept of Imperialism and the aftermath effect that it can create even after once there is full independence. This reminded me of last weeks discussion of imperialism but we didn’t fully understand the aftermath until now and how this would affect an individuals independence. This is also tired to what you presented within your post, “Although they have since gained their independence, the people of Nigeria are still living with devastating consequences initiated by colonial rule.” (post). This can bring a full realization to the economic, independence, society, and environmental aspect of the lands and people’s lives with their culture and norms. As well as how there is still conflict even though the events have happened to fully “achieve” peace and it is difficult to fully realize what happens within the background.

  18. Hi Sophie, great job on your post. I really learned a lot from the background information. It helped me understand the book better. I have always been a person who tries to look at things on a brighter side, but I unfortunately struggle with imperialism because of how low and powerless it left some countries. I know there are some good aspects of how it helps countries to become “more” under control, but I think it takes away the ability to develop and become its own.

  19. Hi Sophie,

    Thank you for this presentation. I read it before started reading “Things Fall Apart,” and it has helped provide great context as I am reading. I am saddened at the way that the British took advantage of Nigeria’s resources and created conflict within the country. The consequences of British colonialism that are present today are also horrific. It is a bit mind-blowing to me that these negative consequences can be directly traced back to British colonialism, and scares me to think about other areas colonized by the British that were affected like this. After reading your presentation, I am eager to read more of “Things Fall Apart” to gain a deeper understanding of British colonialism in Nigeria.

  20. Hi Sophie, thank you for your insightful presentation! It helped me to think deeper about this week’s reading. It was interesting to read about how British colonialism in Nigeria caused conflict and damage not only between Nigerians and the British, but also between the different Nigerian communities. When you mentioned how conflict emerged from competition over land, it made me think about how ownership of land has impacted who gains power throughout history. I appreciated how you pointed out that the effects of imperialism on Nigeria’s government caused conflicts and difficulties that are still present today and can be directly traced back to British colonialism. I think this shows how injustice can be caused by governments and made me think about how people suffer different injustices due to different forms of government around the world.

  21. Hi Sophie – great and informative post. I was not aware of the violent impact resulting from British colonialism. It’s great to learn another aspect of Nigerian history, but sad to see how destructive and divisive British interactions were. I loved how Achebe depicted Igbo culture as complex and mainly peaceful. This post gives me a better understanding of his motivations. Your post reminded me of the importance of supporting efforts to promote this culture in the world, and I thank you for that.

  22. Hi Sophie, great job no this context presentation. Your post really helps a lot by providing some background information about British colonialism in Nigeria. I learn that colonialism brings many negative impacts on Nigeria, not only steals the resources but also triggers conflicts inside the country. It’s sad to know that the people in Nigeria are still suffering from conflicts and difficulties today, and I now fully aware of the influences of British colonialism which helps me better understand the book.

  23. Hi Sophie, nice work. Your post gives me more information about British colonialism in Nigeria and reminds me of what happened in my country before. China used to be colonized by other countries. Those colonial countries killed many Chinese people and they took a lot of treasure from China. After decades of rebellion, we finally won the war and became a free country. So I can understand those people who are living in Nigeria and suffering conflicts today. Hope one day the influences took by Colonialism will be eliminated by time.

  24. When I learned about imperialism in high school, they hardly ever touched on the negative effects that it had on the population. They simply said that it just basically ended in the 1950s and that was it. Reading things like this has really enlightened me on the effects that imperialism had on many countries, Nigeria being one of them.

  25. Sophie- Great post! I really benefitted from this research because I am not ver informed on the British imperialism and the massive negative impacts that it had on so many smaller countries that they colonized. In many historic situations, the downsides or repercussions of decisions are usually glossed over or left out all together. I appreciate the authenticity of your paper and the lack of any “sugar coating”.

  26. Hey Sophie! I really enjoyed your post! I am not well versed in the history of British imperialism but your context presentation really illustrated the affects of British colonists on a Nigeria, as well as other African countries. You were very explicit in your post and I appreciate that. I can’t imagine going about a way of life only to have “outlanders” come and threaten the only way of life I have every known and brand me as a savage. Many times in history lessons we only learn about the positives that came with colonization, but rarely hear the negative affects they have on established cultures and people. Thank you for your transparency!

  27. Hi Sophie! Good job on the presentation. I thought it was eye-opening on how a country such as Britain would march into a country with less power and colonize that country. What Britain did was wrong. They simply used the country for their own economic gain, and left Nigeria with almost nothing. I also saw this post before I started to read this week’s text, and it really helped me get a grasp on what is going on in the reading.

  28. Great post! It is very interesting to learn about the long- and short-term effects that imperialism has on countries. Clearly the short term effects include having less resources due to the British gathering all they felt could be beneficial, but I had never considered that imperialism could have actually caused a full blown war between two communities in Nigeria. It is very disappointing that imperialism takes advantage of countries that they are going too so heavily. Additionally, it is disappointing to see the devastating effects that imperialism has on a country in both the short and long term.

  29. Hey Sophie, your presentation was great. I have limited knowledge on imperialism and its effects due to different history courses I took but I never focused on the British in particular like you did. The way they invaded and stripped Nigeria of its resources with brute force shows the dark side of imperialism that is often glossed over.

  30. Hey Sophie, really great job on your post. I feel pretty well informed on the topic just from what you described for us, so I would say you did a very good job analyzing these events. The negative effects that Britains actions caused other countries is not something that I ever learned about. I feel like in school events like these are often sugar-coated, or skipped all together, to seem less evil.

  31. Hi Sophie,
    Great blog. I think you provided great background information. It makes me think of how we are taught a one sided narrative in school. This is shown by how colonialism is said to be a good thing. However, this narrative shows there are other stories to be told. One of forced conflict and stolen resources.

  32. Hi Sophie! Thank you for your great work! I like the point you mentioned that the conflicts and difficulties caused by the influence of imperialism on the Nigerian Government, which still exist today and can be traced directly back to British colonialism. And undoublely, the fact that such problems persist to this day is a disaster for Nigeria’s development. You can show very comprehensive how Nigeria and Africa as a whole has been negatively affected by colonialism.

  33. Sophie,
    I really appreciated the amount of detail that you put into providing the background for this novel. I was not aware of any of this, as the conflicts in Nigeria were never taught to me in any of my schooling. The context you provided between the communities of Aguleri and Umuleri was especially helpful to me and my understanding of the story. Great post!

  34. Hi, Sophie! Thanks for your post, it is amazing! Your post gave me a better understanding of imperialism. It is a very good idea to explain imperialism from the history of colonialism, because colonization is the main manifestation of imperialism. Many empires in Europe have indeed caused many bad influences on many African countries, and these influences still exist today.

  35. Hi Sophie!
    I really loved reading your post. I think it gave me a new perspective of imperialism. It really showed me just how the conflicts in Nigeria ended up becoming that of imperialism. I think it is crazy to see how much power Europe had over African countries and how they were able to colonize so much of Africa. I think it was very helpful that you provided the details related to the communities Aguleri and Umuleri that helped understand what happened in the story.

  36. This is a great presentation and summary of Achebe’s novel. It is devastating to see the lasting impacts of colonization in Nigeria, as well as unveiling a lot of the reason they are in their current economic predicament. Thank you for pointing out the remaining imprints of British colonialism in the current Nigerian governing body. The British robbing Nigeria of its natural resources not only had dire short term effects, but took out its method of growth and ability to defend itself to this day.

  37. Great post Sophie! This was really informative and in depth. This post gave me good insight into the consequences of imperialism of a country. The British were very selfish and wanted to find another way to expand their power. I also found it interesting how you mentioned the lasting effects that still occur today.

  38. Very interesting post Sophie! I liked how detailed your presentation was, digging deep to unfold all of the different things imperialism did to have a long lasting negative effect on Nigeria, and many other African countries. Initially, I only knew of the materials the British stole from the Nigerians, but not how they set up conflict between communities that had ever had conflict before then. Very interesting!

  39. I had not thought of the consequences of colonialism reaching into modern times, especially the power structure. Since colonialists invaded with a corrupt power system, the people of Nigeria and other colonized nations have adopted this system even after colonialists have left. It is sad to see how the affects of colonialism has impacted places negatively for a very long time.

  40. Amazing job Sophie! Really loved what you wrote about and found a lot of similarities between what I had planned to write about, since I briefly had the same topic that I was supposed to write about it was cool to be able to find certain points that you made I did not put into mine. The one topic I found the most interesting and awesome that you had brought up was the way you had described just how little Britain cared about Africa during this time. And overall you did a great job describing the effects of colonialism in Nigeria! Really awesome job!

  41. Hi Sophie. I enjoyed your presentation and I think it was very well done. I appreciate your in depth analyzation of how it affects our current day, not just the past. Your post clearly shows the long lasting affects of imperialism and I definitely read a few things you said that I never knew before. Very well done!

  42. I like your sharing very much. This story also made me understand that we should use more angles to analyze and deal with problems. At the beginning I believed that we all disliked Okonkwa, but when we learned about the influence of colonialism on the tribe, we all started to try to understand Okonkwa. And for me, he is a great warrior who protects the family and the tribe, even though he insists on some bad tribal traditions. Very well done!

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